SPL 27 - Chemistry
27.01. Diploma Programme Chemistry
1. First Stage of the Degree Programme
- 270002 UE+PR Basic Laboratory Course II - Basic Laboratory Course II - Method Orientated Laborartory Course for Analytical and Organic Chemistry
- 270011 PS Proseminar General Chemistry - Proseminar General Chemistry
- 270024 VO Analytical Chemistry I - Analytical Chemistry I
- 270027 VO Inorganic Chemistry I - Inorganic Chemistry I
- 270035 UE Exercises in physical chemistry (Calculations) - Exercises in physical chemistry (Calculations)
- 270091 VO Theoretical Chemistry II - Theoretical Chemistry II
- 270092 UE Molecular Spectroscopy - Excersise Course - Molecular Spectroscopy - Excersise Course
- 270093 VO Molecular Spectroscopy - Molecular Spectroscopy
- 270099 UE Inorganic Chemistry II Lab course - Inorganic Chemistry II Lab course
- 270101 UE Practice in Instrumental Methods in Analyt. Chem. - Practice in Instrumental Methods in Analytical Chemistry
- 270111 SE Proseminar zu Organische Chemie I - Proseminar zu Organische Chemie I
- 270113 UE Laboratory courses in Analytical Chemistry I - Laboratory courses in Analytical Chemistry I
- 270132 UE Laboratory course in organic chemistry II - Laboratiry course in organic chemistry II
- 270140 PR Laboratory practice in physical chemistry - Laboratory practice in physical chemistry
- 270146 UE Exercises in Theoretical Chemistry - Exercises in Theoretical Chemistry
- 270148 VO Physical Chemistry VII Macromolecular Chemistry - Physical Chemistry VII (Macromolecular Chemistry I)
- 270152 UE Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course I - Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course I
- 270175 UE Lab Course: Basic Techniques in Biochemistry - Laboratory Course: Basic Techniques in Biochemistry for Chemistry Students
- 270181 VO Organic Chemistry for Highschool Teachers - Organic Chemistry for Highschool Teachers
- 270186 VO Organic Chemistry I - classes of compounds - Organic Chemistry I - classes of compounds
- 270216 VO Physical Chemistry VIII - Physical Chemistry VIII (Stat. Thermodynamics)
- 270217 VO Physical Chemistry V - Physical Chemistry V (Structural Chemistry I)
- 270218 VO Physical Chemistry IV - Electrochemistry I - Physical Chemistry IV - Electrochemistry I
- 270219 VO Physical Chemistry I - Physical Chemistry I (Introduction)
- 270229 VO Analytical Chemistry IV - Analytical Chemistry IV (Instrumental Analytical Methods)
- 270276 VO Analytical Chemistry V (Analytical Spectrometry I) - Analytical Chemistry V (Analytical Spectrometry I)
- 270306 UE Inorganic Chemistry: Lab course I - Inorganic Chemistry: Lab course I
2. Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. Analytical Chemistry
- 270050 VO Chiral separation - Chiral analysis by chromatographic and electrophoretic methods
- 270065 VO Methods of enzymatic analysis - Methods of enzymatic analysis
- 270066 VO Analytical chemistry in archaeometry - Analytical chemistry in archaeometry
- 270084 PR Practice in Tunnelling Microscopy - Practice in Tunnelling Microscopy
- 270104 SE Seminar for the subject Analytical Chemistry - Seminar for the subject Analytical Chemistry
- 270106 UE Opt. Pract. Exercises: Chem. Sensors, Spectroscopy - Optional Practical Exercises: Chemical Sensors, Spectroscopy
- 270114 UE Practical Course in Bioanalytical Chemistry - Practical Course in Bioanalytical Chemistry (HPLC, HPCE - Mass Spectrometry)
- 270115 UE Electroanalytical methods - Electroanalytical methods
- 270117 UE Atomic Spectrometry - Atomic Spectrometry
- 270119 UE Hyphenation of HPLC with MS - Hyphenation of high performance separation techniques with mass spectrometry.
- 270122 UE Pract. course in analyt. chemistry: Mass Spectrom. - Practical Course in Analytical Chemistry: Mass Spectrometry
- 270124 UE Immunoanalytical Methods - Immunoanalytical Methods
- 270125 UE Virtual Laboratory - High performance separation methods: chromatography, capillary electrophoresis
- 270149 VO Ultrathin films - Ultrathin films and their applications in materials chemistry, sensing and biology
- 270184 UE Analysis of bioacative agents - Analysis of bioacative agents
- 270227 VO Analytical Spectrometry II - Analytical Spectrometry II - innovative developments and applications
- 270228 VO Electrophoretic separation methods - Electrophoretic separation methods
- 270240 VO Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships - Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships (QSPR) Studies and their Application in Separation Science
- 270244 VO Environmental and Toxin Analysis - Environmental and Toxin Analysis
- 270250 VO Dringking water and beverages - Drinking water and beverages
- 270256 VO Separation techniques with membranes - Separation techniques with membranes
- 270264 VO Measurement technology in analytical chemistry - Measurement technology and data acquisition in analytical chemistry
- 270269 SE Seminar Green Chemistry and Env. Science - Seminar Green Chemistry and Environmental Science
- 270279 VO Atomic Spectrometric Element Analysis - Specific Sample Preparation Methods for qualitative and quantitative element analysis especially for biological and environmental problems
- 270281 VO Immunoanalytical Methods - Immunoanalytical Methods
- 270297 VO Receptor-Ligand Interactions - Receptor-Ligand Interactions and Determination of Association Constants
2.2. Inorganic Chemistry
- 270012 UE Inorganic Chemistry Lab course IIID - Inorganic Chemistry Lab course IIID - Coordination chemistry
- 270013 UE Inorganic Chemistry Lab course III E - Inorganic Chemistry Lab course III E - Modern synthetic and analytical methods inorganic chemistry
- 270029 EX Modern Inorganic Technology - Modern Inorganic Technology, Excursion
- 270031 SE Bioinorganic Chemistry - Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270032 VO Medical Radiochemistry II - Medical Radiochemistry II - Tracer for NeuroImaging
- 270061 VO Computer-assisted literature research - Computer-assisted literature research
- 270073 UE Radiochemistry - Radiochemistry
- 270100 UE Anorganisch-chemisches Praktikum A - Inorganic Chemistry Lab course III A - Bioinorganic Chemistry, coordination chemistry
- 270103 UE [ de en ] Materials Science Laboratory Course D - Materials Science Laboratory Course D - Thermal Methods in Solid State- and Materials-Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Course IIIB)
- 270153 UE Practical exercises on literature research - Practical exercises on computer assisted literature research for natural scientists
- 270156 SE+EX Environmental Chemistry Seminar - Environmental Chemistry Seminar
- 270163 SE Radiochemical techniques used in environ. studies - Radiochemical techniques used in environmental studies
- 270188 UE Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry - Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry: Lab course
- 270208 VO Solid State Chemistry - Solid State Chemistry
- 270212 UE Inorganic Chemistry Lab course III C - Inorganic Chemistry Lab course III C: Environment and Radiochemistry
- 270225 EX Environmental Chemistry: Scientific fieldwork - Environmental Chemistry: Scientific fieldwork
- 270241 VO Phase Diagrams - Phase Diagrams (Systematics and Experimental Methods)
2.3. Biochemistry
- 270009 VO Introduction into carbohydrates - Introduction into carbohydrate chemistry and biological chemistry
- 270030 VO Phys.-chemical methods in Biochemistry - Phys.- chemical methods in Biochemistry
- 270056 SE Working techniques in protein biochemistry - Working techniques in protein biochemistry
- 270065 VO Methods of enzymatic analysis - Methods of enzymatic analysis
- 270077 VO Techniques in biochemical analysis - Techniques in biochemical analysis
- 270109 UE Laboratory Course C + Molecular Biology II/ A - Laboratory Course C (Protein Biochemistry) for Chemistry Students and Laboratory Course Molecular Biology II/ Part A
- 270170 SE Methods in Theoretical Biochemistry II - Methods in Theoretical Biochemistry II
- 270189 SE Accompanying Seminar to Laboratory Course C - Accompanying Seminar to Laboratory Course C (Protein Biochemistry) for Chemistry Students
- 270190 SE+UE Laboratory Course B - Laboratory Course B (Molecular Biology) for Chemistry Students
- 270191 UE Laboratory Course: Advanced Biochemistry A - Laboratory Course: Advanced Biochemistry A (for Chemistry Students)
- 270221 VO Photosynthesis in Prokaryotes - Photosynthesis in Prokaryotes
- 270226 VO Organic Chemical Methods - Organic Chemical Methods in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
- 270267 VO Proteintransport and organelle biogenesis - Proteintransport and organelle biogenesis
- 270280 SE Methods in biochemical analytics - Methods in biochemical analytics
- 270293 VO Pathobiochemistry - Pathobiochemistry
- 270296 VO Eukaryotic Photosynthesis - Eukaryotic Photosynthesis
- 270302 VO [ en ] Biology for chemists - Biology for chemists
- 270303 VO+SE [ en ] Genetics for chemists - Genetics for chemists
- 310003 VO [ en ] Structure and Function of Proteins - Structure and Function of Proteins
- 310108 UE Molecular Biology III/ B + Laboratory Course D - Laboratory Course Molecular Biology III/ Part B and Laboratory Course D (Cell Biology) for Chemistry Students
- 310117 VO [ en ] Molekular Pathology - Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Human Disease
- 310129 VO Methods in Cell Biology - Methods in Cell Biology
- 310132 VO Molecular biology of Plant IV - Molecular biology of Plant IV - biochemistry of plant
2.4. Food Chemistry
- 270194 UE Practical course on food chemistry A - Practical course on food chemistry A
- 270248 VO Lebensmitteltechnologie - Lebensmitteltechnologie
- 270250 VO Dringking water and beverages - Drinking water and beverages
- 270262 VO Food Technology - Perserving of foods by irradiation (Food technology and analytical methods)
- 270308 VO Food Chemistry II - Food Chemistry II
- 270312 VO Food Toxicology - Food Toxicology
- 270313 UE Practical Course in Food Hygiene & Food Microbiol. - Practical Course in Food Hygiene and Food Microbiology
2.5. Material Chemistry
- 270033 SE Modern developments in Solid State Science - Modern developments in Solid State Science
- 270034 VO Magnetism and Superconductivity: an introduction - Magnetism and Superconductivity: an introduction
- 270064 VO Simulation techniques in phys. & mat. chemistry - Simulation techniques in physical and material chemistry
- 270076 VO Physical and Chemical Properties of Solids - Material Chemistry IV: Physical and Chemical Properties of Solids: experimental Methods and Models
- 270103 UE [ de en ] Materials Science Laboratory Course D - Materials Science Laboratory Course D - Thermal Methods in Solid State- and Materials-Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Course IIIB)
- 270127 UE Practical course in micro/nanostructuring - Practical course in micro/nanostructuring and characterization of interfaces (for chemists, material chemists and biochemists)
- 270137 VO Solid State Spectroscopy - Solid State Spectroscopy
- 270144 VO Supercritical fluids - Supercritical Fluids
- 270145 UE Simulation techniques in physical and material che - Simulation techniques in physical and material chemistry (practice)
- 270147 VO Polymers in material science - Polymers in material science
- 270149 VO Ultrathin films - Ultrathin films and their applications in materials chemistry, sensing and biology
- 270208 VO Solid State Chemistry - Solid State Chemistry
- 270232 VO Symmetry in Solid State - Symmetry in Solid State
- 270234 VO+UE Computer applications in solid state chemistry - Computer applications in solid state chemistry
- 270235 VO Corrosion and electrochemistry - Corrosion of metals and alloys, corrosion protection
- 270236 VO Metallic and ceramic materials - Metallic and ceramic Matriels
- 270241 VO Phase Diagrams - Phase Diagrams (Systematics and Experimental Methods)
- 270284 UE Examples for research in materials science - Examples for research in materials science
- 270287 VO Structural Chemistry II - Structural Chemistry II
- 270292 VO+UE Introduction to solid state theory - Principles of the theory of solds
- 270295 VO Processes at solid surfaces - Processes at solid surfaces
- 270301 VO Estimation of Physico-Chemical Properties - Estimation of Physico-Chemical Properties
- 270305 UE Electron Microscopy Methods - Electron Microscopy Methods
2.6. Organic Chemistry
- 270003 UE+VO Structure-oriented searches in chemical databases - Structure-oriented searches in chemical databases
- 270008 SE Chirale transformation in organic syntheses - Chirale transformation in organic syntheses
- 270009 VO Introduction into carbohydrates - Introduction into carbohydrate chemistry and biological chemistry
- 270041 SE+UE Structure-determination 1D/2D NMR - Structure-determination using one- and two-diimensional NMR-Spectroscopy
- 270058 VO Konformationsanalyse - Konformationsanalyse
- 270061 VO Computer-assisted literature research - Computer-assisted literature research
- 270075 SE Anwendung neuer Methoden in der Organ. Chemie - Entwicklung und Anwendung neuer Methoden in der Organischen Chemie (insbesondere für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen
- 270085 VO+UE NMR-Spectroscopy of Dynamic Phenomena - NMR-Spectroscopy of Dynamic Phenomena
- 270086 SE Structures from Spectra - Interpretation of Spectra and Structure Determination (UVIS, IR, MS, NMR)
- 270133 UE Laboratory course in organic chemistry C - Laboratory course in organic chemistry C
- 270134 UE Laboratory course in irganic chemistry A - Laboratory course in irganic chemistry A
- 270135 UE Laboratory course in organic chemistry B - Laboratory course in organic chemistry B
- 270138 VO+UE NMR-Spektroskopie (Grundlagen) - Grundlagen der NMR-Spektroskopie: Theorie und Übungen
- 270226 VO Organic Chemical Methods - Organic Chemical Methods in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
- 270252 SE Seminar on modern methods - Seminar on moderne methods in asymmetric synthesis
- 270265 VO Biosynthesis of Natural Products - Biosynthesis of Natural Products
- 270290 UE Organisch-chemisches Praktikum E - Organisch-chemisches Praktikum E
- 270317 VO Natural Product Synthesis - Efficiency in Natural Product Synthesis
2.7. Physical Chemistry
- 270001 UE Femtosecond-Spectroscopy, Laboratory course - Laboratory course/tutorial - Femtosecond-Spectroscopy
- 270025 SE Seminar f. the Elective Subject Physical Chemistry - Seminar for the Elective Subject Physical Chemistry (Nanotechnology and Interfaces)
- 270026 SE Physical Chemical Seminar (Departmental Seminar) - Physical Chemical Seminar for Doctorate and Diploma Students (Departmental Seminar)
- 270049 VO Energy - Energy
- 270052 SE Seminar: Solid state and solid surface chemistry - Seminar: Solid state and solid surface chemistry
- 270064 VO Simulation techniques in phys. & mat. chemistry - Simulation techniques in physical and material chemistry
- 270094 VO Special aspects of biological energy conversion - Special aspects of biological energy conversion in
- 270141 PR Practice in physical chemistry A - Practice in physical chemistry A
- 270142 PR Practice in physical chemistry B - Practice in physical chemistry B
- 270143 PR Practice in physical chemistry C - Practice in physical chemistry C
- 270145 UE Simulation techniques in physical and material che - Simulation techniques in physical and material chemistry (practice)
- 270147 VO Polymers in material science - Polymers in material science
- 270198 UE+PR Experiments on cyanobacterial bioenergetics - Experiments on fundamental bioenergetic reactions
- 270199 SE Special topics in cyanobacterial bioenergetics - Reviews on special topics in cyanobacterial bioene
- 270203 SE Seminar on macromolecular chemistry and physics - Seminar on macromolecular chemistry and physics
- 270233 UE Practical course in macromolecular chemistry - Practical course in macromolecular chemistry
- 270234 VO+UE Computer applications in solid state chemistry - Computer applications in solid state chemistry
- 270242 VO Kinetics II (non-linear chemical kinetics) - Kinetics II (non-linear chemical kinetics)
- 270243 SE Advances in Physical Chemistry - Advances in Physical Chemistry
- 270271 VO Femtosecond Spectroscopy / Femtochemistry - Femtosecond Spectroscopy / Femtochemistry
- 270282 UE Computer aided Physical Chemistry - Computer aided Physical Chemistry
- 270287 VO Structural Chemistry II - Structural Chemistry II
- 270292 VO+UE Introduction to solid state theory - Principles of the theory of solds
- 270295 VO Processes at solid surfaces - Processes at solid surfaces
- 270301 VO Estimation of Physico-Chemical Properties - Estimation of Physico-Chemical Properties
- 270305 UE Electron Microscopy Methods - Electron Microscopy Methods
2.8. Theoretical Chemistry and Spectroscopy
- 270003 UE+VO Structure-oriented searches in chemical databases - Structure-oriented searches in chemical databases
- 270004 UE Quantum Chemistry and Chemical Dynamics - Quantum Chemistry and Chemical Dynamics
- 270005 UE Research Practicum - Theoretical-chemical and Spectroscopical Research Practicum
- 270007 UE Theoretical Biochemistry - Theoretical Biochemistry
- 270010 SE Molecular Modelling - Molecular Modelling
- 270014 VO Methods in NMR Spectroscopy - Methods in NMR Spectroscopy
- 270021 SE Seminar in Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy - Seminar in Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy
- 270041 SE+UE Structure-determination 1D/2D NMR - Structure-determination using one- and two-diimensional NMR-Spectroscopy
- 270085 VO+UE NMR-Spectroscopy of Dynamic Phenomena - NMR-Spectroscopy of Dynamic Phenomena
- 270086 SE Structures from Spectra - Interpretation of Spectra and Structure Determination (UVIS, IR, MS, NMR)
- 270096 UE Probleme Theoret. Chemie mit Mathematica - Probleme Theoret. Chemie mit Mathematica
- 270130 UE Practical spectroscopy (UV/VIS, IR/Ra, NMR) - Practical spectroscopy (UV/VIS, IR/Ra, NMR)
- 270159 VO Photochemistry and Photophysik - Photochemistry and Photophysik
- 270161 VO Laser spectroscopy - Laser spectroscopy
- 270170 SE Methods in Theoretical Biochemistry II - Methods in Theoretical Biochemistry II
- 270247 VO [ en ] X-Ray Diffraction Methods - X-Ray Diffraction Methods
- 270271 VO Femtosecond Spectroscopy / Femtochemistry - Femtosecond Spectroscopy / Femtochemistry
- 270274 UE Computer laboratory in biomolecular simulation - Computer laboratory in biomolecular simulation
- 270275 VO Biomolecular Simulation and NMR-Relaxation - Biomolecular Simulation and NMR-Relaxation
- 310114 VO Bioinformatics III (Structure Prediction) - Bioinformatics III (Structure Prediction)
- 310115 UE Bioinformatics-Practicum II - Bioinformatics-Practicum II
- 310141 UE+VO [ en ] Computational Structural Biology - Computational Structural Biology
27.02. Teacher Training Programme: Chemistry
1. First Stage of the Degree Programme
- 270002 UE+PR Basic Laboratory Course II - Basic Laboratory Course II - Method Orientated Laborartory Course for Analytical and Organic Chemistry
- 270011 PS Proseminar General Chemistry - Proseminar General Chemistry
- 270022 UE Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course - Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course
- 270024 VO Analytical Chemistry I - Analytical Chemistry I
- 270026 SE Physical Chemical Seminar (Departmental Seminar) - Physical Chemical Seminar for Doctorate and Diploma Students (Departmental Seminar)
- 270027 VO Inorganic Chemistry I - Inorganic Chemistry I
- 270111 SE Proseminar zu Organische Chemie I - Proseminar zu Organische Chemie I
- 270128 UE Laboratory Safety I - Laboratory Safety I
- 270152 UE Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course I - Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course I
- 270160 UE Analytical Chem. laboratory for teacher training - Laboratory courses in Analytical Chemistry for teacher training
- 270162 SE Introduction into school routine - Introduction into school routine (for students of "Chemistry (Teacher accreditions programm)"
- 270186 VO Organic Chemistry I - classes of compounds - Organic Chemistry I - classes of compounds
- 270219 VO Physical Chemistry I - Physical Chemistry I (Introduction)
- 270229 VO Analytical Chemistry IV - Analytical Chemistry IV (Instrumental Analytical Methods)
- 270276 VO Analytical Chemistry V (Analytical Spectrometry I) - Analytical Chemistry V (Analytical Spectrometry I)
- 270306 UE Inorganic Chemistry: Lab course I - Inorganic Chemistry: Lab course I
2. Second Stage of the Degree Programme
- 270050 VO Chiral separation - Chiral analysis by chromatographic and electrophoretic methods
- 270065 VO Methods of enzymatic analysis - Methods of enzymatic analysis
- 270066 VO Analytical chemistry in archaeometry - Analytical chemistry in archaeometry
- 270149 VO Ultrathin films - Ultrathin films and their applications in materials chemistry, sensing and biology
- 270166 SE Seminar for chemistry teaching - Seminar for chemistry teaching
- 270167 VO+UE Class room experiments in chemistry - Class room experiments in general and inorganic chemistry
- 270168 UE Chemical Teachers Experiments in Organic Chemistry - Chemical Teachers Experiments in Organic Chemistry
- 270172 PU Tutorial (Teacher accreditions programm) - Tutorial (Teacher accreditions programm)
- 270174 VO Selected chapters of chemistry - Selected chapters of chemistry
- 270176 SE Modern themes in Biochemistry - Modern themes in Biochemistry
- 270177 VO Theoretical Chemistry for Teacher Accreditation - Theoretical Chemistry for Teacher Accreditation
- 270178 VO Physical Chemistry C - Physical Chemistry C
- 270179 VO Physical Chemistry B for LA - Physical Chemistry B for LA
- 270181 VO Organic Chemistry for Highschool Teachers - Organic Chemistry for Highschool Teachers
- 270183 VO Inorganic Technology - Inorganic Technology
- 270188 UE Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry - Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry: Lab course
- 270214 UE Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry - Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry
- 270227 VO Analytical Spectrometry II - Analytical Spectrometry II - innovative developments and applications
- 270228 VO Electrophoretic separation methods - Electrophoretic separation methods
- 270240 VO Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships - Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships (QSPR) Studies and their Application in Separation Science
- 270264 VO Measurement technology in analytical chemistry - Measurement technology and data acquisition in analytical chemistry
- 270279 VO Atomic Spectrometric Element Analysis - Specific Sample Preparation Methods for qualitative and quantitative element analysis especially for biological and environmental problems
- 270281 VO Immunoanalytical Methods - Immunoanalytical Methods
- 270297 VO Receptor-Ligand Interactions - Receptor-Ligand Interactions and Determination of Association Constants
- 270309 VO Special Didactics of Chemistry - Special Didactics of Chemistry
27.03. Doctoral Programme Chemistry
- 260026 VO [ en ] Phenomena & properties of nanostructured materials - Phenomena and properties of nanostructured materials
- 260027 SE Exp. materials science - nanostructured materials - Present progress of the initiative college "Experimental materials science - nanostructured materials"
- 260229 SE Seminar: Theory of condensed matter - Seminar: Theory of condensed matter
- 270006 SE Spectroscopy of Biomolecules - Spectroscopy of Biomolecules
- 270009 VO Introduction into carbohydrates - Introduction into carbohydrate chemistry and biological chemistry
- 270016 SE Modern methods in natural products synthesis - Modern methods in natural products synthesis
- 270020 SE FTIR-ATR Spectroscopy of interfaces - FTIR-ATR Spectroscopy of interfaces, Seminar for PHD-Students and Diploma-Students
- 270047 SE Instrumental Techniques in Bioanalytical Chemistry - Instrumental Techniques in Bioanalytical Chemistry
- 270057 SE [ en ] Chemical sensors and selforganisation - Chemical sensors and selforganisation
- 270072 SE Selectivity principles, applic. in LC, CE & MS - Selectivity principles and their application in LC, CE and MS
- 270075 SE Anwendung neuer Methoden in der Organ. Chemie - Entwicklung und Anwendung neuer Methoden in der Organischen Chemie (insbesondere für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen
- 270087 SE Analysis of food components - Analysis of food components
- 270095 SE Seminar in Analytical Chemistry - Lecture and discussion forum of diverse topics in Analytical Chemistry
- 270202 SE Seminar Quantum Chemistry and Chemical Dynamics - Seminar Quantum Chemistry and Chemical Dynamics
- 270203 SE Seminar on macromolecular chemistry and physics - Seminar on macromolecular chemistry and physics
- 270204 SE Biological Energy Conservation - Biological Energy Conservation
- 270211 SE Seminar for diploma and PhD students - Seminar for diploma and PhD students
- 270252 SE Seminar on modern methods - Seminar on moderne methods in asymmetric synthesis
- 270254 SE Current aspects of Bioinorganic Chemistry - Current aspects of Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270257 VO [ en ] Writing and Speaking Scientific English - Writing and Speaking Scientific English
- 270269 SE Seminar Green Chemistry and Env. Science - Seminar Green Chemistry and Environmental Science
- 270272 SE Advanced Mol. Cell Biology Seminar - Advanced Molecular Cell Biology Seminar
- 270273 SE Atomic Spectrometric Trace Element Determination - Trace Element Analysis by Atomic Spectrometric Methods
- 270280 SE Methods in biochemical analytics - Methods in biochemical analytics
- 270285 SE Seminar Materials Chemistry - Seminar Materials Chemistry
- 270314 SE Separation methods in bioanalysis - Application of separation methods in bioanalysis
- 300342 SE Model Cell Culture Systems - Cellbiological Approaches using Model Cell Culture Systems
- 300437 SE Studies on the control of gen expression - Experimental Studies on the control of gen expression
- 300438 SE Methods in Molecular Genetic - Methods in Molecular Genetic
- 300439 SE Methods in medical biochemistry - Methods in medical biochemistry
- 310012 SE [ de en ] Seminar in plant biochemistry and physiology - Seminar about current topics in plant biochemistry and physiology
- 310121 SE [ en ] Yeast-Seminar - The role of Yeast in Research
- 310130 SE [ en ] Publications in Advanced Cell Biology - Publications in Advanced Cell Biology
- 310131 VO [ en ] Advanced Cell Biology - Advanced Cell Biology
- 310133 SE Seminar in Presentation Technics - Seminar in Presentation Technics
- 310134 SE Research-proposal Submission and Assessment - Research-proposal Submission and Assessment
27.04. Optional Courses
- 260060 PR Laboratory course on materials physics - Laboratory course on materials physics
- 270029 EX Modern Inorganic Technology - Modern Inorganic Technology, Excursion
- 270089 VO Photobiology - Basic concepts of photobiology
- 270183 VO Inorganic Technology - Inorganic Technology
- 270257 VO [ en ] Writing and Speaking Scientific English - Writing and Speaking Scientific English
- 270307 VO MS für bioactive molecules - Current mass spectrometric techniques for bioactive molecules in industrial and academic context
- 300066 UE Laboratory Course: Advanced Biochemistry I - Laboratory Course: Advanced Biochemistry I
- 300094 UE Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria, Lab Course - Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria, Laboratory Course
- 300170 VO Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria, Lecture Course - Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria, Lecture Course
- 310009 UE [ en ] Basic Practical Course in Structural Biology - Basic Practical Course in Structural Biology
- 310010 UE [ en ] Advanced Practical Course in Structural Biology - Advanced Practical Course in Structural Biology
- 310116 VO Bioinformatics II - Bioinformatics II
- 310121 SE [ en ] Yeast-Seminar - The role of Yeast in Research
27.05. Bachelor Programme Chemistry
- 270002 UE+PR Basic Laboratory Course II - Basic Laboratory Course II - Method Orientated Laborartory Course for Analytical and Organic Chemistry
- 270024 VO Analytical Chemistry I - Analytical Chemistry I
- 270027 VO Inorganic Chemistry I - Inorganic Chemistry I
- 270152 UE Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course I - Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course I
- 270186 VO Organic Chemistry I - classes of compounds - Organic Chemistry I - classes of compounds
- 270219 VO Physical Chemistry I - Physical Chemistry I (Introduction)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34