Universität Wien

MNEU V. Complementary Scientific Skills for Neuroscientists (10 ECTS)

300362 UE [en] (ON-SITE) Applied Data Analysis
301033 UE Scientific Communication in the Laboratory - "Hands on - Minds on"
301268 UE [en] Business in Biotech I - Business in Biotech I
301407 SE [en] Lipidmetabolism in Brain Function - Literature Seminar in the field of Neurosciences
301463 VO [en] Biophysical chemistry of macromolecules - Structurbiology
301853 UE [de en] Practical Course in Structural Biology A - Basics
301904 SE [en] (ON-SITE) SE Neuronal Network Dynamics and Behavior - for PhD and Master
301908 VO [en] Development of novel cancer immunotherapies - from target identification through target validation to clinical trials

Last modified: Tu 28.05.2024 11:13