Universität Wien

2.3.2. Additional Courses in Computational Physics

260008 UE+VO Programming of simultaneous computers - Programming of simultaneous computers
260065 VO Computational Quantum Mechanics - Computational quantum mechanics
260079 SE ODICS - ODICS (Order and disorder in complex systems)
260089 VO Deterministic chaos II - Deterministic chaos II: Chaos and irreversibility in the natural sciences
260097 SE Rec.progr. and appl. in the theor. of interc.syst. - Recent progress and applications in the theory of interconnected systems
260098 PR Laboratory in Theoretical Physics 2 - Laboratory in Theoretical Physics 2 (Applications of Computers in Theoretical Physics)
260138 VO Statistical mechanics of phase transitions II - Statistical mechanics of phase transitions II
260262 VO Theory of complex interconnected systems II - Theory of complex interconnected systems: from cellular automata to neural network models
260304 VO+UE Modern computer systems - Modern computer systems
260305 UE New trends in software developement - New trends in software developement: Java, Servlets, Jini and Javaspaces
260308 VO Informatics - Informatics (also for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation)
260310 UE Deterministic chaos II - Deterministic chaos II
260312 VO+UE Scientific computing - Scientific computing
260313 SE Computer simulation of molecular systems - Computer simulation of molecular systems
260314 VO Computational statistical mechanics - Computational statistical mechanics

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34