B8 Applied Sociology (12 ECTS)
- 230051 SE B8 Sociology of Police - Selected Research Areas 1
- 230052 SE B8 Sociology of Discrimination - Selected Research Areas 1
- 230053 SE [ en ] B8 Urban Sociology - Cities, territories, governance - Selected Research Areas 1
- 230050 SE B8 Sociology of Health - Selected Research Areas 1
- 230054 SE B8 Sociology of Age - Selected Research Areas 1
- 230062 SE B8 Norms, Deviance and Social Control - Selected Research Areas 1
- 230056 UE B8 Doing Sociology in the political field - Sociology in Practice
- 230057 UE B8 Sociological professional fields with a focus on non-university institutes and departments - Sociology in Practice
- 230058 UE B8 Workshop/Excursion: Job Orientation for Students. Examples for fields of work for sociologists - Sociology in Practice
- 230059 UE B8 Housing crises and homelessness in Vienna - Sociology in Practice
- 230061 UE B8 Sociology of Social Work A practice field of social science - Sociology in Practice
B8 Applied Sociology: Recommended Lectures of other Departments
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 08:51