C. Diploma Programme Sociology (Branch of Study: Law, Social Sciences and Economics)
First Stage of the Degree Programme
1.1. Theories and Applications
1.2. Methods
1.3. Optional Courses in Law and Economics
1.3.1. Economics
1.3.2. Business Administration
1.3.3. Public Law, Labour and Social Law
1.3.4. Political Science
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. Theories and Applications
- 140316 VO Einführung in die Entwicklungssoziologie
- 230258 VO+SE Theories 1: Diagnosis and Criticism of Society
- 230259 VO+SE Theories 1: Diagnosis and Criticism of Society
- 230265 VO+UE Microsociology/Social Psychology
- 230361 VO+UE Analysis of Social Problem Areas: Migration
2.2. Methods
- 230266 PR Research Practice: Data Collection
- 230268 PR Research Practice: Data Collection
- 230271 PR Research Practice: Data Collection
- 230272 VO Statistics 2 for Sociologists
- 230273 UE Statistics 2 for Sociologists
- 230276 UE Statistics 2 for Sociologists
- 230277 UE Table Analysis
- 230278 UE Table Analysis
2.3. Elective Courses in Law and Economics
Third Stage of the Degree Programme
3.1. Theories and Applications
- 040520 VK KFK IndM/IM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
- 040523 EK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM I
- 040526 VK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM II
- 230279 VO+SE Sociological Theories 1
- 230280 VO+SE Sociological Theories 2: History of Sociological Theories
- 230281 VO+SE Ageing Societies: Research and Politics
- 230282 VO+SE Sociology of Marginal Cultures
- 230283 VO+SE Sociology of Culture
- 230284 VO+SE Basics about Traffic Sociology
- 230285 VO+SE Social Gerontology, Life Course, Intergenertional Relations
- 230286 VO+SE Gender-Space-Power
- 230287 VO [ en ] Urban Sociology: Theories, Methodology and research fields
- 230288 SE [ en ] Practice of Sociology: Cities and housing concerns
- 230289 VO+SE Measuring the Social Integration of Migrants - Theoretical Concepts and Methodological Problems
3.3.1. Sociological Theories
3.3.2. Applied Sociology (Fields of Practice) Political Sociology
- 040523 EK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM I
- 040526 VK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM II Technical Sociology Sociology of Work and Economics
- 040523 EK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM I
- 040526 VK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM II Social Structure Research Socialgerontology Sociology of Developing Countries Sociology Curriculum Vitae Sociology of International Relations Urban Sociology Sociology of Migration Sociology of Leisure, Sports and Tourism Traffic Sociology Sociology of Culture
3.3.3. Research Laboratory
- 230290 PR Research Lab: Housing cultures and life styles of the aged
- 230291 PR Research Lab: Sociology of Vienna
- 230292 PR Research Lab: Applied Poverty and Social Reporting
3.3.4. Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 230293 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230294 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230295 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230296 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230297 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230298 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230299 SE Diploma Seminar
- 230301 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230302 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar
3.2. Methods
- 230303 VO+UE Specific Multivariate Methods of Analysis in the Social Sciences
- 230304 VO+UE Specific Multivariate Methods
- 230306 VO+UE Structural Equation Models with Longitudinal Data
- 230310 VO+UE Quantitative Empirical Social Research: Cross-National/Cultural Survey Research - Advanced Methods
- 230311 UE Specific Collection Methods: Online-Collection
- 230312 UE Specific Collection Methods: Participant Observation
- 230313 UE Specific Collection Methods: Questionnaire Development and Evaluation
- 230316 UE Project Planning and Research Management
- 230389 UE Itemanlysis, Scaling and Index Construction
- 230390 VO+UE Observation in the Social Sciences - Methodology, Methods and Technics - Methodology, Methods and Research Technics of Reactive and Non-Reactive Observation of Behavior and Situation
3.3. Courses in Law and Economics
- 230317 KU Public Law - Introduction to Constitutional-, Administrative- and European Law
- 230319 KU Business Administration - Business Aspects of Sociology
Free Elective Courses
- 210072 VO D3, G10: The Power of Movement - Transformation of the Field of Sport
- 230318 KU Economics for Sociologists
- 230320 VO+UE Introduction to Demography and Population Sociology
- 230321 UE [ en ] English for Sociologists
- 230322 PR SPSS
- 230323 PR SPSS
- 230324 UE European Institutions
- 230325 SE Sociology of Tourism
- 230391 PR Field Study and Trip: The Integration of the new Central-European Member States in the EU - The Metamorphosis of new Member States in the EU: Slovenia, Hungary, Romania
Research Privatissimum
- 040512 SE Research Privatissimum in Sociology
- 230326 SE Doctoral Thesis Seminar
- 230327 SE Doctoral Thesis Seminar
- 230328 SE Doctoral Thesis Seminar
- 230329 SE Doctoral Thesis Seminar
- 230331 SE Doctoral Thesis Seminar
- 230332 SE Doctoral Thesis Seminar
- 230333 SE Doctoral Thesis Semiar
- 230334 SE Doctoral Thesis Seminar
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34