SPL 25 - Mathematics
25.1. Bachelor Programme
1.1. Introductory phase (STEP)
- 250214 VO Introduction into mathematical methodology
- 250260 UE Aid from the EDP
- 250174 VO Introduction to Analysis
- 250175 UE Tutorials "Introduction to analysis"
- 250199 UE Repetition course to "Introduction to analysis"
- 250133 VO Introduction to linear algebra and geometry
- 250104 UE Tutorials " Introduction to linear algebra and geometry"
- 250238 UE Repetition course to "Introduction to linear algebra and geometry"
1.2. Compulsory courses for all students
- 250254 VO Algebra 1
- 250255 UE Introductory seminar to Algebra 1
- 250191 VO Modelling
- 250192 UE Tutorials "Modelling"
- 250179 VO Analysis 3
- 250180 UE Introductory Seminar to Analysis 3
- 250172 VO Discrete mathematics
- 250173 UE Tutorials "discrete mathematics"
- 250187 VO Introduction to topology
- 250188 UE Tutorial: Introduction to topology
- 250186 SE Bachelor seminar 1
1.3. Alternative group of compulsory modules "Mathematische Berufsvorberietung"
- 250194 VO Basic Ideas of Mathematics
- 250218 KO Conversation to history of mathematics
- 250262 KO Conversation: English for mathematicians
1.4. Alternative group of compulsory modules "Vorbereitung auf wissenschaftliche Arbeit"
- 250270 VO Basic concepts of mathematical logic
- 250269 UE Introductory Seminar: Fundamental Concepts of Mathematical Logic
- 250248 VO Partial differential equations
- 250207 VO Functional analysis 1
- 250208 UE Introductory seminar to Functional Analysis 1
- 250194 VO Basic Ideas of Mathematics
- 250218 KO Conversation to history of mathematics
- 250262 KO Conversation: English for mathematicians
- 250249 UE Tutorials "Partial differential equations"
25.2. Diploma Programme
First stage
1.1. Compulsory Courses
1.2. Elective Courses
1.4. Mathematics for Physicists
- 260224 VO Analysis for Physicists I
- 260225 UE Problem sessions to Analysis for Physicists I
- 260226 VO Linear Algebra for Physicists
- 260227 UE Problem sessions to Linear Algebra for Physicists
2.1. Compulsory courses
- 250179 VO Analysis 3
- 250180 UE Introductory Seminar to Analysis 3
- 250254 VO Algebra 1
- 250255 UE Introductory seminar to Algebra 1
- 250172 VO Discrete mathematics
- 250173 UE Tutorials "discrete mathematics"
- 250187 VO Introduction to topology
- 250188 UE Tutorial: Introduction to topology
2.2. Elective courses
- 250278 UE Repetition course to Analysis 3
- 250191 VO Modelling
- 250192 UE Tutorials "Modelling"
- 250214 VO Introduction into mathematical methodology
- 250199 UE Repetition course to "Introduction to analysis"
- 250262 KO Conversation: English for mathematicians
2.3. Evening courses
- 250196 VO Analysis 2
- 250195 UE Introductory seminar to analysis 2
- 250197 UE Repetition course to analysis 2
- 250201 VO Linear algebra and geometry 2
- 250206 UE Introductory seminar to linear algebra and geometry 2
- 250202 UE Repetition course to linear algebra and geometry 2
Second Stage
2.4. Lecture Courses, Tutorials, and Conversatoriums
- 250270 VO Basic concepts of mathematical logic
- 250269 UE Introductory Seminar: Fundamental Concepts of Mathematical Logic
- 250207 VO Functional analysis 1
- 250208 UE Introductory seminar to Functional Analysis 1
- 250248 VO Partial differential equations
- 250218 KO Conversation to history of mathematics
- 250168 VO Commutative algebra
- 250170 PS Introductory seminar to commutative algebra
- 250219 VO Algebraic number theory
- 250229 VO Algebraic geometry 2
- 250230 PS Introductory seminar to algebraic geometry 2
- 250212 VO Lie groups
- 250282 VO Algorithmic geometry
- 250211 VO Representation theory of finite groups
- 250042 VO Computer algebra
- 250237 VO Selected topics in algebra
- 250253 VO Selected topics in number theory
- 250221 VO Complex analysis 2
- 250241 VO Ordinary differential equations 2
- 250223 VO Banach algebras
- 250220 VO Selected topics in functional analysis: Schrödinger operators
- 250193 VO Selected topics in harmonic analysis
- 250234 VO Numerical mathematics 2
- 250235 PS Introductory seminar to numerical mathematics 2
- 250242 VO Optimization and variation calculation
- 250216 VO Real algebraic geometry and polynomial optimization
- 050169 VU WA.ASC.NM.VU Numerical Methods for Differential Equations
- 250213 VO Interval analysis
- 250225 VO Bio mathematics
- 250226 PS Introductory seminar to bio mathematics
- 250182 VO Stochastic Processes
- 250281 VO Selected topics in game theory
- 250146 VO Algebraic topology
- 250205 PS Introductory seminar to algebraic topology
- 250203 VO Differential geometry 2
- 250233 PS Introductory Seminar to Differential geometry 2
- 250263 VO [ en ] Selected topics in differential geometry (Global Lorentz Geometry)
- 250272 VO Axiomatic Set Theory 1
- 250271 PS Introductory Seminar: Axiomatic Set Theory 1
- 250273 VO Model Theory
- 250274 VO Selected Topics in Set Theory
- 250200 VO Higher probability theory
- 250251 VO Measure and integration theory
- 250252 PS Introductory seminar to measure and integration theory
- 250249 UE Tutorials "Partial differential equations"
- 250286 VO [ en ] Selected topics in differential geometry (Global Lorentz Geometry 2)
2.5. Mathematical Colloquium and Seminars
- 250247 VO Mathematical conversations
- 250279 SE Seminar (the art of problem solving)
- 250239 SE Seminar (Algebra) for SSTAP and Diploma
- 250102 SE Seminar (discrete mathematics)
- 250231 SE Seminar (algebraic geometry)
- 250246 PJ+SE Project seminar (Algebra)
- 250171 PJ+SE Project seminar (number theory)
- 250256 PJ+SE Project seminar (number theory)
- 250232 SE Seminar "discrete mathematics"
- 250204 SE Seminar (analysis)
- 250198 SE Seminar (Complex analysis )
- 250209 SE [ en ] IK-Seminar (modern analysis)
- 250222 PJ+SE Project Seminar (Mathematical physics)
- 250210 SE Seminar (Analysis) generalized functions
- 250236 SE Seminar (Analysis) for SSTAP and Diploma
- 250224 SE [ en ] Seminar (Scientific working)
- 250264 SE Seminar (Nonstandard Analysis)
- 250245 PJ+SE Project seminar (Analysis)
- 250215 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250240 SE Seminar (Mathematical modelling)
- 250243 PJ+SE Project seminar (data analysis)
- 250184 PJ+SE Project seminar (applied mathematics)
- 250244 SE Privatissimum (Applied mathematics)
- 250185 SE Seminar (biomathematics)
- 250183 SE Seminar (mathematical population genetics)
- 250250 SE Seminar (Partial differential equations in cell biology)
- 250189 PJ+SE IK-Project seminar (differential geometry)
- 250190 SE IK- Seminar (lie groups)
- 250275 SE Seminar in Mathematical Logic
- 250276 SE Research Seminar: Mathematical Logic
- 250154 SE Project seminar (probability theory)
2.6. Elective Courses (2nd stage)
- 250194 VO Basic Ideas of Mathematics
- 260018 VO Computational Physics I: Basics
- 260100 UE Computational Physics I: Basics (Workshop)
1.3. Evening Courses
Informatics Courses
- 050101 VO Mathematics for Computer Science Ed. 1
- 050102 UE Problem Session: Introduction to Unix System Administration 1
- 050122 PS Introductory Seminar Mathematics for Computer Science Ed. 1
- 050164 VO Algorithms, Data Structures and Programming 2
- 050165 UE Problem Session: Algorithms, Data Structures and Programming 2
- 050166 VU Internet Applications
- 050167 VU Computersupported Teaching and Learning Organisation
- 050169 VU WA.ASC.NM.VU Numerical Methods for Differential Equations
25.3. Teacher training programme
First stage
3.1. Compulsory courses
- 250214 VO Introduction into mathematical methodology
- 250260 UE Aid from the EDP
- 250174 VO Introduction to Analysis
- 250175 UE Tutorials "Introduction to analysis"
- 250133 VO Introduction to linear algebra and geometry
- 250104 UE Tutorials " Introduction to linear algebra and geometry"
- 250196 VO Analysis 2
- 250195 UE Introductory seminar to analysis 2
- 250201 VO Linear algebra and geometry 2
- 250206 UE Introductory seminar to linear algebra and geometry 2
- 250179 VO Analysis 3
- 250180 UE Introductory Seminar to Analysis 3
3.2. Elective courses
- 250199 UE Repetition course to "Introduction to analysis"
- 250238 UE Repetition course to "Introduction to linear algebra and geometry"
- 250197 UE Repetition course to analysis 2
- 250202 UE Repetition course to linear algebra and geometry 2
- 250278 UE Repetition course to Analysis 3
- 250262 KO Conversation: English for mathematicians
Second stage
3.3. Mathematics
- 250157 VO Applied mathematics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250167 PS Introductory seminar to applied mathematics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250155 VO Higher Analysis for the Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250156 PS Introductory Seminar to Higher Analysis for the Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250239 SE Seminar (Algebra) for SSTAP and Diploma
- 250217 SE Seminar for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme (Applied mathematics)
- 250236 SE Seminar (Analysis) for SSTAP and Diploma
- 250178 SE Seminar for the Secondary School Teacher Accredidation Programme (Probability Theory)
- 250194 VO Basic Ideas of Mathematics
- 250218 KO Conversation to history of mathematics
- 250283 SE Seminar for the Secondary School Teacher Accredidation Programme (Probability Theory)
3.4. Didactics of mathematics
- 250177 VO Indroduction to didactics of mathematics
- 250259 SE Seminar to the school practical training
- 250103 SE Seminar for planning teaching units
- 250176 SE Seminar for planning teaching units
- 250261 SE Seminar on mathematics education
- 250280 SE Seminar (didactics of mathematics)
- 250265 VO School mathematics 2
- 250266 UE Tutorial School mathematics 2
- 250257 VO School mathematics 3 (Applied mathematics)
- 250258 UE Tutorials to School mathematics 3 (Applied mathematics)
- 250227 VO School mathematics differential calculus
- 250228 PS Introductory seminar to school mathematics differential calculus
- 250101 VO Applications of mathematics in teaching
3.5. Elective courses (second stage)
- 250191 VO Modelling
- 250192 UE Tutorials "Modelling"
- 250267 KO Mathematics and education
- 250268 VO Selected topics in
25.4. Master Programme
- 250247 VO Mathematical conversations
- 250279 SE Seminar (the art of problem solving)
4.1. Specialization "Algebra, number theory and dicrete mathematics"
Basic courses, specialization "Algebra"
- 250219 VO Algebraic number theory
- 250239 SE Seminar (Algebra) for SSTAP and Diploma
- 250102 SE Seminar (discrete mathematics)
- 250231 SE Seminar (algebraic geometry)
- 250246 PJ+SE Project seminar (Algebra)
- 250171 PJ+SE Project seminar (number theory)
- 250256 PJ+SE Project seminar (number theory)
- 250232 SE Seminar "discrete mathematics"
Advanced courses, specialization "Algebra"
- 250168 VO Commutative algebra
- 250170 PS Introductory seminar to commutative algebra
- 250042 VO Computer algebra
- 250211 VO Representation theory of finite groups
- 250229 VO Algebraic geometry 2
- 250230 PS Introductory seminar to algebraic geometry 2
- 250282 VO Algorithmic geometry
- 250237 VO Selected topics in algebra
- 250253 VO Selected topics in number theory
4.2. Specialization "Analysis"
Basic courses, specialization "Analysis"
- 250221 VO Complex analysis 2
- 250210 SE Seminar (Analysis) generalized functions
- 250204 SE Seminar (analysis)
- 250198 SE Seminar (Complex analysis )
- 250209 SE [ en ] IK-Seminar (modern analysis)
- 250222 PJ+SE Project Seminar (Mathematical physics)
- 250236 SE Seminar (Analysis) for SSTAP and Diploma
- 250224 SE [ en ] Seminar (Scientific working)
- 250250 SE Seminar (Partial differential equations in cell biology)
- 250264 SE Seminar (Nonstandard Analysis)
- 250245 PJ+SE Project seminar (Analysis)
Advanced courses, specialization "Analysis"
- 250223 VO Banach algebras
- 250241 VO Ordinary differential equations 2
- 250220 VO Selected topics in functional analysis: Schrödinger operators
- 250193 VO Selected topics in harmonic analysis
4.3. Specialization "Applied mathematics and scientific computing"
Basic courses, specialization "AMaSciCo"
- 250234 VO Numerical mathematics 2
- 250235 PS Introductory seminar to numerical mathematics 2
- 250242 VO Optimization and variation calculation
- 250215 SE Seminar (Optimization)
- 250224 SE [ en ] Seminar (Scientific working)
- 250240 SE Seminar (Mathematical modelling)
- 250184 PJ+SE Project seminar (applied mathematics)
- 250243 PJ+SE Project seminar (data analysis)
- 250244 SE Privatissimum (Applied mathematics)
Advanced courses, specialization "AMaSciCo"
- 050169 VU WA.ASC.NM.VU Numerical Methods for Differential Equations
- 250213 VO Interval analysis
- 250216 VO Real algebraic geometry and polynomial optimization
- 250193 VO Selected topics in harmonic analysis
- 260018 VO Computational Physics I: Basics
- 260100 UE Computational Physics I: Basics (Workshop)
4.4. Specialization "Biomathematics"
Basic courses, specialization "Biomathematics"
- 250182 VO Stochastic Processes
- 250183 SE Seminar (mathematical population genetics)
- 250250 SE Seminar (Partial differential equations in cell biology)
- 250185 SE Seminar (biomathematics)
Advanced courses, specialization "Biomathematics"
- 250225 VO Bio mathematics
- 250226 PS Introductory seminar to bio mathematics
- 250281 VO Selected topics in game theory
4.5. Specialization "Geometry and Topology"
Basic courses, specialization "Geometry"
- 250203 VO Differential geometry 2
- 250233 PS Introductory Seminar to Differential geometry 2
- 250146 VO Algebraic topology
- 250205 PS Introductory seminar to algebraic topology
- 250212 VO Lie groups
- 250190 SE IK- Seminar (lie groups)
- 250231 SE Seminar (algebraic geometry)
- 250189 PJ+SE IK-Project seminar (differential geometry)
Advanced courses, specialization "Geometry"
- 250229 VO Algebraic geometry 2
- 250230 PS Introductory seminar to algebraic geometry 2
- 250282 VO Algorithmic geometry
- 250263 VO [ en ] Selected topics in differential geometry (Global Lorentz Geometry)
- 250286 VO [ en ] Selected topics in differential geometry (Global Lorentz Geometry 2)
4.6. Specialization "Mathematical logic and theoretical informatics"
Basic courses, specialization "Logic"
- 250272 VO Axiomatic Set Theory 1
- 250271 PS Introductory Seminar: Axiomatic Set Theory 1
- 250275 SE Seminar in Mathematical Logic
- 250276 SE Research Seminar: Mathematical Logic
Advancede courses, specialization "Logic"
- 250273 VO Model Theory
- 250274 VO Selected Topics in Set Theory
4.7. Specialization "Stochastics and dynamical systems"
Basic courses, speicialization "Stochastics"
- 250182 VO Stochastic Processes
- 250251 VO Measure and integration theory
- 250252 PS Introductory seminar to measure and integration theory
- 250200 VO Higher probability theory
- 250154 SE Project seminar (probability theory)
Advanced courses, specialization "Stochastics"
25.5. Service teaching
5.1. Mathematics for Physics and related fields
- 260224 VO Analysis for Physicists I
- 260225 UE Problem sessions to Analysis for Physicists I
- 260226 VO Linear Algebra for Physicists
- 260227 UE Problem sessions to Linear Algebra for Physicists
5.2. Informatics
- 050101 VO Mathematics for Computer Science Ed. 1
- 050122 PS Introductory Seminar Mathematics for Computer Science Ed. 1
- 050123 VO Unix System Administration 1
- 050102 UE Problem Session: Introduction to Unix System Administration 1
- 050164 VO Algorithms, Data Structures and Programming 2
- 050165 UE Problem Session: Algorithms, Data Structures and Programming 2
- 050071 PR Laboratory for Specialized Didactics
- 050096 VU Planning of Interdisciplinary Teaching
- 050166 VU Internet Applications
- 050167 VU Computersupported Teaching and Learning Organisation
- 050169 VU WA.ASC.NM.VU Numerical Methods for Differential Equations
- 050128 PR Interdisciplinary Didactics Laboratory
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34