2.4. Schwerpunkt Geologie
- 280072 UE Sedimentological field exercises - Sedimentological field exercises
- 280073 VO+UE Basics in Sedimentary Geology - Basics in Sedimentary Geology
- 280101 VO+SE [ en ] Advanced Topics in Plate Tectonics - Advanced Topics in Plate Tectonics
- 280173 UE Geolog. Map Analysis a. Cross-Sections - Geological Map Analysis and Cross-Sections
- 280218 SE Bakkalaureatsarbeit Geologie - Bakkalaureatsarbeit Geologie
- 280281 VO Regionale Geologie - Geologie der West-, Süd- und Zentralalpen
- 280306 EX Geologische Exkursionen - Geologische Exkursionen
- 280308 UE Kartierungsübung im Gelände - Kartierungsübung im Gelände
- 280328 VO Outline of the Geology of Austria - Outline of the Geology of Austria
- 280376 UE Hydrogeology - Hydrogeology
- 280392 UE Structural geology field course - Structural geology field course
- 280482 UE Geological Methods - Geological Methods
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34