Universität Wien

Bachelor Philosophy (541 [3] - Version 2017)


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180013 PS The ontological difference - Martin Heidegger - Die Grundbegriffe der Metaphysik
180184 PS Leibniz' Scientia Generalis - Unity of science from the spirit of philosophy
180024 PS What is luck?
180235 PS (ON-SITE) The Categorical Imperativ
180030 SE Media philosophy by Günther Anders and Marshall McLuhan on the chat - Bedeutsame Ideen einer Philosophie der Medien im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert.
180183 SE Control
010083 VO Metaphysics
180206 VO-L Comparative Philosophy of the Buddhism - Einflüsse des Tientai- und Huayen-Buddhismus im Zen
144025 VU (ON-SITE) Islamic Philosophy (falsafa)
180034 KU Introduction to Confucianism - Einführung in die ostasiatische Ästhetik
180037 KU queer animals
180038 SE [en] Political Epistemology
180064 KU Introduction to Phenomenology - The idea d. phenomenology
010083 VO Metaphysics
180037 KU queer animals
180064 KU Introduction to Phenomenology - The idea d. phenomenology
010051 VO Advanced Course Theological Ethics I (Fundamental Moral Theology) - Moral psychological perspectives
020035 SE (ON-SITE) Philosophical Seminar - Rousseau und die Theokratie
180034 KU Introduction to Confucianism - Einführung in die ostasiatische Ästhetik
010051 VO Advanced Course Theological Ethics I (Fundamental Moral Theology) - Moral psychological perspectives
180050 VO-L [en] Feminist Philosophy
180052 SE [en] Ethics of Blame
180050 VO-L [en] Feminist Philosophy
010119 SE "Querdenker", Science Deniers, Enemies of Democracy- a political-ethical challenge. - Reading and socio-ethical discussion of the book "Gekränkte Freiheit - Aspekte des libertären Autoritarismus
020035 SE (ON-SITE) Philosophical Seminar - Rousseau und die Theokratie
180037 KU queer animals
180038 SE [en] Political Epistemology
180061 SE [en] Leslie Feinberg - Intersectional Approaches towards Transgender Liberation, Class, Race and Colonialism
180030 SE Media philosophy by Günther Anders and Marshall McLuhan on the chat - Bedeutsame Ideen einer Philosophie der Medien im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert.
180037 KU queer animals
180038 SE [en] Political Epistemology
180061 SE [en] Leslie Feinberg - Intersectional Approaches towards Transgender Liberation, Class, Race and Colonialism
180064 KU Introduction to Phenomenology - The idea d. phenomenology
180225 SE [en] The Field of Between - At the Limits of Cognitive Science and Philosophy
020035 SE (ON-SITE) Philosophical Seminar - Rousseau und die Theokratie
144025 VU (ON-SITE) Islamic Philosophy (falsafa)
180030 SE Media philosophy by Günther Anders and Marshall McLuhan on the chat - Bedeutsame Ideen einer Philosophie der Medien im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert.
180034 KU Introduction to Confucianism - Einführung in die ostasiatische Ästhetik
180037 KU queer animals
180038 SE [en] Political Epistemology
180050 VO-L [en] Feminist Philosophy
180052 SE [en] Ethics of Blame
180061 SE [en] Leslie Feinberg - Intersectional Approaches towards Transgender Liberation, Class, Race and Colonialism
180064 KU Introduction to Phenomenology - The idea d. phenomenology
180206 VO-L Comparative Philosophy of the Buddhism - Einflüsse des Tientai- und Huayen-Buddhismus im Zen
180225 SE [en] The Field of Between - At the Limits of Cognitive Science and Philosophy
020035 SE (ON-SITE) Philosophical Seminar - Rousseau und die Theokratie
180030 SE Media philosophy by Günther Anders and Marshall McLuhan on the chat - Bedeutsame Ideen einer Philosophie der Medien im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert.
180034 KU Introduction to Confucianism - Einführung in die ostasiatische Ästhetik
180037 KU queer animals
180038 SE [en] Political Epistemology
180052 SE [en] Ethics of Blame
180061 SE [en] Leslie Feinberg - Intersectional Approaches towards Transgender Liberation, Class, Race and Colonialism
180064 KU Introduction to Phenomenology - The idea d. phenomenology

Last modified: Fr 12.01.2024 00:44