Universität Wien

UF PP 11 Electives (10 ECTS)

180030 SE Media philosophy by Günther Anders and Marshall McLuhan on the chat - Bedeutsame Ideen einer Philosophie der Medien im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert.
180034 KU Introduction to Confucianism - Einführung in die ostasiatische Ästhetik
180037 KU queer animals
180038 SE [en] Political Epistemology
180050 VO-L [en] Feminist Philosophy
180052 SE [en] Ethics of Blame
180061 SE [en] Leslie Feinberg - Intersectional Approaches towards Transgender Liberation, Class, Race and Colonialism
180064 KU Introduction to Phenomenology - The idea d. phenomenology
180183 SE Control
180225 SE [en] The Field of Between - At the Limits of Cognitive Science and Philosophy
200236 VO History of Psychology - From soul to mind to brain

Last modified: Th 18.01.2024 12:52