7.5. East and Middle Europe (G5)
Es sind insgesamt 8 Semesterwochenstunden, also 4 zweistündige Lehrveranstaltungen, aus dem Spezialisierungsmodul G5 zu besuchen. Hierin müssen mindestens ein Seminar (SE) und eine Vorlesung (VO) enthalten sein.
- 210184 VO G5: Eastern European Transformations - Eastern European Transformations: Common Tasks and Subregional Differentiation (G5)
- 210178 SE G5: Film and Politics in State Socialism - Film and Politics in State Socialism (G5)
- 210248 PS G5: The Political System of Bulgaria in Transition - The Political System of Bulgaria in Transition (G5)
- 210287 SE G1, G5, G10: Cult. Input of the Acceding Countries - EU - On the Cultural Input of the Acceding Countries (G1/G5/G10)
- 210252 PS G5: Democracy in the East of Europe - Democracy in the East of Europe: Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus between Russia and the EU (G5)
- 210363 PS D6, G5: OSCE - An Instrument f. Europ. Integration - The OSCE as an Instrument for European Integration (D6/G5)
- 210396 SE G1, G5, G10: Memory Studies in New Europe - Memory Studies in New Europe (G1/G5/G10)
- 210186 PS G1, G5: Minorities in Europe - Minorities in Europe: Theory and Comparison (G1/G5)
- 210188 PS G5: The Political System of the Czech Republic - The Political System of the Czech Republic. Reality and Visions (G5)
- 210187 SE G5, G6, G9: Education in Eastern Europe and Russia - Education as a Privilege? Education in Eastern Europe and Russia (G5/G6/G9)
- 290142 RV Cultures of Difference - Transformation Processes - Cultures of Difference - Transformation Processes in Central Europe
- 210240 SE G1, G5: Cyprus: Political System and EU Membership - Cyprus: Political System and EU Membership (G1/G5)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34