Warning! The directory is not yet complete and will be amended until the beginning of the term.
M-04,2 Bachelor Module Modern German Literature (14 ECTS)
Bachelor Seminar Modern German Literature
- 100097 SE-B Modern German Literature: - Adalbert Stifter
- 100140 SE-B Modern German Literature: - Große Sprachmodelle in der Literaturwissenschaft: Methoden, Möglichkeiten, Grenzen
- 100141 SE-B Modern German Literature: - Von Müttern. Matrizentristisches und -lineares Erzählen in der (Gegenwarts-)Literatur
- 100167 SE-B Masterseminar NdL: - Der schlafende Riese. Das Fortwirken aufklärerischer Reformen
Lecture Course Linguistics
- 100011 VO History of Language
- 100018 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100021 VO Lecture course: - Deutsch in Österreich. Kontakt - Variation - Perzeption
- 100022 VO Lecture course: Linguistics - Quantitative Methoden in den Digital Humanities
- 100025 VO Lecture course: Linguistics - Back to the future? Revival of hetero-androcentric hierarchies in language
- 100083 VO Lecture course: Linguistics - Historische Wortbildung
- 100174 VO Lecture course: - Spracherwerb und Sprachvariation in Österreich
Lecture Course German as Foreign/Second Language
- 100013 VO Lecture course: Basics of German as Foreign and Second Language
- 100018 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100034 VO ( KPH Krems ) Deutsch in der Migrationsgesellschaft (auch DaF/Z 6)
Last modified: Fr 10.01.2025 00:44