4.04. Economics
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A. Bachelor Programme Economics (A 033 513): Curriculum 2006
1. Introductory Phase
1.1. Basics of Economics
- 040012 EK Principles of Accounting
- 040145 VO Introduction to Economics
- 040146 AK AK: Introduction to Economics
- 040154 AK AK: Introduction to Economics
- 040219 AK AK: Introduction to Economics
- 040296 EK Introduction to Business Administration
1.2. Linear Algebra
- 040451 VO Linear Algebra
- 040452 UE Linear Algebra
1.3. Basics of Business Administration
- 040294 EK Financial Accounting for Beginners
- 040295 EK Cost Accounting for Beginners
- 040296 EK Introduction to Business Administration
- 040675 EK Service Module: Specialization to Principles of Accounting
1.4. Basics of Business Sociology
- 040500 UE Industrial Sociology
2. Compulsory Courses
2.1. Europe's Political Economy with Special Emphasis on Austria
- 040126 UK Political Economy of Europe
2.2. Micro Economy for Students of Economics
- 040115 UE Microeconomics 1
- 040151 UK Microeconomics I
2.3. Macro Economy for Students of Economics
2.4. Formal Modelling in Economy
2.5. Decision and Game Theory
2.6. Analysis
2.7. Probability Calculation
- 040459 VO Exercises in Probability
- 040460 UE Exercises in Probability
2.8. Inferential Statistics
2.9. Applied Economy and Empirical Business Research
- 040131 UK Introductory Econometrics
2.10. Basics of Financial Science
- 040140 VO Public Economics I: Taxation
2.11. Business Administration
- 040002 EK Basic Finance
- 040003 VK Intermediate Finance
- 040058 EK Organization and Human Resources
- 040061 EK Marketing
- 040063 EK Production and Logistics
- 040176 EK [ en ] Marketing
- 040181 FK [ en ] Marketing (E)
- 040428 FK Marketing
- 040502 VK Organization and Human Resources
- 040598 EK Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions
- 040600 VK Innovation and Technology Management
- 040628 EK Accounting: Financial Accounting for Advanced Students
3. Compulsory Elective Courses
3.1. Economics
- 040582 UK [ en ] Network Economics
3.2. History of Theory and History of Business
- 040263 SE Social and Economic History - Innovationsgeschichte
- 040573 UK Explanations of industrial revolution - Explanations of industrial revolution
- 070482 SE Seminar of Economic History - The Theory of Business Cycles and Economic Growth
3.3. Sociology and Political Science
- 040381 EK Industrial Sociology
3.4. Elective Modules
3.4.1. Economics
3.4.2. Business Administration
- 040002 EK Basic Finance
- 040003 VK Intermediate Finance
- 040058 EK Organization and Human Resources
- 040061 EK Marketing
- 040062 VK Production and Logistics
- 040063 EK Production and Logistics
- 040176 EK [ en ] Marketing
- 040181 FK [ en ] Marketing (E)
- 040428 FK Marketing
- 040502 VK Organization and Human Resources
- 040598 EK Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions
- 040600 VK Innovation and Technology Management
- 040628 EK Accounting: Financial Accounting for Advanced Students
3.4.3. Economy and Statistics
3.4.3. Further Elective Modules
B. Master Programme Economcis (066 913): Curriculum 2006
1. Area of Specialisation A
1.1. Advanced Macroeconomics
- 040130 UK [ en ] Macroeconomic 2
- 040158 UE [ en ] Advanced Macroeconomics (E)
1.2. Advanced Microeconomics
1.3. Econometrics and Empirical Business Research
- 040152 PR [ en ] Applied Econometrics (E)
- 040549 VO Linear Models
- 040550 UE Linear Models
1.4. Compulsory Module Mathematical Methods
- 040147 PS Mathematical Economy - Mathematische Grundlagen der Mikroökonomie, Wahlfach, II. Abschnitt
1.5. Elective Module Mathematical Methods
1.6. Econometrics and Game Theory
- 040124 UK [ en ] Game Theory 2
- 040227 UK Applied Time Series Analysis
1.7. Modules in Economics
- 040128 SE Development Policy
- 040140 VO Public Economics I: Taxation
- 040148 VO Law and Economics - Vorlesung Recht und Ökonomie I (Grundlagen, ökonomische Analyse des Privat- und Strafrechts)
- 040150 UK [ en ] Financial Markets (E)
- 040156 PS Economics of Public Administration - Ökonomische Theorie der öffentlichen Verwaltung und UK Modul I von "Public Utility Management" (Modul II im Sommersem)
- 040157 PS Law and Economics
- 040263 SE Social and Economic History - Innovationsgeschichte
- 040392 UK [ en ] International Economics (E)
- 040393 UK Poverty
- 040394 SE Auctions
- 040395 UK Competition and Regulation Policy
- 040547 UK [ en ] Applied Macroeconomics (E)
- 040575 UK [ en ] Growth and Income Distribution
- 040580 UK [ en ] Public Choice
- 040581 UK [ en ] Economics of Transition and European Integration
- 040582 UK [ en ] Network Economics
- 040589 VO Foundations of Development Economics
- 040605 UK [ en ] Applied Industrial Economics (E) - Industrieökonomie (E)
1.8. Elective Modules
1.8.1. Economics
- 040128 SE Development Policy
- 040140 VO Public Economics I: Taxation
- 040148 VO Law and Economics - Vorlesung Recht und Ökonomie I (Grundlagen, ökonomische Analyse des Privat- und Strafrechts)
- 040150 UK [ en ] Financial Markets (E)
- 040156 PS Economics of Public Administration - Ökonomische Theorie der öffentlichen Verwaltung und UK Modul I von "Public Utility Management" (Modul II im Sommersem)
- 040157 PS Law and Economics
- 040263 SE Social and Economic History - Innovationsgeschichte
- 040392 UK [ en ] International Economics (E)
- 040393 UK Poverty
- 040394 SE Auctions
- 040395 UK Competition and Regulation Policy
- 040547 UK [ en ] Applied Macroeconomics (E)
- 040575 UK [ en ] Growth and Income Distribution
- 040580 UK [ en ] Public Choice
- 040581 UK [ en ] Economics of Transition and European Integration
- 040582 UK [ en ] Network Economics
- 040589 VO Foundations of Development Economics
- 040605 UK [ en ] Applied Industrial Economics (E) - Industrieökonomie (E)
- 040612 UK Government Expenditures
1.8.2. Business Administration
1.8.3. Econometrics and Statistics
1.8.4. Further elective modules according to the curriculum
1.9. Discussion Course
2. Area of Specialisation B
2.1. Advanced Macroeconomics
- 040130 UK [ en ] Macroeconomic 2
- 040158 UE [ en ] Advanced Macroeconomics (E)
2.2. Mikroökonomie für Fortgeschrittene
2.3. Econometrics and Empirical Business Research
- 040152 PR [ en ] Applied Econometrics (E)
- 040549 VO Linear Models
- 040550 UE Linear Models
2.4. Quantitative Methods in Economics
- 040147 PS Mathematical Economy - Mathematische Grundlagen der Mikroökonomie, Wahlfach, II. Abschnitt
2.5. Modules in Economics
- 040140 VO Public Economics I: Taxation
- 040150 UK [ en ] Financial Markets (E)
- 040156 PS Economics of Public Administration - Ökonomische Theorie der öffentlichen Verwaltung und UK Modul I von "Public Utility Management" (Modul II im Sommersem)
- 040392 UK [ en ] International Economics (E)
- 040393 UK Poverty
- 040394 SE Auctions
- 040395 UK Competition and Regulation Policy
- 040547 UK [ en ] Applied Macroeconomics (E)
- 040575 UK [ en ] Growth and Income Distribution
- 040580 UK [ en ] Public Choice
- 040581 UK [ en ] Economics of Transition and European Integration
- 040605 UK [ en ] Applied Industrial Economics (E) - Industrieökonomie (E)
- 040612 UK Government Expenditures
2.6. Elective Modules
2.6.1. Economics
- 040128 SE Development Policy
- 040148 VO Law and Economics - Vorlesung Recht und Ökonomie I (Grundlagen, ökonomische Analyse des Privat- und Strafrechts)
- 040157 PS Law and Economics
- 040263 SE Social and Economic History - Innovationsgeschichte
- 040582 UK [ en ] Network Economics
- 040589 VO Foundations of Development Economics
2.6.2. Business Administration
2.6.3. Economics and Statistics
2.6.4. Further elective modules according to the curriculum
2.7. Discussion Course
C. Diploma Programme Economics (A 140)
First Stage of the Degree Programme
1.1. Introduction to Economics
- 040126 UK Political Economy of Europe
- 040134 VO History of Economic Policy - Geschichte der Wirtschaftspolitik
- 040138 UK Introduction to Formal Modelling
- 040139 VO Introduction to Social and Economic History
- 040145 VO Introduction to Economics
- 040146 AK AK: Introduction to Economics
- 040154 AK AK: Introduction to Economics
- 040219 AK AK: Introduction to Economics
- 040263 SE Social and Economic History - Innovationsgeschichte
- 040499 PS History of Economic Policy
- 040573 UK Explanations of industrial revolution - Explanations of industrial revolution
1.2. Economics
- 040115 UE Microeconomics 1
- 040151 UK Microeconomics I
1.3. Mathematics
1.4. Statistics
1.5. Applied Econometrics and Empirical Business Research
- 040131 UK Introductory Econometrics
1.6. Business Administration
- 040002 EK Basic Finance
- 040003 VK Intermediate Finance
- 040012 EK Principles of Accounting
- 040054 VK Organization and Human Resources / Organization
- 040055 VK Organization and Human Resources / Human Resources
- 040058 EK Organization and Human Resources
- 040062 VK Production and Logistics
- 040063 EK Production and Logistics
- 040296 EK Introduction to Business Administration
- 040428 FK Marketing
- 040597 EK Accounting: Cost Accounting for Advanced Students
- 040628 EK Accounting: Financial Accounting for Advanced Students
- 040675 EK Service Module: Specialization to Principles of Accounting
1.7. Elective Course
- 040263 SE Social and Economic History - Innovationsgeschichte
- 040265 PS Political Economy of Austria - Politische Ökonomie Österreichs und MOE
- 040499 PS History of Economic Policy
- 040500 UE Industrial Sociology
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. Economic Theory
- 040124 UK [ en ] Game Theory 2
- 040130 UK [ en ] Macroeconomic 2
- 040150 UK [ en ] Financial Markets (E)
- 040158 UE [ en ] Advanced Macroeconomics (E)
- 040394 SE Auctions
- 040575 UK [ en ] Growth and Income Distribution
2.2. Applied Economy
- 040155 PS Feminist Economics
- 040227 UK Applied Time Series Analysis
- 040392 UK [ en ] International Economics (E)
- 040393 UK Poverty
- 040395 UK Competition and Regulation Policy
- 040547 UK [ en ] Applied Macroeconomics (E)
- 040582 UK [ en ] Network Economics
- 040605 UK [ en ] Applied Industrial Economics (E) - Industrieökonomie (E)
2.3. Financial Science
- 040140 VO Public Economics I: Taxation
- 040156 PS Economics of Public Administration - Ökonomische Theorie der öffentlichen Verwaltung und UK Modul I von "Public Utility Management" (Modul II im Sommersem)
- 040580 UK [ en ] Public Choice
- 040581 UK [ en ] Economics of Transition and European Integration
- 040612 UK Government Expenditures
2.4. Econometrics and Empirical Business Research
- 040152 PR [ en ] Applied Econometrics (E)
- 040549 VO Linear Models
- 040550 UE Linear Models
2.5. Elective Courses
- 040128 SE Development Policy
- 040147 PS Mathematical Economy - Mathematische Grundlagen der Mikroökonomie, Wahlfach, II. Abschnitt
- 040148 VO Law and Economics - Vorlesung Recht und Ökonomie I (Grundlagen, ökonomische Analyse des Privat- und Strafrechts)
- 040157 PS Law and Economics
- 040263 SE Social and Economic History - Innovationsgeschichte
- 040347 EK KFK PUM: Principles of PUM (Applications)
- 040589 VO Foundations of Development Economics
- 070482 SE Seminar of Economic History - The Theory of Business Cycles and Economic Growth
2.6. Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34