Second Stage of the Degree Programme
- 170055 SE Seminar on Theories and Methods of Theatre Studies - .... Bertolt Brecht - applied Theatre Theory in Writing, Staging and Life
- 170251 SE Seminar on Theories and Methods of Theatre Studies - Seminar on Theories and Methods of Theatre Studies
- 170257 SE Expanded Television - Expanded Television-Formation and Transformation of TV
- 170178 SE Seminar on Theories and Methods of Media Studies - Seminar on Theories and Methods of Media Studies
- 170030 SE Seminar on Theories and Methods of Film Studies - Seminar on Theories and Methods of Film Studies: New Queer Cinema
- 170101 SE 1+1=3. Jean-Luc Godard after 1968 - 1+1=3. Jean-Luc Godard after 1968
- 170176 SE Seminar on Theories and Methods of Theatre Studies - Seminar on Theories and Methods of Theatre Studies
- 170031 SE Research Seminar on Media Studies - Research on tension and suspense: theories, methods and results
- 170192 SE Research Seminar on Media Studies - Research Seminar on Media Studies
- 170214 SE Research Seminar on Film Studies - Research Seminar on Film Studies: Samuel Beckett
- 170139 SE Research Seminar on Film and Media Studies - Research Seminar on Film and Media Studies
- 170189 SE Research Seminar on Theatre Studies - Research Seminar on Theatre Studies
- 170141 SE Research Seminar - Research Seminar
- 170070 SE The Beginnings of Professional Theatre in Austria - Zanni Pickelhering Hanswurst: The Beginnings of Professional Theatre in Austria
- 170080 SE Research Seminar - Research Seminar
- 170069 SE Research Seminar - Research Seminar: Theatre-Historiography and Archives
- 170254 SE Research Seminar: Aesthetic of drogues - Research Seminar: Psychodelic Environments and the aesthetic of drogues
- 170090 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 170128 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 170065 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 170010 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 170057 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 170087 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 170050 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 170063 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 170159 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 170195 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 170207 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Seminar for Diploma Candidates
II.3.Practical Courses
- 170015 UE Exkursion to Crossing Europe. - Exkursion to Crossing Europe. Filmfestival Linz. (24.-29. April 2007)
- 170146 UE Videoproduction - Mediaworks
- 170042 UE stagelighting - stagelighting
- 170019 UE stagephotography - stagephotography
- 170088 UE Theatre-Ethnology: basics and methods - Theatre-Ethnology: Basic models and practical implementations
- 170173 UE Musik in-szenieren - Musik in-szenieren
- 170221 UE exercises for praxisoriented "dramaturgie" - exercises for praxisoriented "dramaturgie"
- 170045 UE Strukturen und Strategien freier Kulturarbeit - Strukturen und Strategien freier Kulturarbeit
- 170026 UE Kindergruppe für Gestaltendes Spiel, Teil II - Modell: Kindergruppe für Gestaltendes Spiel, Teil II
- 170078 UE Contemporary theatre for a young audience - Contemporary concepts of Theatre for a Young Audience
- 170122 UE theatre pedagogics - theatre pedagogics
II.4.Subjects for Specialization
- 170190 KO Konversatorium zur Hauptvorlesung - Konversatorium zur Hauptvorlesung "Einführung in die Geschichte und Theorie der Medien"
- 170218 KO Konversatorium Geschichte(n) des Films - Konversatorium zur HVO: Geschichte(n) des Films. Theorien - Genres - Modelle
- 170073 VO Amerikanisches Theater 1750-2000 - Die Geschichte des amerikanischen Theaters, 1750-2000
- 170067 VO+KO Chinesisches Gegenwartstheater - Chinesisches Gegenwartstheater und seine politischen, traditionellen und kommerziellen Bedingungen
- 170005 VO Theaterbau - szenischer Raum - Theaterbau - szenischer Raum
- 170100 UE Theater und Literatur - Literatur und Dichter im Drama
- 170017 VO Star-Images - Star-Images: Grenzgänge zwischen Bühne und Film
- 170206 UE Soccer as "National Theatre" - Theatre on green grass: soccer as "National Theatre"
- 170113 UE Theatre Anthropology in theory and practice - Theatre Anthropology - theoretical aspects and theatrical examples
- 170088 UE Theatre-Ethnology: basics and methods - Theatre-Ethnology: Basic models and practical implementations
- 170209 UE New theaterforms - New theaterforms by international companies and directors
- 170260 VO+UE South-Asian Theatre Techniques 20th Century - Are South-Asian theatre techniques universally translatable? Reflections on the staging of the (high-) stylised Exotic in 20th century European theatre
- 170043 UE The social role of portraits - How beautiful, this picture! - Portraits as "go-between" for couples
- 170109 UE The Body in Time and Space - The Body in Time and Space - The Body as Sign in Theatre, Theories, Phenomena, Analysis Methods
- 170018 UE Contemporary Dance - Contemporary Dance and Performance
- 170221 UE exercises for praxisoriented "dramaturgie" - exercises for praxisoriented "dramaturgie"
- 170042 UE stagelighting - stagelighting
- 170019 UE stagephotography - stagephotography
- 170122 UE theatre pedagogics - theatre pedagogics
- 170245 VO Ringvorlesung: Film und Kino IV - Ringvorlesung: Film und Kino IV Film / Repräsentation
- 170068 UE Viennale - Viennale - wie geht das?
- 170127 UE another perspective - Another perspective: female austrian avantgarde- short- and video filmmakers
- 170037 UE Documentary film in Europe - Documentary film in Europe - Production, Organisation and Distribution of Documentary Films in Europe
- 170074 UE Passages to Bollywood - Passages to Bollywood
- 170012 UE Medienpraxis - Wissenschaftliches und künstlerisches Arbeiten mit AV-Medien
- 170146 UE Videoproduction - Mediaworks
- 170036 VO Entstehung und Frühgeschichte der Oper II - Entstehung und Frühgeschichte der Oper II
- 170191 VO Musiktheater im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert - Musiktheater im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert
- 170173 UE Musik in-szenieren - Musik in-szenieren
- 170126 UE Praktische Musiktheaterdramaturgie - Praktische Musiktheaterdramaturgie
- 170049 UE International Opera Management - International Opera Management
- 170150 UE Arts and Economics - Sponsered by
- 170045 UE Strukturen und Strategien freier Kulturarbeit - Strukturen und Strategien freier Kulturarbeit
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34