Universität Wien

BAK11 European Union and Europeanisation (9 ECTS)

210072 VO (ON-SITE) BAK11: SpezialVO European Union and Europeanisation - Austria and the EU
210073 SE (ON-SITE) BAK11: European Union and Europeanisation - EU market and economy in the digital age
210074 SE [en] (ON-SITE) BAK11: European Union and Europeanisation - The EU external relations in the Mediterranean
210075 SE (ON-SITE) BAK11: European Union and Europeanisation - Actors and interests in European politics
210173 SE [en] (ON-SITE) BAK11 European Union and Europeanisation - EU-China Relations - Discourses and Policies in Brussels and Beijing

Last modified: Tu 19.03.2024 16:51