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M18: Advanced History of Religion (5 ECTS)
Im Wahlmodul M18 ist ein religionsgeschichtliches Seminar im Ausmaß von 5 ECTS-Punkten zu absolvieren, das weder in Pflichtmodul M2 noch im Wahlmodul M15 belegt worden ist.
- 010016 SE Between cross, crescent and pasta sieve - Basic questions and current problems of Austrian and European religious law. Religious law - (also) for non-lawyers
- 010057 SE Synodality and Conciliarism - Zur Rolle von Synoden und Konzilien als Reforminstrumente in der Neuzeit
- 010088 VU [ en ] New Religious Movements
- 010101 VU [ en ] Introducing Siberian Shamanism
- 010109 VU [ en ] The non-Buddhist Religions of Tibet
- 010114 VU [ en ] History of the Roman Catholic Inquisition(s) and Related Institutions
- 010120 SE From the Peasants' War to the Schism. The early phase of the Reformation
- 030194 KU Islam in Europe - (Issues from) Legal history and contemporary legal developments
- 090030 PS Roman Archaeology and Visual Culture
- 142165 PS Tibetan Histories and Stories: Methods, Topics, Texts
Last modified: Tu 04.03.2025 15:34