MA SE - Advanced Sociology Module (Theories, Methods, Research Specialisation (12 ECTS)
- 230101 SE Multilingualism in qualitative research
- 230102 SE Comparative International Antisemitism Research
- 230103 SE How has sociology changed our life?
- 230104 PR Training of methods: Analysis and presentation of quantitative research results
- 230105 UE Introduction to stata
- 230124 SE Reading Seminar: Organisation and Gender
- 230125 SE Reading Seminar: Solidarity in Social Theory and Politics
- 230126 SE Reading Seminar: Exclusion
- 230127 SE Reading Seminar: Diffusion of Information using the example of climate change discourse
- 230142 VO Racism in contemporary society - Problems, concepts and empirical research
- 230147 VO From climate activists to #OkBoomer - A sociological perspective on generational conflicts
- 230151 VO Applied Organizational Sociology - Leadership, Team, Gender
- 230153 VO Visual sociology: Gender order of film and filmmaking
- 230180 VO Sociological Approaches To Climate Crisis and Sustainability
- 230181 SE Sociology of basic societal values
- 230182 SE Violence and Gender. Sociological perspectives on feminicide as peak of violence
- 230184 WS Mastering the Master
- 230185 UE Introduction to Data Analysis with R
MA SE - Advanced Sociology Module (Theories, Methods, Research) Specialisation): Recommended Lectures of other Departments
- 010049 VO Introduction to Medical Ethics
- 010084 SE Key Works in the Social Scientific Research on Religion
- 010087 VO Religions and Gender
- 010100 EX Excursion
- 010104 SE The Role of "Aryan" Concepts for Religion and Nationalism
- 010109 FS Religion in the context of multiple crises: part of the problem, part of the solution
- 010118 SE Departures and Resistances: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Feminism and Religion
- 030645 KU [ en ] Legal Sociology and Legal Anthropology
- 040048 KU ( ON-SITE ) Sociology of Labor Markets (MA)
- 040175 KU Solidary Economic (MA) - Cooperative economy and Cooperatives
- 040236 KU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Further Topics in Economic Sociology (MA) - The Good Society
- 040519 KU ( ON-SITE ) Sociology of Organizations (MA)
- 040577 KU ( ON-SITE ) Industrial Sociology (MA)
- 040707 SE International Cooperative Management (MA)
- 070165 VO Lecture Series: Education - Democracy - Inequality
- 090103 VO ( MIXED ) Im/Perceptions: Texts and Images of Migration
- 233042 SE [ en ] Outer Space: imaginaries, infrastructures and global politics
- 233043 SE [ en ] Where is the E in STS? - Science and Technology Studies and the Environment
- 233044 SE [ en ] Multimodal and Multisensory Ethnography of Smart Cities - Exploring technological interactions in urban spaces
- 233045 SE [ en ] STS and feminism(s) - Reimagining science-and-society otherwise
- 233046 SE [ en ] Digital by Disaster - Critically examining the re-ordering of knowledge and policy driven by digital responses to COVID-19
- 240064 VO ( BDG ) Education for Self-Determination - A critical assessment of emancipatory and revolutionary educational concepts and their implementation in the Global South
- 240099 VO ( SGU ) Inequality and Development
- 240107 VO+UE VM7 - One out of Five - Violence in the health sector
- 240111 VO [ en ] VM4 / VM1 - The Rights of Nature: Developments of eco-centric environmental governance.
- 290045 VO [ en ] Pathways to Sustainability: Knowledge, Action and Policy Landscapes
- 290209 VO [ en ] Climate Change and Climate Crisis: Science, Activism and Policy in the Climate Emergency
- 400023 SE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Marienthal 2.0 - Design and methods to scale observational studies
Last modified: Fr 30.08.2024 12:30
Zur Absolvierung des Moduls ist der Besuch einer Vorlesung (NPI - mindestens 4 ECTS) erforderlich, sowie der Besuch von prüfungsimmanenten LV (VOSE,PR, UE, SE,...) im Ausmaß von mindestens 8 ECTS.Sie können für dieses Modul auch Lehrveranstaltungen aus der Forschungsspezialisierung wählen. Damit die Voraussetzung "MA Methoden absolviert" nicht umgangen werden kann, ist bei der Anmeldung allerdings nur die Auswahl des Moduls MA F möglich. Für eine korrekte Zuordnung im Prüfungspass wenden Sie sich bitte nach Erhalt der Benotung jedoch spätestens vor der Anmeldung zur Masterprüfung an die Studienservicestelle Soziologie. Nutzen Sie für Anfragen per Mail bitte ausschließlich Ihren STUDIERENDEN-MAILACCONT (- Datenschutzgrundverordnung) !