Universität Wien

Group of Elective Modules (60 ECTS)

270027 VO (ON-SITE) Mass Spectrometry - Modern instrumentation, methods and applications
270050 UE (ON-SITE) Chemistry and Environment
270073 VO (ON-SITE) Nucleic Acid Analysis Genomics
270099 VO (ON-SITE) Food Analytics I
270191 VU [en] (ON-SITE) Introduction to R
270194 VU (ON-SITE) *omics Integration
270226 PR (ON-SITE) Proteomics
270297 VO [en] (ON-SITE) Receptor Ligand Interactions
270041 VO Medical Radiochemistry II - Tracer Development - from Bench to Bed
270184 VU [en] Coordination Chemistry
270027 VO (ON-SITE) Mass Spectrometry - Modern instrumentation, methods and applications
270073 VO (ON-SITE) Nucleic Acid Analysis Genomics
270206 VO+SE [en] Nucleic Acid Biotechnology
270226 PR (ON-SITE) Proteomics
270297 VO [en] (ON-SITE) Receptor Ligand Interactions
270045 PR [en] (ON-SITE) Practical Course in Food Toxicology - ExposomicsFocus
270086 PR [de en] Practical Food Analysis Course II for Students of the Master Programme Food Chemistry - and Students of the "old" Chemistry Master Programme
270099 VO (ON-SITE) Food Analytics I
270102 VO (ON-SITE) Food Analytics II
270311 PR [de en] (MIXED) Practical Course in Food Toxicology - Cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, and mutagenicity
270182 VO [de en] Conductive Molecules
270115 VO Structure-determination 1D/2D NMR - Structure-determination using one- and two-diimensional NMR-Spectroscopy
270130 PR Practical Course Spectroscopy - UV/VIS, IR/Ra, NMR
270259 UE [de en] Oscillation Spectroscopy - measuerment and selected topics
270296 UE Interpretation of Spectra and of Structural Analysis - Interpretation of Spectra and Structure Determination (UVIS, IR, MS, NMR)
270145 VU Electrochemistry - (Electrode processes)
270182 VO [de en] Conductive Molecules
270096 VO [de en] (REMOTE) Alternative green Solvents

Last modified: Fr 12.01.2024 00:44