34.09. Romanian
- 340008 UE [ ro ] Translation: Romanian into German II - Translation: Romanian into German II
- 340124 UE [ ro ] Consecutive interpreting: Romanian - Consecutive interpreting: Romanian
- 340140 UE [ ro ] Legal and economic terminology: Romanian - Legal and economic terminology: Romanian
- 340143 UE [ ro ] Technical terminology: Romanian 4 - Technical terminology: Romanian 4
- 340168 UE [ ro ] Introduction to translating: Romanian into German - Introduction to translating: Romanian into German
- 340169 UE [ ro ] Translation: Romanian into German III - Translation: Romanian into German III
- 340170 UE [ ro ] Text competence: Romanian 1+2 - Text competence: Romanian 1+2
- 340171 UE [ ro ] Legal terminology: Romanian - Legal terminology: Romanian
- 340208 UE [ ro ] Translation: German into Romanian II - Translation: German into Romanian II
- 340223 UE [ ro ] Introduction to translating: Romanian into German - Introduction to translating: Romanian into German
- 340224 UE [ ro ] Liaison and consecutive interpreting: Romanian and German I - Liaison and consecutive interpreting: Romanian and German I
- 340278 UE [ ro ] Simultaneous interpreting: German and Romanian - Simultaneous interpreting: German and Romanian
- 340279 UE [ ro ] The culture of Romania - The culture of Romania
- 340328 UE [ ro ] Introduction to translating: German into Romanian - Introduction to translating: German into Romanian
- 340339 UE [ ro ] Translation: German into Romanian II - Translation: German into Romanian II
- 340415 UE Rumanian: Contemporary idiom - Rumanian: Contemporary idiom
- 340416 UE Rumanian contemporary idiom: Exercises - Rumanian contemporary idiom: Exercises
- 340422 UE Consecutive interpreting: German into Rumanian - Consecutive interpreting: German into Rumanian
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34