Universität Wien

Compulsory Modules (75 ECTS)

135022 UE (MIXED) Literary Research II
135042 PS Female epistolary culture in the 19th century. - Reading, understanding, contextualizing, editing historical ego-documents
135043 PS "... rose-seule, rien-que-rose" - "... die Nichts-, die Niemandsrose". - Intercultural Intersections in the Works of Rainer Maria Rilke and Paul Celan
135046 PS Cultural encounters and connections with a special focus on Spanish-German literary transfer - Mit Schwerpunkt auf dem spanisch-deutschen Literaturtransfer
123020 VO [en] Literature Survey 1
123030 VO [en] Literature Survey 2 - North American Literatures: Critical Perspectives
124070 VO [en] Culture, Society and the Media - Are we living in a Marvel Timeline? Investigating the Disney/Marvel Franchise as impactful pop cultural production machine
133277 UE [sv] Swedish 2
133271 UE [da] Danish 2
133275 UE [no] Norwegian 2

Last modified: Fr 12.01.2024 00:44