6. Polnisch
- 130018 UE Polish Language Practice B - Polish Language Practice B
- 130092 KO Spoken Polish - Spoken Polish
- 130107 UE Polish for Advanced Students (contin.) - Polish for Advanced Students (continuation; for students of other departments)
- 130108 UE Polish: Basic Course (contin.) - Polish: Basic Course (continuation; compulsory course 2. Slavic language, also for students of other departments)
- 130137 VO+UE Polish V - Polish Stylistics - Polish V - Polish Stylistics
- 130138 UE Polish Language Practice A - Polish Language Practice A
- 130139 UE Polish IV - Polish IV
- 130141 UE Polish II - Polish II
- 130173 PS Areal- und Kulturwissenschaftliches Proseminar - Areal- und Kulturwissenschaftliches Proseminar: Minderheiten in Polen
- 130203 VO Lingustic Geography of Galicia - Lingustic Geography of Galicia
- 130367 VO Ost- und Westslawisch kontrastiv - Ost- und Westslawisch kontrastiv
- 130373 UE Tutor. o. t. Lecture "Lingust. Geography Galicia" - Tutorial on the Lecture "Lingustic Geography of Galicia"
- 130375 VO Literary and Cultural Reciprocity - Literary and Cultural Reciprocity in Galicia
- 130376 KO Polish Literatur " Kresy" Cz. Milosz, Z. Haupt - KO on SE: Polish Literatur of the Kresy from Cz. Milosz to Z. Haupt
- 130377 PS Polish Historical Novels - Polish Historical Novels and Their Film Versions ( " Potop" and "Ziemia obiecana"
- 130378 UE Small Forms of Polish Dramatic Art - Small Forms of Polish Dramatic Art
- 130379 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates "Galicia" - Seminar for Doctoral Candidates "Galicia and Its Multicultural Heritage"
- 130380 UE Listening and Comprehension Practice - Listening and Comprehension Practice
- 130408 SE Literary Seminar for Students of Polish - Literary Seminar for Students of Polish: Literature of the "Kresy" from Cz. Milosz to Z. Haupt
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34