Bachelor Philosophy (541 [3] - Version 2017)
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Study Entrance and Orientation Phase (18 ECTS)
M-01.a STEOP-Module: Introduction to Theoretical Philosophy (9 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE M-01.a Introduction to Theoretical Philosophy
- 180002 VO ( STEOP ) M-01.a STEOP: Introduction to Theoretical Philosophy
M-01.b STEOP-Module: Introduction to Practical Philosophy (9 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE M-01.b Introduction to Practical Philosophy
- 180003 VO ( OV STEOP ) M-01.b STEOP: Introduction to Practical Philosophy
Basic Modules (82 ECTS)
M-02 Basic Skills in Philosophy (12 ECTS)
M-02.1 Introduction to Academic Writing in Philosophy
- 180004 VU [ de en ] M-02 Introduction to Academic Writing in Philosophy
M-02.2 Supervised Reading Course
- 180018 LPS Anselm's Proslogion
- 180019 LPS Plato: Theaetetus
- 180020 LPS Hannah Arendt on freedom, action, politics
- 180130 LPS Political epistemology
- 180131 LPS Kant's "Foundations for the Metaphysics of Morals"
- 180132 LPS Selected Topics from Henry Sidgwicks`s Methods of Ethics
- 180181 LPS Hans Jonas: The principle of responsibility
- 180217 LPS [ en ] Selections from Audre Lorde
M-03 Thought and Language (20 ECTS)
M-03.1 Fundamentals of Logic
- 180005 VO M-03 Fundamentals of Logic
M-03.2 Exercise Course in Logic
- 180006 UE M-03 Exercise Course in Logic
M-03.3 Reasoning in Philosophy
- 180007 VU Argumentation Theory
M-03.4 Lecture Course with Readings on the Philosophy of Language
M-04 History of Philosophy until the End of the 19th Century (20 ECTS)
M-04.1 Lecture Course with Readings on Greek Terminology
- 180009 VO Greek Terminology
M-04.2 Lecture Course with Readings on the History of Philosophy I (Antiquity)
- 180010 VO-L History of Philosophy I (Antiquity)
- 180219 VO-L M-04 Lecture with reading on history of Philosophy I (Antiquity)
M-04.3 Lecture Course with Readings on History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity)
- 180011 VO-L History of Philosophy II
M-04.4 Lecture Course with Readings on the History of Philosophy III (Modern Philosophy)
M-05 Fundamentals of Theoretical Philosophy (15 ECTS)
M-05.1 Metaphysics and Ontology
- 180013 PS The ontological difference - Martin Heidegger - Die Grundbegriffe der Metaphysik
- 180014 PS Metaphysics and ontology
- 180184 PS Leibniz' Scientia Generalis - Unity of science from the spirit of philosophy
M-05.2 Lecture Course with Readings on Metaphysics and Ontology
- 180015 VO-L Introduction to Analytic Metaphysics
M-05.3 Epistemology
- 180016 VO Introduction to Epistemology
- 180218 VO Introduction to Epistemology
M-05.4 Theory of Science
- 180021 VO Introduction to Philosophy of Science
M-06 Fundamentals of Practical Philosophy (15 ECTS)
M-06.1 Ethics
- 180022 PS Evil and Morality in Hannah Arendt
- 180024 PS What is luck?
- 180182 PS Second nature - normativity and sociality of the human life form
- 180235 PS ( ON-SITE ) The Categorical Imperativ
M-06.2 Lecture Course with Reading on Ethics
- 180026 VO-L The blind spot of morality
M-06.3 Philosophy and Society
- 180027 VO Theories of violence
M-06.4 Elements of Applied Ethics
- 180028 VO [ en ] Introduction to animal ethics
Elective Modules (30 ECTS)
M-07 Philosophy of Media, Philosophy of Technology (10 ECTS)
M-07 non-continuous assessment
- 180167 VO-L [ en ] Introduction to Philosophy of Technology
M-07 continuous assessment
- 051993 VU ( KPH Krems ) Ethics in Information Technology
- 180030 SE Media philosophy by Günther Anders and Marshall McLuhan on the chat - Bedeutsame Ideen einer Philosophie der Medien im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert.
- 180141 SE ( PH-WIEN ) Modern communication in the ethical debate on technology and science
- 180183 SE Control
- 180211 SE Media Workshop: Fake News
- 180223 SE [ en ] Philosophical Puzzles and Paradoxes
M-08 Intercultural Philosophy, Non-European Philosophy (10 ECTS)
M-08 non-continuous assessment
- 010083 VO Metaphysics
- 090018 VO The Byzantine Reception of the Philosophy of Proclus
- 180206 VO-L Comparative Philosophy of the Buddhism - Einflüsse des Tientai- und Huayen-Buddhismus im Zen
M-08 continuous assessment
- 144025 VU ( ON-SITE ) Islamic Philosophy (falsafa)
- 180032 SE Basic concepts of indian Philosophies
- 180033 SE Introduction to Confucianism
- 180034 KU Introduction to Confucianism - Einführung in die ostasiatische Ästhetik
M-09 Epistemology, Logic, Philosophy of Language (10 ECTS)
M-09 non-continuous assessment
M-09 continuous assessment
- 180035 KU language and discrimination
- 180036 KU Englisch Advanced logic (modal logic)
- 180037 KU queer animals
- 180038 SE [ en ] Political Epistemology
- 180039 SE [ en ] Frege's Philosophy of Language
- 180044 SE [ en ] Against Hume: Mary Shepherd's Philosophy of Causation
- 180064 KU Introduction to Phenomenology - The idea d. phenomenology
- 180071 KU [ en ] Introductory Readings in the Philosophy of Mathematics
- 180186 SE [ en ] Philosophy of the Historical Sciences
M-10 Philosophy of Mind, Metaphysics, Ontology (10 ECTS)
M-10 non-continuous assessment
- 010017 VO Basic Course Philosophical Theology
- 010083 VO Metaphysics
- 090018 VO The Byzantine Reception of the Philosophy of Proclus
M-10 continuous assessment
- 180032 SE Basic concepts of indian Philosophies
- 180037 KU queer animals
- 180043 SE Basic texts d. Phenomenology: Merleau-Ponty PdW
- 180044 SE [ en ] Against Hume: Mary Shepherd's Philosophy of Causation
- 180049 KU Ontology and aesthetics of film
- 180060 SE political phenomenology
- 180064 KU Introduction to Phenomenology - The idea d. phenomenology
- 180209 SE Plato: Sophistes
- 180223 SE [ en ] Philosophical Puzzles and Paradoxes
- 180224 SE Aristoteles De Anima
M-11 Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Culture, Aesthetics (10 ECTS)
M-11 non-continuous assessment
- 010017 VO Basic Course Philosophical Theology
- 010051 VO Advanced Course Theological Ethics I (Fundamental Moral Theology) - Moral psychological perspectives
- 090018 VO The Byzantine Reception of the Philosophy of Proclus
- 180046 VO-L Questions of Aesthetics 2: What is the Sublime?
- 180047 VO-L Introduction to the philosophy of religion
- 180056 VO-L French contemporary philosophy
M-11 continuous assessment
- 020035 SE ( ON-SITE ) Philosophical Seminar - Rousseau und die Theokratie
- 180034 KU Introduction to Confucianism - Einführung in die ostasiatische Ästhetik
- 180048 KU Cavell/Thoreau: Around Walden
- 180049 KU Ontology and aesthetics of film
- 180137 SE Ghazali & the foundation of ethics
M-12 Ethics, Applied Ethics (10 ECTS)
M-12 non-continuous assessment
- 010051 VO Advanced Course Theological Ethics I (Fundamental Moral Theology) - Moral psychological perspectives
- 180050 VO-L [ en ] Feminist Philosophy
- 180176 VO-L Immanuel Kant: Selected small writings on practical philosophy
M-12 continuous assessment
- 030700 SE Ethics of Migration Law
- 180052 SE [ en ] Ethics of Blame
- 180058 SE Lecture with reading on Social Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Gender Theory
- 180059 SE Biopolitics, Life and Gender
- 180137 SE Ghazali & the foundation of ethics
- 180214 KU [ en ] The ethics of Immigration
- 270177 SE Ethics in Natural Sciences
M-13 Social Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Gender Theory (10 ECTS)
M-13 non-continuous assessment
- 180050 VO-L [ en ] Feminist Philosophy
- 180056 VO-L French contemporary philosophy
- 180142 VO-L Conflict resolution, peacekeeping and global cooperation
- 180176 VO-L Immanuel Kant: Selected small writings on practical philosophy
M-13 continuous assessment
- 010119 SE "Querdenker", Science Deniers, Enemies of Democracy- a political-ethical challenge. - Reading and socio-ethical discussion of the book "Gekränkte Freiheit - Aspekte des libertären Autoritarismus
- 020035 SE ( ON-SITE ) Philosophical Seminar - Rousseau und die Theokratie
- 030420 SE The ethical perspective on the law
- 030702 SE [ en ] Aristotle’s Politics: The Enduring Relevance of Ancient Constitutional Thought
- 180033 SE Introduction to Confucianism
- 180035 KU language and discrimination
- 180037 KU queer animals
- 180038 SE [ en ] Political Epistemology
- 180048 KU Cavell/Thoreau: Around Walden
- 180058 SE Lecture with reading on Social Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Gender Theory
- 180059 SE Biopolitics, Life and Gender
- 180060 SE political phenomenology
- 180061 SE [ en ] Leslie Feinberg - Intersectional Approaches towards Transgender Liberation, Class, Race and Colonialism
- 180226 SE Hegel: Legal philosophy
M-14 Contemporary Philosophy (10 ECTS)
M-14 non-continuous assessment
- 180056 VO-L French contemporary philosophy
- 180142 VO-L Conflict resolution, peacekeeping and global cooperation
- 290209 VO [ en ] Climate Change and Climate Crisis: Science, Activism and Policy in the Climate Emergency
M-14 continuous assessment
- 030420 SE The ethical perspective on the law
- 180030 SE Media philosophy by Günther Anders and Marshall McLuhan on the chat - Bedeutsame Ideen einer Philosophie der Medien im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert.
- 180035 KU language and discrimination
- 180037 KU queer animals
- 180038 SE [ en ] Political Epistemology
- 180039 SE [ en ] Frege's Philosophy of Language
- 180043 SE Basic texts d. Phenomenology: Merleau-Ponty PdW
- 180048 KU Cavell/Thoreau: Around Walden
- 180049 KU Ontology and aesthetics of film
- 180059 SE Biopolitics, Life and Gender
- 180061 SE [ en ] Leslie Feinberg - Intersectional Approaches towards Transgender Liberation, Class, Race and Colonialism
- 180064 KU Introduction to Phenomenology - The idea d. phenomenology
- 180071 KU [ en ] Introductory Readings in the Philosophy of Mathematics
- 180186 SE [ en ] Philosophy of the Historical Sciences
- 180225 SE [ en ] The Field of Between - At the Limits of Cognitive Science and Philosophy
M-15 Philosophy of Science (10 ECTS)
M-15 non-continuous assessment
M-15 continuous assessment
- 180071 KU [ en ] Introductory Readings in the Philosophy of Mathematics
- 180186 SE [ en ] Philosophy of the Historical Sciences
- 180223 SE [ en ] Philosophical Puzzles and Paradoxes
Compulsory Modules (35 ECTS)
M-16 Individual Specialisation (15 ECTS)
- 010017 VO Basic Course Philosophical Theology
- 020035 SE ( ON-SITE ) Philosophical Seminar - Rousseau und die Theokratie
- 144025 VU ( ON-SITE ) Islamic Philosophy (falsafa)
- 180030 SE Media philosophy by Günther Anders and Marshall McLuhan on the chat - Bedeutsame Ideen einer Philosophie der Medien im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert.
- 180032 SE Basic concepts of indian Philosophies
- 180033 SE Introduction to Confucianism
- 180034 KU Introduction to Confucianism - Einführung in die ostasiatische Ästhetik
- 180035 KU language and discrimination
- 180036 KU Englisch Advanced logic (modal logic)
- 180037 KU queer animals
- 180038 SE [ en ] Political Epistemology
- 180039 SE [ en ] Frege's Philosophy of Language
- 180043 SE Basic texts d. Phenomenology: Merleau-Ponty PdW
- 180044 SE [ en ] Against Hume: Mary Shepherd's Philosophy of Causation
- 180046 VO-L Questions of Aesthetics 2: What is the Sublime?
- 180047 VO-L Introduction to the philosophy of religion
- 180048 KU Cavell/Thoreau: Around Walden
- 180049 KU Ontology and aesthetics of film
- 180050 VO-L [ en ] Feminist Philosophy
- 180052 SE [ en ] Ethics of Blame
- 180056 VO-L French contemporary philosophy
- 180058 SE Lecture with reading on Social Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Gender Theory
- 180059 SE Biopolitics, Life and Gender
- 180060 SE political phenomenology
- 180061 SE [ en ] Leslie Feinberg - Intersectional Approaches towards Transgender Liberation, Class, Race and Colonialism
- 180064 KU Introduction to Phenomenology - The idea d. phenomenology
- 180071 KU [ en ] Introductory Readings in the Philosophy of Mathematics
- 180141 SE ( PH-WIEN ) Modern communication in the ethical debate on technology and science
- 180142 VO-L Conflict resolution, peacekeeping and global cooperation
- 180167 VO-L [ en ] Introduction to Philosophy of Technology
- 180176 VO-L Immanuel Kant: Selected small writings on practical philosophy
- 180186 SE [ en ] Philosophy of the Historical Sciences
- 180206 VO-L Comparative Philosophy of the Buddhism - Einflüsse des Tientai- und Huayen-Buddhismus im Zen
- 180209 SE Plato: Sophistes
- 180211 SE Media Workshop: Fake News
- 180214 KU [ en ] The ethics of Immigration
- 180223 SE [ en ] Philosophical Puzzles and Paradoxes
- 180224 SE Aristoteles De Anima
- 180225 SE [ en ] The Field of Between - At the Limits of Cognitive Science and Philosophy
- 180226 SE Hegel: Legal philosophy
M-17 Focused Research, Bachelor's Theses (20 ECTS)
- 020035 SE ( ON-SITE ) Philosophical Seminar - Rousseau und die Theokratie
- 180030 SE Media philosophy by Günther Anders and Marshall McLuhan on the chat - Bedeutsame Ideen einer Philosophie der Medien im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert.
- 180032 SE Basic concepts of indian Philosophies
- 180033 SE Introduction to Confucianism
- 180034 KU Introduction to Confucianism - Einführung in die ostasiatische Ästhetik
- 180035 KU language and discrimination
- 180036 KU Englisch Advanced logic (modal logic)
- 180037 KU queer animals
- 180038 SE [ en ] Political Epistemology
- 180039 SE [ en ] Frege's Philosophy of Language
- 180043 SE Basic texts d. Phenomenology: Merleau-Ponty PdW
- 180044 SE [ en ] Against Hume: Mary Shepherd's Philosophy of Causation
- 180048 KU Cavell/Thoreau: Around Walden
- 180049 KU Ontology and aesthetics of film
- 180052 SE [ en ] Ethics of Blame
- 180058 SE Lecture with reading on Social Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Gender Theory
- 180059 SE Biopolitics, Life and Gender
- 180060 SE political phenomenology
- 180061 SE [ en ] Leslie Feinberg - Intersectional Approaches towards Transgender Liberation, Class, Race and Colonialism
- 180064 KU Introduction to Phenomenology - The idea d. phenomenology
- 180071 KU [ en ] Introductory Readings in the Philosophy of Mathematics
- 180141 SE ( PH-WIEN ) Modern communication in the ethical debate on technology and science
- 180186 SE [ en ] Philosophy of the Historical Sciences
- 180209 SE Plato: Sophistes
- 180211 SE Media Workshop: Fake News
- 180214 KU [ en ] The ethics of Immigration
- 180223 SE [ en ] Philosophical Puzzles and Paradoxes
- 180224 SE Aristoteles De Anima
- 180226 SE Hegel: Legal philosophy
Last modified: Fr 12.01.2024 00:44