Universität Wien

PM6 Historical Studies (10 ECTS)

070045 PS (PH-WIEN) BA-Proseminar - Between colonisation and decolonisation - Bilder, Karten und Textquellen zur europäischen Expansion
070069 PS BA-Proseminar - Politics of Migration - Problematization and Instrumentalisation of Mobility in Europe from the 19th to the 21th Century
070098 PS BA-Proseminar - Rural economy, society, and governance in medieval Central Europe - Ländliche Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Herrschaft im mittelalterlichen Mitteleuropa
070228 PS BA-Proseminar - Economic and Social History - Introduction to Microeconomics for Historians
070278 PS BA-Proseminar - Economic and Social History - Environmental and Agricultural History
070323 PS BA-Proseminar - Public History - Leopold von Ranke's historical ideas in his time and in his aftermath

Last modified: Fr 10.05.2024 13:14