29.01. Geography
Die Lehrveranstaltungen sind nach der in den ab 1. Oktober 2002 gültigen neuen Studienplänen für die Studienrichtung "Geographie" (drei Studienzweige) bzw. für die Studienrichtung "Lehramt" (Unterrichtsfach "Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde") aufscheinenden Abfolge der Studienzweige, Studienabschnitte, Prüfungsfächer und Prüfungsteile geordnet.Die beiden neuen Studienpläne, die am 27. Juni 2002 im Mitteilungsblatt der Universität Wien verlautbart worden sind, sind am Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung, Zimmer D 501, erhältlich. Sie sind auch in der Homepage des Instituts für Geographie und Regionalforschung unter der Adresse <http://www.univie.ac.at/geographie> in der Rubrik "Aktuelles" enthalten und können von dort auch heruntergeladen werden (PDF-Dateien).In einigen Kapiteln - vor allem des 2. Studienabschnitts - erfolgt die Gliederung noch nach dem alten Studienplan vom 6. September 1996. Dies ist jeweils deutlich angegeben.Die Bezeichnung der Prüfungsfächer entspricht - wie in der entsprechenden Kapitelüberschrift vermerkt - dem neuen oder dem alten Studienplan (Studienplan 2002 bzw. Studienplan 1996).Die Lehrveranstaltungen des 2. Studienabschnitts (nur Studienplan 2002) sind jeweils durch einen oder mehrere in Klammern angegebene Deskriptoren (Codes) gekennzeichnet, die ihre Anrechenbarkeit zu den einzelnen Prüfungsfächern und Prüfungsteilen gemäß Studienplan dokumentieren. Hierbei gibt der Großbuchstabe zu Beginn die Studienrichtung bzw. den Studienzweig an (T ... Studienzweig Theoretische und Angewandte Geographie; R ... Studienzweig Raumforschung und Raumordnung; K ... Studienzweig Kartographie und Geoinformation; L ... Lehramtsstudium Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde), während der anschließende Kleinbuchstabe das Prüfungsfach und die nachfolgende Zahl die Numemr des Prüfungsteils innerhalb des Prüfungsfachs gemäß Studienplan 2002 charakterisieren.Lehrveranstaltungen, die zu einem Wahlfach anrechenbar sind, sind überdies durch ein "W" innerhalb des Codes gekennzeichnet, solche, die zu einem Schwerpunktfach anrechenbar sind, durch ein "S".
A. Branches of Study: "Theoretical and Applied Geography", "Regional Science and Regional Planning" and "Cartography and Geographic Information Science"
Level 1 of the Degree Programme (compulsory for all threee branches of study) (2002 Curriculum)
1.1. Basics of Physical Geography
- 290419 VO Dating Methods - Scientific Principles of Physical Geography, Part II (Dating Methods)
- 290418 UE Exercises in geomorphology, group A - Exercises in geomorphology, group A
- 290417 UE Exercises in geomorphology, group B - Exercises in geomorphology, group B
- 290416 UE Exercises in geomorphology, group C - Exercises in geomorphology, group C
- 290421 UE Exercises in geomorphology, group D - Exercises in geomorphology, group D
- 290415 UE Exercises in climate geography, group A - Exercises in climate geography, group A
- 290414 UE Exercises in climate geography, group B - Exercises in climate geography, group B
- 290413 UE Exercises in climate geography, group C - Exercises in climate geography, group C
- 290422 UE Exercises in climate geography, group D - Exercises in climate geography, group D
- 290412 VO Introduction to Hydrogeography - Introduction to Hydrogeography
- 290129 VO Information on the criteria to classify vegetation - Information on the criteria to classify vegetation
- 290411 UE Exercises in soil geography, group A - Exercises in soil geography, group A
- 290399 UE Exercises in soil geography, group B - Exercises in soil geography, group B
- 290398 UE Exercises in soil geography, group C - Exercises in soil geography, group C
- 290423 UE Exercises in soil geography, group D - Exercises in soil geography, group D
- 290410 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group A - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group A
- 290409 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group B - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group B
- 290408 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group C - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group C
- 290407 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group D - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group D
- 290231 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group E - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group E
- 290406 PR Field Class in Physical Geography Obergurgl, gr.A - Field Class in Physical Geography in Obergurgl, group A
- 290405 PR Field Class in Physical Geography Obergurgl, gr.B - Field Class in Physical Geography in Obergurgl, group B
- 290404 PR Field Class in Physical Geography, group C - Field Class in Physical Geography, group C
1.2. Basics of Human Geography
- 290291 VO Introduction to Urban Geography - Introduction to Urban Geography
- 290290 UE Applied Urban Geography, group A - Applied Urban Geography, group A
- 290289 UE Applied Urban Geography, group B - Applied Urban Geography, group B
- 290288 UE Applied Urban Geography, group C - Applied Urban Geography, group C
- 290368 UE Exercise on rural geography, group A - Exercise on rural geography: peripheries and remote areas (incl. a 3day-practical training), group A
- 290224 UE Exercise on rural geography, group B - Exercise on rural geography: peripheries and remote areas (incl. a 3day-practical training), group B
- 290369 UE Exercise on rural geography, group C - Exercise on rural geography: peripheries and remote areas (incl. a 3day-practical training), group C
- 290223 UE Exercise on rural geography, group D - Exercise on rural geography: peripheries and remote areas (incl. a 3day-practical training), group D
- 290174 VU Introduction to General Economic Geography - Introduction to General Economic Geography
1.3. Basics of Cartography and Geographic Information Science
- 290205 PS Principles Cartogr./Geo-Communication II, Group A - Principles of Cartography and Geo-Communication II, Group A
- 290204 PS Principles Cartogr./Geo-Communication II, Group B - Principles of Cartography and Geo-Communication II, Group B
- 290403 PS Principles Cartogr./Geo-Communication II, Group C - Principles of Cartography and Geo-Communication II, Group C
- 290225 VO Basics Geoinformatics/Visualization I, Part 1 - Basics in Geoinformatics and Visualization I, Part 1
- 290221 PS Basics Geoinformat./Visualizat. I, Part 2, Group A - Basics in Geoinformatics and Visualization I, Part 2, Group A
- 290220 PS Basics Geoinformat./Visualizat. I, Part 2, Group B - Basics in Geoinformatics and Visualization I, Part 2, Group B
- 290219 PS Basics Geoinformat./Visualizat. I, Part 2, Group C - Basics in Geoinformatics and Visualization I, Part 2, Group C
- 290218 PS Basics Geoinformat./Visualizat. I, Part 2, Group D - Basics in Geoinformatics and Visualization I, Part 2, Group D
- 290402 PS Basics Geoinformat./Visualizat. I, Part 2, Group E - Basics in Geoinformatics and Visualization I, Part 2, Group E
- 290401 PS Basics Geoinformat./Visualizat. I, Part 2, Group F - Basics in Geoinformatics and Visualization I, Part 2, Group F
1.4. Basic Methods and Concepts in Geography
- 290246 VU Basic Concepts and Paradigms in Geography - Basic Concepts and Paradigms in Geography
- 290217 VU Introduction to Empirical Social Research for Geo. - Introduction to Empirical Social Research for Geographers
- 290363 PS Methods of Regional Analysis - Methods of Regional Analysis
- 290152 VO Introduction into Statistical Data Analysis II - Introduction into Statistical Data Analysis in Geography II
- 290150 UE Applied Statistical Data Analysis II, Group A - Applied Statistical Data Analysis in Geography II, Group A
- 290149 UE Applied Statistical Data Analysis II, Group B - Applied Statistical Data Analysis in Geography II, Group B
- 290148 UE Applied Statistical Data Analysis II, Group C - Applied Statistical Data Analysis in Geography II, Group C
1.5. Regional Geography of Austria and Central Europe (only to be applied to students following the 1996 Curriculum; under these terms: examination subject e)
- 290215 VU Spatial Planning and Regional Policy in Austria - Spatial Planning and Regional Policy in Austria
Level 2 of the Degree Programme
1. Branch of Study: "Geography" (according to the 1996 Curriculum; to be applied to students who do not switch to the 2002 Curriculum)
2.1.1. Comparative Physical Geography
- 290410 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group A - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group A
- 290409 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group B - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group B
- 290408 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group C - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group C
- 290407 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group D - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group D
- 290231 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group E - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group E
- 290173 PS Recent Research in Physical Geography - Recent Research in Physical Geography
- 290425 PS Soils of the world - Soils of the world
- 290212 VO Applied Geomorphology - Applied Geomorphology
- 290315 UE Field Class in Physical Geography - Field Class in Physical Geography (Geomorphology)
- 290091 PS Intr. seminar course: special issues climatology - Introductary seminar course about special issues in climatology
- 290133 UE Field methods in physical geography - Field methods in physical geography
- 290189 UE Laboratory methods in physical geography II - Laboratory methods in physical geography for advanced students II
- 290145 SE Course of Physical Geo: Fundamentals Geomorphology - Course of Physical Geography: Fundamentals of Geomorphology
- 290427 SE SE: Landscape ecology and natural protection EU - Seminar Landscape ecology: Landscape ecology and natural protection in Europe
2.1.2. Comparative Cultural and Social Geography
- 290246 VU Basic Concepts and Paradigms in Geography - Basic Concepts and Paradigms in Geography
- 290197 VO Aktuelle Forschungsfragen der Humangeographie - Aktuelle Forschungsfragen der Humangeographie
- 290251 VO Concepts and principals of spatial planning - Concepts and principals of spatial planning
- 290207 VU Theoretical fundamentals of regional development - Theoretical fundamentals and organisational frames of regional development
- 290382 VU Management of Landuse - Management of Landuse
- 290375 VO [ en ] Economic and Social Geography of the USA - Economic and Social Geography of the USA
- 290384 VO [ en ] The American Industrial City. Focus on Detroit - The American Industrial City. Focus on Detroit: Industrial City in the Postindustrial Age
- 290208 VO Basic topics in leisure and tourism geogr. - Basic topics in leisure and tourism geography
- 290167 VO Tourism and regional planning - Tourism and regional planning
- 290331 VO Economic/social change in MENA-Region - Economic and social change in the MENA-Region (Middle East and Northern Africa): a geographical analysis
- 290308 VO Population Geography of Austria - Population Geography of Austria - Selected Topics: Population Problems and Demographic Trends
- 290435 PS Practice of regional development - Practice of regional development: implementation of Gender Mainstreaming (in connection with 2 one-day excursions)
- 290001 VO Housing and Housing Policy - Housing and Housing Policy
- 290433 PS Evaluation methods, environmental risk assessment - Evaluation methods, environmental risk assessment
- 290434 UE Methods of travel and mobility survey in practice - Who's mobility? Methods of travel and mobility survey in practice
- 290157 VU Tourism and open space planning - Tourism and open space planning
- 290215 VU Spatial Planning and Regional Policy in Austria - Spatial Planning and Regional Policy in Austria
- 290383 SE [ en ] SE Hum./Reg.: The North American City - Seminar aus Humangeographie/Regionalgeographie: The North American City - Themes on the Urban Geography of the United States
- 290379 SE SE Humangeo: How to define development? - Seminar in Human Geography/Regional Geography: How to define development? Geographical and interdisciplinary approaches to a complex problem
- 290266 SE Seminar: The Ageing of the World Population - Seminar in Human Geography/Regional Geography: The Ageing of the World Population: A New Demographic Challenge, it¿s Determinants and Consequences.
- 290107 SE SE: Reg./political geogr. of East-Central Europe - Seminary in human geography /regional geography: Regional and political geography of East-Central Europe
- 290059 SE Projektseminar: Örtliche Entwicklungskonzepte - Projektseminar aus Angewandter Geographie, Raumforschung und Raumordnung: Örtliche Entwicklungskonzepte
- 290106 SE PSE: Rural Development in Promise/Implementation - Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): Rural Development in Promise and Implementation
- 290340 VO+KO Communication and Difference - Communication and Difference. Introduction into the "Theory of Social Systems" by Niklas Luhmann
- 290341 PS Globalization and World Society - Globalization and World Society. Processes, Developments and Constraints
- 290342 AG Systems and Constructivism - Systems and Constructivism. Perspectives of Theoretical Discourse in Geography
2.1.3. Comparative Economic Geography
- 290375 VO [ en ] Economic and Social Geography of the USA - Economic and Social Geography of the USA
- 290320 SE Seminar: Europe in the New World Economy - Seminar (Economic Geography): Europe in the New World Economy
- 290270 SE SE Sustainable development of society and economy - SE Sustainable development of society and economy
- 290341 PS Globalization and World Society - Globalization and World Society. Processes, Developments and Constraints
2.1.4. Thematic Cartography
- 290230 VO Thematic Cartography: Fields of Application - Thematic Cartography: Fields of Application
2.1.5. Regional Geography of Europe and of One Region Outside Europe
- 290324 RV "Cross-linked Europe" Part II - "Cross-linked Europe" - European Networks between Center and Periphery, Part II
- 290375 VO [ en ] Economic and Social Geography of the USA - Economic and Social Geography of the USA
- 290331 VO Economic/social change in MENA-Region - Economic and social change in the MENA-Region (Middle East and Northern Africa): a geographical analysis
- 290322 VO Südasien II - Südasien - Aktuelle Probleme und Entwicklungstendenzen II
- 290383 SE [ en ] SE Hum./Reg.: The North American City - Seminar aus Humangeographie/Regionalgeographie: The North American City - Themes on the Urban Geography of the United States
- 290107 SE SE: Reg./political geogr. of East-Central Europe - Seminary in human geography /regional geography: Regional and political geography of East-Central Europe
- 290104 PS PS study tour abroad: Tirana and South Albania - Preparatory seminary for the study tour abroad to Tirana and South Albania (Transformation processes in urban and rural space)
2.1.6. Elective Courses (Providing for Specialisation)
2. Branch of Study: "Theoretical and Applied Geography" (according to the 2002 Curriculum)
2.2.1. Advanced Methods in Geography
- 290146 UE survey and questionnaire research in geo./reg.res. - Course on survey and questionnaire research in geography and regional research
- 290184 PS Qualitative Methods for Advanced Students - Qualitative Methods for Advanced Students
- 290434 UE Methods of travel and mobility survey in practice - Who's mobility? Methods of travel and mobility survey in practice
- 290192 PS Geographic Information Systems - Geographic Information Systems
- 290133 UE Field methods in physical geography - Field methods in physical geography
- 290315 UE Field Class in Physical Geography - Field Class in Physical Geography (Geomorphology)
- 290433 PS Evaluation methods, environmental risk assessment - Evaluation methods, environmental risk assessment
- 290164 PS Project Management - Project Management
- 290190 VO Moderation und Mediation - Moderation und Mediation
- 290196 VU Methods in applied tourism research - Methods in applied tourism research
2.2.2. Basics of Regional Science and Regional Planning
- 290251 VO Concepts and principals of spatial planning - Concepts and principals of spatial planning
2.2.3. Contemporary Research Issues in Physical and Human Geography
- 290173 PS Recent Research in Physical Geography - Recent Research in Physical Geography
- 290197 VO Aktuelle Forschungsfragen der Humangeographie - Aktuelle Forschungsfragen der Humangeographie
- 290340 VO+KO Communication and Difference - Communication and Difference. Introduction into the "Theory of Social Systems" by Niklas Luhmann
- 290341 PS Globalization and World Society - Globalization and World Society. Processes, Developments and Constraints
2.2.4. Electives: Designed to Enhance In-Depth Specialisation and Scientific Project Work Skills Specialisation on Regional Development
- 290207 VU Theoretical fundamentals of regional development - Theoretical fundamentals and organisational frames of regional development
- 290435 PS Practice of regional development - Practice of regional development: implementation of Gender Mainstreaming (in connection with 2 one-day excursions)
- 290434 UE Methods of travel and mobility survey in practice - Who's mobility? Methods of travel and mobility survey in practice
- 290382 VU Management of Landuse - Management of Landuse
- 290433 PS Evaluation methods, environmental risk assessment - Evaluation methods, environmental risk assessment
- 290059 SE Projektseminar: Örtliche Entwicklungskonzepte - Projektseminar aus Angewandter Geographie, Raumforschung und Raumordnung: Örtliche Entwicklungskonzepte
- 290106 SE PSE: Rural Development in Promise/Implementation - Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): Rural Development in Promise and Implementation Specialisation on Spatial Aspects of Population Studies / Regional Demography
- 290308 VO Population Geography of Austria - Population Geography of Austria - Selected Topics: Population Problems and Demographic Trends
- 290266 SE Seminar: The Ageing of the World Population - Seminar in Human Geography/Regional Geography: The Ageing of the World Population: A New Demographic Challenge, it¿s Determinants and Consequences. Specialisation on Development Research / Third World Studies / Co-operation and Development: Emphasis on Asia
- 290379 SE SE Humangeo: How to define development? - Seminar in Human Geography/Regional Geography: How to define development? Geographical and interdisciplinary approaches to a complex problem
- 290331 VO Economic/social change in MENA-Region - Economic and social change in the MENA-Region (Middle East and Northern Africa): a geographical analysis
- 290322 VO Südasien II - Südasien - Aktuelle Probleme und Entwicklungstendenzen II Specialisation on Applied Geomorphology
- 290212 VO Applied Geomorphology - Applied Geomorphology
- 290145 SE Course of Physical Geo: Fundamentals Geomorphology - Course of Physical Geography: Fundamentals of Geomorphology
- 290315 UE Field Class in Physical Geography - Field Class in Physical Geography (Geomorphology) Specialisation on Landscape Ecology and Natural Environmental Research
- 290425 PS Soils of the world - Soils of the world
- 290091 PS Intr. seminar course: special issues climatology - Introductary seminar course about special issues in climatology
- 290189 UE Laboratory methods in physical geography II - Laboratory methods in physical geography for advanced students II
- 290427 SE SE: Landscape ecology and natural protection EU - Seminar Landscape ecology: Landscape ecology and natural protection in Europe Specialisation on Spatial Tourism and Leisure Research
- 290208 VO Basic topics in leisure and tourism geogr. - Basic topics in leisure and tourism geography
- 290196 VU Methods in applied tourism research - Methods in applied tourism research
- 290167 VO Tourism and regional planning - Tourism and regional planning
- 290157 VU Tourism and open space planning - Tourism and open space planning
2.2.5. Electives Electives in Accordance with the Specialisations in Examination Subject d Electives in Regional Geography
- 290324 RV "Cross-linked Europe" Part II - "Cross-linked Europe" - European Networks between Center and Periphery, Part II
- 290215 VU Spatial Planning and Regional Policy in Austria - Spatial Planning and Regional Policy in Austria
- 290308 VO Population Geography of Austria - Population Geography of Austria - Selected Topics: Population Problems and Demographic Trends
- 290142 RV Cultures of Difference - Transformation Processes - Cultures of Difference - Transformation Processes in Central Europe
- 290107 SE SE: Reg./political geogr. of East-Central Europe - Seminary in human geography /regional geography: Regional and political geography of East-Central Europe
- 290331 VO Economic/social change in MENA-Region - Economic and social change in the MENA-Region (Middle East and Northern Africa): a geographical analysis
- 290322 VO Südasien II - Südasien - Aktuelle Probleme und Entwicklungstendenzen II
- 290379 SE SE Humangeo: How to define development? - Seminar in Human Geography/Regional Geography: How to define development? Geographical and interdisciplinary approaches to a complex problem Other Electives
- 290375 VO [ en ] Economic and Social Geography of the USA - Economic and Social Geography of the USA
- 290320 SE Seminar: Europe in the New World Economy - Seminar (Economic Geography): Europe in the New World Economy
- 290270 SE SE Sustainable development of society and economy - SE Sustainable development of society and economy
- 290001 VO Housing and Housing Policy - Housing and Housing Policy
- 290384 VO [ en ] The American Industrial City. Focus on Detroit - The American Industrial City. Focus on Detroit: Industrial City in the Postindustrial Age
- 290383 SE [ en ] SE Hum./Reg.: The North American City - Seminar aus Humangeographie/Regionalgeographie: The North American City - Themes on the Urban Geography of the United States
- 290207 VU Theoretical fundamentals of regional development - Theoretical fundamentals and organisational frames of regional development
- 290107 SE SE: Reg./political geogr. of East-Central Europe - Seminary in human geography /regional geography: Regional and political geography of East-Central Europe
- 290435 PS Practice of regional development - Practice of regional development: implementation of Gender Mainstreaming (in connection with 2 one-day excursions)
- 290434 UE Methods of travel and mobility survey in practice - Who's mobility? Methods of travel and mobility survey in practice
- 290425 PS Soils of the world - Soils of the world
- 290189 UE Laboratory methods in physical geography II - Laboratory methods in physical geography for advanced students II
- 290382 VU Management of Landuse - Management of Landuse
- 290433 PS Evaluation methods, environmental risk assessment - Evaluation methods, environmental risk assessment
- 290215 VU Spatial Planning and Regional Policy in Austria - Spatial Planning and Regional Policy in Austria
- 290059 SE Projektseminar: Örtliche Entwicklungskonzepte - Projektseminar aus Angewandter Geographie, Raumforschung und Raumordnung: Örtliche Entwicklungskonzepte
- 290230 VO Thematic Cartography: Fields of Application - Thematic Cartography: Fields of Application
- 290443 SE Seminar Cartography: uncertainty in geo-data - Seminar on Cartography and Geoinformation: uncertainty in geo-data
- 290188 PS Multimediatechnology and Geocommunication II - Multimediatechnology and Geocommunication II
- 290187 PS Geodatabases - Geodatabases
- 290284 PS Applied Geoinformatics - Applied Geoinformatics
- 290293 PS GIS-based spatial analysis and modelling - GIS-based spatial analysis and modelling (Performing projects referring to regional development and environmental protection)
- 290340 VO+KO Communication and Difference - Communication and Difference. Introduction into the "Theory of Social Systems" by Niklas Luhmann
- 290341 PS Globalization and World Society - Globalization and World Society. Processes, Developments and Constraints
3. Branch of Study: "Regional Science and Regional Planning" (2002 Curriculum)
2.3.1. Advanced Methods
- 290146 UE survey and questionnaire research in geo./reg.res. - Course on survey and questionnaire research in geography and regional research
- 290184 PS Qualitative Methods for Advanced Students - Qualitative Methods for Advanced Students
- 290434 UE Methods of travel and mobility survey in practice - Who's mobility? Methods of travel and mobility survey in practice
- 290192 PS Geographic Information Systems - Geographic Information Systems
- 290164 PS Project Management - Project Management
- 290190 VO Moderation und Mediation - Moderation und Mediation
2.3.2. Processes of Spatial Development and Opportunities for Social Control
- 290106 SE PSE: Rural Development in Promise/Implementation - Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): Rural Development in Promise and Implementation
- 290435 PS Practice of regional development - Practice of regional development: implementation of Gender Mainstreaming (in connection with 2 one-day excursions)
- 290434 UE Methods of travel and mobility survey in practice - Who's mobility? Methods of travel and mobility survey in practice
- 290167 VO Tourism and regional planning - Tourism and regional planning
- 290001 VO Housing and Housing Policy - Housing and Housing Policy
- 290207 VU Theoretical fundamentals of regional development - Theoretical fundamentals and organisational frames of regional development
- 290212 VO Applied Geomorphology - Applied Geomorphology
2.3.3. Concepts and Tools of Regional Planning
- 290059 SE Projektseminar: Örtliche Entwicklungskonzepte - Projektseminar aus Angewandter Geographie, Raumforschung und Raumordnung: Örtliche Entwicklungskonzepte
- 290251 VO Concepts and principals of spatial planning - Concepts and principals of spatial planning
- 290215 VU Spatial Planning and Regional Policy in Austria - Spatial Planning and Regional Policy in Austria
- 290433 PS Evaluation methods, environmental risk assessment - Evaluation methods, environmental risk assessment
2.3.4. Electives
- 290308 VO Population Geography of Austria - Population Geography of Austria - Selected Topics: Population Problems and Demographic Trends
- 290266 SE Seminar: The Ageing of the World Population - Seminar in Human Geography/Regional Geography: The Ageing of the World Population: A New Demographic Challenge, it¿s Determinants and Consequences.
- 290382 VU Management of Landuse - Management of Landuse
- 290435 PS Practice of regional development - Practice of regional development: implementation of Gender Mainstreaming (in connection with 2 one-day excursions)
- 290434 UE Methods of travel and mobility survey in practice - Who's mobility? Methods of travel and mobility survey in practice
- 290208 VO Basic topics in leisure and tourism geogr. - Basic topics in leisure and tourism geography
- 290196 VU Methods in applied tourism research - Methods in applied tourism research
- 290157 VU Tourism and open space planning - Tourism and open space planning
- 290212 VO Applied Geomorphology - Applied Geomorphology
- 290187 PS Geodatabases - Geodatabases
- 290230 VO Thematic Cartography: Fields of Application - Thematic Cartography: Fields of Application
- 290188 PS Multimediatechnology and Geocommunication II - Multimediatechnology and Geocommunication II
- 290284 PS Applied Geoinformatics - Applied Geoinformatics
- 290293 PS GIS-based spatial analysis and modelling - GIS-based spatial analysis and modelling (Performing projects referring to regional development and environmental protection)
- 290443 SE Seminar Cartography: uncertainty in geo-data - Seminar on Cartography and Geoinformation: uncertainty in geo-data
- 290384 VO [ en ] The American Industrial City. Focus on Detroit - The American Industrial City. Focus on Detroit: Industrial City in the Postindustrial Age
- 290383 SE [ en ] SE Hum./Reg.: The North American City - Seminar aus Humangeographie/Regionalgeographie: The North American City - Themes on the Urban Geography of the United States
- 290002 VO+UE Introduction into economic theory and policy - Introduction into economic theory and policy
- 290332 VO Introduction to Economic Policy in Austria - Introduction to Economic Policy in Austria
- 290328 VO International Economics.Theory/Institutions/Policy - International Economics. Theory, Institutions and Policy
2.3.5. Additional Courses (Compulsory only for Students Following the 1996 Curriculum)
- 290002 VO+UE Introduction into economic theory and policy - Introduction into economic theory and policy
4. Branch of Study: "Cartography and Geographic Information Science" (2002 Curriculum)
2.4.1. Geodata Acquisition
- 290012 PR Remote Sensing II: practical applications - Remote Sensing II: practical applications
2.4.2. Geographic Information Processing
- 290187 PS Geodatabases - Geodatabases
- 290284 PS Applied Geoinformatics - Applied Geoinformatics
- 290192 PS Geographic Information Systems - Geographic Information Systems
- 290293 PS GIS-based spatial analysis and modelling - GIS-based spatial analysis and modelling (Performing projects referring to regional development and environmental protection)
2.4.3. Theory of Cartographic Design
- 290230 VO Thematic Cartography: Fields of Application - Thematic Cartography: Fields of Application
- 290282 VU Map Related Representations - Map Related Representations
2.4.4. Methods and Techniques of Geo-communication
- 290188 PS Multimediatechnology and Geocommunication II - Multimediatechnology and Geocommunication II
2.4.5. Special Research Issues in Cartography and Geographic Information Science
- 290443 SE Seminar Cartography: uncertainty in geo-data - Seminar on Cartography and Geoinformation: uncertainty in geo-data
- 290354 SE Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students - Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students
- 290271 SE Research Seminar for graduate degree students - Research Seminar for graduate degree students
2.4.6. Recommended Free-choice Elective Courses
- 290093 PS PS field trip Cartography: China/Geoinformation - Proseminar in preparation of the field trip - abroad: China - from the perspective of geoinformation and cartography
B. Teacher Training Programme "Geography and Economics" (School Curriculum Subject)
Level 1 of the Degree Programme (if not stated otherwise, 2002 Curriculum)
1.1. Basics of Physical Geography
- 290412 VO Introduction to Hydrogeography - Introduction to Hydrogeography
- 290129 VO Information on the criteria to classify vegetation - Information on the criteria to classify vegetation
- 290406 PR Field Class in Physical Geography Obergurgl, gr.A - Field Class in Physical Geography in Obergurgl, group A
- 290405 PR Field Class in Physical Geography Obergurgl, gr.B - Field Class in Physical Geography in Obergurgl, group B
- 290404 PR Field Class in Physical Geography, group C - Field Class in Physical Geography, group C
1.2. Basics of Human Geography (including Economic Geography)
- 290291 VO Introduction to Urban Geography - Introduction to Urban Geography
- 290290 UE Applied Urban Geography, group A - Applied Urban Geography, group A
- 290289 UE Applied Urban Geography, group B - Applied Urban Geography, group B
- 290288 UE Applied Urban Geography, group C - Applied Urban Geography, group C
- 290368 UE Exercise on rural geography, group A - Exercise on rural geography: peripheries and remote areas (incl. a 3day-practical training), group A
- 290224 UE Exercise on rural geography, group B - Exercise on rural geography: peripheries and remote areas (incl. a 3day-practical training), group B
- 290369 UE Exercise on rural geography, group C - Exercise on rural geography: peripheries and remote areas (incl. a 3day-practical training), group C
- 290223 UE Exercise on rural geography, group D - Exercise on rural geography: peripheries and remote areas (incl. a 3day-practical training), group D
- 290222 VU Introduction to economic geography - Introduction to economic geography (for TA students)
1.3. Basics of Cartography and Geographic Information Science
- 290225 VO Basics Geoinformatics/Visualization I, Part 1 - Basics in Geoinformatics and Visualization I, Part 1
- 290221 PS Basics Geoinformat./Visualizat. I, Part 2, Group A - Basics in Geoinformatics and Visualization I, Part 2, Group A
- 290220 PS Basics Geoinformat./Visualizat. I, Part 2, Group B - Basics in Geoinformatics and Visualization I, Part 2, Group B
- 290219 PS Basics Geoinformat./Visualizat. I, Part 2, Group C - Basics in Geoinformatics and Visualization I, Part 2, Group C
- 290218 PS Basics Geoinformat./Visualizat. I, Part 2, Group D - Basics in Geoinformatics and Visualization I, Part 2, Group D
- 290402 PS Basics Geoinformat./Visualizat. I, Part 2, Group E - Basics in Geoinformatics and Visualization I, Part 2, Group E
- 290401 PS Basics Geoinformat./Visualizat. I, Part 2, Group F - Basics in Geoinformatics and Visualization I, Part 2, Group F
1.4. Basic Methods in Geography
- 290217 VU Introduction to Empirical Social Research for Geo. - Introduction to Empirical Social Research for Geographers
1.5. Basics of Economics
- 290002 VO+UE Introduction into economic theory and policy - Introduction into economic theory and policy
- 290139 VO Foundations of Business Administration - Foundations of Business Administration
- 290332 VO Introduction to Economic Policy in Austria - Introduction to Economic Policy in Austria
1.6. Basics of Didactics and Teaching Methodology in "Geography and Economics"
- 290216 PS Didactic concepts and contents schoolsubject "GW" - Didactic concepts and contents of the schoolsubject "GW"
- 290155 PS Class Arrangements, Methods and Media GeoEducation - Workshop in Didactics: Class Arrangements, Methods and Media in Geographical Education
- 290346 VO Cartographic teaching aids for schools - Cartographic teaching aids for schools
- 290182 PS Cartography in Education, Group A - Cartography in Education, Group A
- 290445 PS Cartography in Education, Group B - Cartography in Education, Group B
1.7. Regional Geography of Austria and Central Europe (only to be applied to students following the 1996 Curriculum; under these terms: examination subject d)
- 290215 VU Spatial Planning and Regional Policy in Austria - Spatial Planning and Regional Policy in Austria
Level 2 of the Degree Programme (2002 Curriculum)
2.1. Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
- 290410 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group A - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group A
- 290409 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group B - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group B
- 290408 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group C - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group C
- 290407 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group D - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group D
- 290231 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group E - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group E
- 290145 SE Course of Physical Geo: Fundamentals Geomorphology - Course of Physical Geography: Fundamentals of Geomorphology
- 290427 SE SE: Landscape ecology and natural protection EU - Seminar Landscape ecology: Landscape ecology and natural protection in Europe
- 290173 PS Recent Research in Physical Geography - Recent Research in Physical Geography
- 290425 PS Soils of the world - Soils of the world
- 290212 VO Applied Geomorphology - Applied Geomorphology
- 290315 UE Field Class in Physical Geography - Field Class in Physical Geography (Geomorphology)
- 290091 PS Intr. seminar course: special issues climatology - Introductary seminar course about special issues in climatology
- 290133 UE Field methods in physical geography - Field methods in physical geography
2.2. Human Geography (including Economic Geography)
- 290246 VU Basic Concepts and Paradigms in Geography - Basic Concepts and Paradigms in Geography
- 290197 VO Aktuelle Forschungsfragen der Humangeographie - Aktuelle Forschungsfragen der Humangeographie
- 290207 VU Theoretical fundamentals of regional development - Theoretical fundamentals and organisational frames of regional development
- 290375 VO [ en ] Economic and Social Geography of the USA - Economic and Social Geography of the USA
- 290384 VO [ en ] The American Industrial City. Focus on Detroit - The American Industrial City. Focus on Detroit: Industrial City in the Postindustrial Age
- 290208 VO Basic topics in leisure and tourism geogr. - Basic topics in leisure and tourism geography
- 290001 VO Housing and Housing Policy - Housing and Housing Policy
- 290308 VO Population Geography of Austria - Population Geography of Austria - Selected Topics: Population Problems and Demographic Trends
- 290383 SE [ en ] SE Hum./Reg.: The North American City - Seminar aus Humangeographie/Regionalgeographie: The North American City - Themes on the Urban Geography of the United States
- 290379 SE SE Humangeo: How to define development? - Seminar in Human Geography/Regional Geography: How to define development? Geographical and interdisciplinary approaches to a complex problem
- 290266 SE Seminar: The Ageing of the World Population - Seminar in Human Geography/Regional Geography: The Ageing of the World Population: A New Demographic Challenge, it¿s Determinants and Consequences.
- 290106 SE PSE: Rural Development in Promise/Implementation - Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): Rural Development in Promise and Implementation
- 290320 SE Seminar: Europe in the New World Economy - Seminar (Economic Geography): Europe in the New World Economy
- 290270 SE SE Sustainable development of society and economy - SE Sustainable development of society and economy
- 290107 SE SE: Reg./political geogr. of East-Central Europe - Seminary in human geography /regional geography: Regional and political geography of East-Central Europe
- 290341 PS Globalization and World Society - Globalization and World Society. Processes, Developments and Constraints
2.3. Basics of Regional Science and Regional Planning
- 290251 VO Concepts and principals of spatial planning - Concepts and principals of spatial planning
- 290059 SE Projektseminar: Örtliche Entwicklungskonzepte - Projektseminar aus Angewandter Geographie, Raumforschung und Raumordnung: Örtliche Entwicklungskonzepte
- 290382 VU Management of Landuse - Management of Landuse
- 290435 PS Practice of regional development - Practice of regional development: implementation of Gender Mainstreaming (in connection with 2 one-day excursions)
- 290434 UE Methods of travel and mobility survey in practice - Who's mobility? Methods of travel and mobility survey in practice
- 290167 VO Tourism and regional planning - Tourism and regional planning
- 290157 VU Tourism and open space planning - Tourism and open space planning
- 290433 PS Evaluation methods, environmental risk assessment - Evaluation methods, environmental risk assessment
2.4. Austria, the European Union and Selected World Regions - Regional Structures and Problems of Regional Development
- 290324 RV "Cross-linked Europe" Part II - "Cross-linked Europe" - European Networks between Center and Periphery, Part II
- 290308 VO Population Geography of Austria - Population Geography of Austria - Selected Topics: Population Problems and Demographic Trends
- 290215 VU Spatial Planning and Regional Policy in Austria - Spatial Planning and Regional Policy in Austria
- 290375 VO [ en ] Economic and Social Geography of the USA - Economic and Social Geography of the USA
- 290331 VO Economic/social change in MENA-Region - Economic and social change in the MENA-Region (Middle East and Northern Africa): a geographical analysis
- 290322 VO Südasien II - Südasien - Aktuelle Probleme und Entwicklungstendenzen II
- 290383 SE [ en ] SE Hum./Reg.: The North American City - Seminar aus Humangeographie/Regionalgeographie: The North American City - Themes on the Urban Geography of the United States
- 290107 SE SE: Reg./political geogr. of East-Central Europe - Seminary in human geography /regional geography: Regional and political geography of East-Central Europe
- 290379 SE SE Humangeo: How to define development? - Seminar in Human Geography/Regional Geography: How to define development? Geographical and interdisciplinary approaches to a complex problem
2.5. Advanced Study of Economics
- 290328 VO International Economics.Theory/Institutions/Policy - International Economics. Theory, Institutions and Policy
- 290319 SE SE Wirtschaftskunde: "eBusiness" - Seminar aus Wirtschaftskunde (Betriebswirtschaftslehre): "eBusiness"
- 290446 PS Applied Didactics in Economics within "GW" - Course in Didactics of "Geography and Economics": Applied Didactics of Economics within the Subject "Geography and Economics" in Secondary Education
- 290046 EX Excursion in Economics and Business Administration - Excursion in Economics and Business Administration
2.6. Advanced Didactics and Teaching Methodology in "Geography and Economics"
- 290016 SE Attendant Seminar for Schoolgeography - Attendant Seminar for Schoolgeography
- 290301 SE Attendant Seminar for Schoolgeography - Attendant Seminar for Schoolgeography
- 290312 PS PS in Geography Didactics: Textbooks - Proseminar in Geography Didactics: Reflexive Teaching Focused on Textbooks for the Subjects "Geography" and "Geography and Economics"
- 290307 PS PS in Geography Didactics - Proseminar in Geography Didactics: Analyses of Textbooks and Syllabi for the Subject "Geography and Economics" Used in Secondary Higher Education - Selected Topics
- 290313 PR Fd.PR: Schülerorientierung - Fachdidaktisches Praktikum: Schülerorientierung als Fachpraktikum Geographie bzw. Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde
- 290226 PR Course practical didact.: univ. & school projects - Course in practical didactics: a joint university and school project in schoolgeography
- 290447 PS "Blended Learning"/"E-Learning" in "Geo.Economics" - "Blended Learning" and "E-Learning" in "Geography and Economics"
- 290327 SE SE Geo. Didactis: Heterogeneous Groups of Pupils - Seminar in Geography Didactics: How to Teach Heterogeneous Groups of Pupils Based on Intrinsic Differentation of Teaching in "Geography and Economics"
Level 2 of the Degree Programme (1996 Curriculum)
2.1. Comparative Physical Geography
- 290410 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group A - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group A
- 290409 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group B - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group B
- 290408 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group C - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group C
- 290407 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group D - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group D
- 290231 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group E - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group E
- 290173 PS Recent Research in Physical Geography - Recent Research in Physical Geography
- 290425 PS Soils of the world - Soils of the world
- 290212 VO Applied Geomorphology - Applied Geomorphology
- 290315 UE Field Class in Physical Geography - Field Class in Physical Geography (Geomorphology)
- 290091 PS Intr. seminar course: special issues climatology - Introductary seminar course about special issues in climatology
- 290133 UE Field methods in physical geography - Field methods in physical geography
- 290145 SE Course of Physical Geo: Fundamentals Geomorphology - Course of Physical Geography: Fundamentals of Geomorphology
- 290427 SE SE: Landscape ecology and natural protection EU - Seminar Landscape ecology: Landscape ecology and natural protection in Europe
2.2. Comparative Human Geography (including comparative Economic Geography)
- 290246 VU Basic Concepts and Paradigms in Geography - Basic Concepts and Paradigms in Geography
- 290197 VO Aktuelle Forschungsfragen der Humangeographie - Aktuelle Forschungsfragen der Humangeographie
- 290251 VO Concepts and principals of spatial planning - Concepts and principals of spatial planning
- 290207 VU Theoretical fundamentals of regional development - Theoretical fundamentals and organisational frames of regional development
- 290382 VU Management of Landuse - Management of Landuse
- 290375 VO [ en ] Economic and Social Geography of the USA - Economic and Social Geography of the USA
- 290384 VO [ en ] The American Industrial City. Focus on Detroit - The American Industrial City. Focus on Detroit: Industrial City in the Postindustrial Age
- 290208 VO Basic topics in leisure and tourism geogr. - Basic topics in leisure and tourism geography
- 290167 VO Tourism and regional planning - Tourism and regional planning
- 290308 VO Population Geography of Austria - Population Geography of Austria - Selected Topics: Population Problems and Demographic Trends
- 290435 PS Practice of regional development - Practice of regional development: implementation of Gender Mainstreaming (in connection with 2 one-day excursions)
- 290001 VO Housing and Housing Policy - Housing and Housing Policy
- 290433 PS Evaluation methods, environmental risk assessment - Evaluation methods, environmental risk assessment
- 290434 UE Methods of travel and mobility survey in practice - Who's mobility? Methods of travel and mobility survey in practice
- 290157 VU Tourism and open space planning - Tourism and open space planning
- 290383 SE [ en ] SE Hum./Reg.: The North American City - Seminar aus Humangeographie/Regionalgeographie: The North American City - Themes on the Urban Geography of the United States
- 290379 SE SE Humangeo: How to define development? - Seminar in Human Geography/Regional Geography: How to define development? Geographical and interdisciplinary approaches to a complex problem
- 290266 SE Seminar: The Ageing of the World Population - Seminar in Human Geography/Regional Geography: The Ageing of the World Population: A New Demographic Challenge, it¿s Determinants and Consequences.
- 290107 SE SE: Reg./political geogr. of East-Central Europe - Seminary in human geography /regional geography: Regional and political geography of East-Central Europe
- 290059 SE Projektseminar: Örtliche Entwicklungskonzepte - Projektseminar aus Angewandter Geographie, Raumforschung und Raumordnung: Örtliche Entwicklungskonzepte
- 290106 SE PSE: Rural Development in Promise/Implementation - Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): Rural Development in Promise and Implementation
- 290320 SE Seminar: Europe in the New World Economy - Seminar (Economic Geography): Europe in the New World Economy
- 290270 SE SE Sustainable development of society and economy - SE Sustainable development of society and economy
- 290341 PS Globalization and World Society - Globalization and World Society. Processes, Developments and Constraints
2.3. Regional Geography of Europe and of Regions Outside Europe
- 290324 RV "Cross-linked Europe" Part II - "Cross-linked Europe" - European Networks between Center and Periphery, Part II
- 290375 VO [ en ] Economic and Social Geography of the USA - Economic and Social Geography of the USA
- 290331 VO Economic/social change in MENA-Region - Economic and social change in the MENA-Region (Middle East and Northern Africa): a geographical analysis
- 290322 VO Südasien II - Südasien - Aktuelle Probleme und Entwicklungstendenzen II
- 290383 SE [ en ] SE Hum./Reg.: The North American City - Seminar aus Humangeographie/Regionalgeographie: The North American City - Themes on the Urban Geography of the United States
- 290107 SE SE: Reg./political geogr. of East-Central Europe - Seminary in human geography /regional geography: Regional and political geography of East-Central Europe
- 290104 PS PS study tour abroad: Tirana and South Albania - Preparatory seminary for the study tour abroad to Tirana and South Albania (Transformation processes in urban and rural space)
2.4. Economics
- 290328 VO International Economics.Theory/Institutions/Policy - International Economics. Theory, Institutions and Policy
- 290332 VO Introduction to Economic Policy in Austria - Introduction to Economic Policy in Austria
- 290319 SE SE Wirtschaftskunde: "eBusiness" - Seminar aus Wirtschaftskunde (Betriebswirtschaftslehre): "eBusiness"
2.5. Preliminary Examination Subject: Theories and Methods in Geography
- 290246 VU Basic Concepts and Paradigms in Geography - Basic Concepts and Paradigms in Geography
2.6. Didactics and Teaching Methodology in "Geography and Economics"
- 290216 PS Didactic concepts and contents schoolsubject "GW" - Didactic concepts and contents of the schoolsubject "GW"
- 290016 SE Attendant Seminar for Schoolgeography - Attendant Seminar for Schoolgeography
- 290301 SE Attendant Seminar for Schoolgeography - Attendant Seminar for Schoolgeography
- 290446 PS Applied Didactics in Economics within "GW" - Course in Didactics of "Geography and Economics": Applied Didactics of Economics within the Subject "Geography and Economics" in Secondary Education
- 290312 PS PS in Geography Didactics: Textbooks - Proseminar in Geography Didactics: Reflexive Teaching Focused on Textbooks for the Subjects "Geography" and "Geography and Economics"
- 290327 SE SE Geo. Didactis: Heterogeneous Groups of Pupils - Seminar in Geography Didactics: How to Teach Heterogeneous Groups of Pupils Based on Intrinsic Differentation of Teaching in "Geography and Economics"
- 290307 PS PS in Geography Didactics - Proseminar in Geography Didactics: Analyses of Textbooks and Syllabi for the Subject "Geography and Economics" Used in Secondary Higher Education - Selected Topics
- 290313 PR Fd.PR: Schülerorientierung - Fachdidaktisches Praktikum: Schülerorientierung als Fachpraktikum Geographie bzw. Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde
- 290226 PR Course practical didact.: univ. & school projects - Course in practical didactics: a joint university and school project in schoolgeography
Recommended Optional Courses resp. Free-choice Elective Courses (Level 2, 2002 and 1996 Curricula)
- 290278 PS Lect. Part 2 "Geogr. & Econom. - Teacher Training" - Lecture and Course Part 2 for students of "Geography and Economics - Teacher Training". The obligatory subject "Career Guidance for the School of Ten- to Fourteen-Year-Olds" and PREPARATION for CHOICE of STUDY and OCCUPATION at higher schools
- 290447 PS "Blended Learning"/"E-Learning" in "Geo.Economics" - "Blended Learning" and "E-Learning" in "Geography and Economics"
- 290146 UE survey and questionnaire research in geo./reg.res. - Course on survey and questionnaire research in geography and regional research
- 290164 PS Project Management - Project Management
- 290190 VO Moderation und Mediation - Moderation und Mediation
Field trips (Excursions)
1. In Austria
- 290178 EX Excursion: Northern Borderland: Waldviertel - Excursion in Human Geography: Northern Borderland: Waldviertel, Lower Austria
- 290259 EX EX: Gender and regional innovation policy - Excursion: Gender and regional innovation policy
- 290268 EX EX: Gender and industrial/commercial site develop. - Excursion: Gender and industrial/commercial site development
- 290448 EX Field Trip: Waterbalance and agriculture - Field Trip: Waterbalance and agriculture in the "Marchfeld"
- 290449 EX Field Trip: Different Topics of Physical Geography - Field Trip: Different Topics of Physical Geography in the Vienna Region
- 290299 EX Cartographic Field Excursion - High Mountain Exc. - Cartographic Field Excursion - Cartographic High Mountain Excursion
- 290350 EX Physiogeographical field trip: Kalkalpen - Physiogeographical field trip: Kalkalpen
- 290183 EX Water Supply of Vienna - Physical Region - The Water Supply of Vienna - Structural System and Fundamentals of the Physical Region
- 290046 EX Excursion in Economics and Business Administration - Excursion in Economics and Business Administration
2. Abroad
- 290094 EX Field trip Cartography: China/Geoinformation - Field trip (abroad): China - from the perspective of geoinformation and cartography
- 290096 EX Study tour abroad: Tirana and South Albania - Study tour abroad: Tirana and South Albania (Transformation processes in urban and rural space)
Additional Courses
- 290324 RV "Cross-linked Europe" Part II - "Cross-linked Europe" - European Networks between Center and Periphery, Part II
- 290142 RV Cultures of Difference - Transformation Processes - Cultures of Difference - Transformation Processes in Central Europe
- 290364 KO Colloquium for Geomorphology - Colloquium for Geomorphology
- 290365 KO Colloquium on Quaternary Science - Colloquium on Quaternary Science
- 290093 PS PS field trip Cartography: China/Geoinformation - Proseminar in preparation of the field trip - abroad: China - from the perspective of geoinformation and cartography
- 290104 PS PS study tour abroad: Tirana and South Albania - Preparatory seminary for the study tour abroad to Tirana and South Albania (Transformation processes in urban and rural space)
- 290044 PV Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students - Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students
- 290306 PV Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students - Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students
- 290348 PV Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students - Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students
- 290316 PV Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students - Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students
- 290334 PV Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students - Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students
- 290295 PV Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students - Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students
- 290024 PV Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students - Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students
- 290005 PV Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students - Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students
- 290025 PV Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students - Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students
- 290238 PV Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students - Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students
- 290029 PV Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students - Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students
- 290052 PV Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students - Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students
- 290450 PV Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students - Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students
- 290006 KO Colloquium for Geography and Regional Research - Colloquium for Geography and Regional Research
- 290031 VO+KO Interuniversitäres Kolloquium - Interuniversitäres Kolloquium aus Geographie, Wirtschaftsgeographie, Raumplanung, Regionalentwicklung und Umweltökonomik (Fachvorträge für Fortgeschrittene)
- 290340 VO+KO Communication and Difference - Communication and Difference. Introduction into the "Theory of Social Systems" by Niklas Luhmann
- 290342 AG Systems and Constructivism - Systems and Constructivism. Perspectives of Theoretical Discourse in Geography
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34