b) Elective Modules Catholic Theology
Es sind zwei Seminare zu absolvieren.
- 010050 SE Titel - Was wollte Jesus wirklich - und deckt sich das mit dem Glauben der heutigen Kirchen? (Dialog: NT und kirchlicher Glaube)
- 010057 SE The Catholic Church during the Third Reich
- 010063 SE Skills and research methods in Church History
- 010064 SE ( MIXED ) Aesthetics and exodus: "Theory of liberation" (Christoph Menke)
- 010072 SE ( MIXED ) Departures and Resistances: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Feminism and Religion
- 010076 SE "God of the Poor": Philosophy of Religion from the sources of Judaism - From Herman Cohen to Emmanuel Lévinas to Liberation Thinking of Latin America
- 010078 SE Pastoral Care in situations of crises
- 010081 SE Liturgical Rites Surrounding Illness and Death
- 010084 SE Ecumenical Theology from an eastern christian perspective. Orthodox Theology and Vatican II.
- 010090 SE Jesus Christ - Son of God? 1700 Years of the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea
- 010094 SE ( MIXED ) Discover Romania: denominational diversity, communist heritage and religious life today - (Compulsory preparatory seminar for the excursion to Romania in SS 2025)
- 010097 SE Different models under one (Catholic) umbrella? Structures of co-responsibility in East and West. - Strukturen der Mitverantwortung im Osten und Westen.
- 010098 SE Seminar in Preaching
- 010100 SE Eucharistic spirituality
- 010118 SE Where love falls? - Love, partnership and sexuality between social and ecclesial models
- 010119 SE Artificial intelligence and democracy - ethical perspectives
- 010128 SE Equal opportunities or equity? Education and labor in the modern meritocracy
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 00:46