SPL 13 - Fennistics, Hungarian Studies, Scandinavian Studies and Slavonic Studies
13.01. Finno-Ugristik
A. Bakkalaueratsstudium
Bakkalaureatsstudium: Fennistik
- 130112 VO Introduction to Linguistics for Students of Hungarian and Finnish
- 130142 UE Finnish Exercises I
- 130149 UE Finnish Exercises III
- 130150 VO Finnland: History und Culture II
- 130151 VO History of Finnish Literature I
- 130155 VO Descriptive Grammar of Finnish I
- 130167 UE Introduction to Media I
- 130193 UE Finnish for Beginners I
- 130194 UE Estonian III
- 130195 UE Estonian V
- 130196 UE Estonian I
- 130266 VO Estonian in a European Linguistic Context
Bakkalaureatsstudium: Hungarologie
- 130089 VO History of Hungarian Literature I
- 130100 VO Descriptive Hungarian Grammar II
- 130112 VO Introduction to Linguistics for Students of Hungarian and Finnish
- 130122 PS Home Life in Hungarian Literature
- 130157 UE [ de hu ] Hungarian Exercises I
- 130159 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Exercises III
- 130161 UE Hungarian for Beginners I
- 130167 UE Introduction to Media I
- 130177 VO Hungarian History I
- 130199 UE Vienna and Hungarian Literature
B. Magisterstudium
Magisterstudium: Finnisch-ugrische Sprachwissenschaft
- 130109 UE Mari I
- 130113 UE Structure of Finnish I
- 130115 SE Graduate Seminar
- 130117 VO Finnish and Estonian in Balto-Fennic Context
- 130120 VO Linguistic Contacts: Finnish and Swedish
- 130162 UE Structure of Hungarian I
- 130266 VO Estonian in a European Linguistic Context
Magisterstudium: Ungarische Literaturwissenschaft
- 130098 VO [ hu ] Modern Hungarian Literature I
- 130099 SE [ hu ] Graduate Seminar
- 130121 SE [ de hu ] Graduate Seminar
- 130123 SE Center and Periphery - Intercultural Communication in Hungary of the 17th and 18th Centuries
- 130125 VO Hungarian Literature: Beginning of the 20th Century
- 130127 SE [ de hu ] Seminar: Hungarian Literature at the Beginning of the 20th Century
- 130129 UE [ de hu ] Theory and Criticism of Literature: Beginnig of the 20th Century
- 130132 VO [ hu ] Péter Esterházy: The First 30 Years
- 130199 UE Vienna and Hungarian Literature
- 130202 VO [ hu ] Genre Histroy - The Development of Literary Genres in Hungary
C. Lehramtsstudium Ungarisch
Lehramtsstudium (Ungarisch): Erster Abschnitt
- 130089 VO History of Hungarian Literature I
- 130100 VO Descriptive Hungarian Grammar II
- 130112 VO Introduction to Linguistics for Students of Hungarian and Finnish
- 130122 PS Home Life in Hungarian Literature
- 130157 UE [ de hu ] Hungarian Exercises I
- 130167 UE Introduction to Media I
- 130177 VO Hungarian History I
- 130199 UE Vienna and Hungarian Literature
Lehramtsstudium (Ungarisch): Fachdidaktik
Lehramtsstudium (Ungarisch): Zweiter Abschnitt
- 130098 VO [ hu ] Modern Hungarian Literature I
- 130099 SE [ hu ] Graduate Seminar
- 130115 SE Graduate Seminar
- 130121 SE [ de hu ] Graduate Seminar
- 130123 SE Center and Periphery - Intercultural Communication in Hungary of the 17th and 18th Centuries
- 130125 VO Hungarian Literature: Beginning of the 20th Century
- 130127 SE [ de hu ] Seminar: Hungarian Literature at the Beginning of the 20th Century
- 130132 VO [ hu ] Péter Esterházy: The First 30 Years
- 130159 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Exercises III
- 130174 UE Hungarian and Technical Terminology
- 130177 VO Hungarian History I
- 130199 UE Vienna and Hungarian Literature
- 130202 VO [ hu ] Genre Histroy - The Development of Literary Genres in Hungary
13.02. Skandinavistik
Erster Studienabschnitt
- 130002 VO Runic script and runic insriptions
- 130041 PS Old Norse
- 130042 UE Icelandic 1
- 130043 UE Icelandic 3
- 130045 PS Introduction to Scandinavian Linguistics 2
- 130049 VO Nynorsk - a Typical Minority Language?
- 130050 PS Introduction to Scandinavian Literature
- 130204 UE [ sv ] Swedish 3
- 130207 UE [ no ] Norwegian 3
- 130214 VO Knut Hamsun - Life and Works
- 130224 UE Swedish 1 (B)
- 130226 UE Norwegian 1
- 130227 UE Danish 1
- 130228 UE [ da ] Danish 3
- 130231 UE Swedisch 1 (A)
- 130232 PS Introduction to Cultural Studies
- 130234 PS Pathological Sexuality as Theme and Motif in Scandinavian Literature
- 130235 VO Old Norse Mythology in Snorri Sturluson
- 130295 UE [ sv ] Swedish 3
Zweiter Studienabschnitt
- 130002 VO Runic script and runic insriptions
- 130006 PS [ sv ] History of Scandinavian Music
- 130014 PS Rule and Legitimacy in the Baltic Area 1500-1918
- 130021 SE "Wiener Moderne" and its Reception in the Baltic Sea Area
- 130049 VO Nynorsk - a Typical Minority Language?
- 130076 SE Applied Language Planning: The Utopia of a Uniform Scandinavian Language
- 130197 PS Introduction to Baltic Area Studies 1
- 130208 PS [ no ] Norwegian Drama
- 130212 PS [ da ] Literary Analysis of Danish Texts
- 130214 VO Knut Hamsun - Life and Works
- 130215 SE Documentarism in Scandinavia
- 130216 KO Workshop for Doctoral and Diploma Candidates
- 130217 SE Fight and war, revenge and fame - heroic poetry in the Scand. and German middle ages
- 130218 KO Workshop discussions on Old Norse and Old German(ic) matters
- 130220 PS Outline of Scandinavian History until Word War II
- 130230 PS Life, Work and Influence of Austrian Scandinavianist and Translator Josef Calasanz Poestion
- 130234 PS Pathological Sexuality as Theme and Motif in Scandinavian Literature
- 130235 VO Old Norse Mythology in Snorri Sturluson
- 130398 KO Linguistic Workshop
Seminare (und Konversatorien) für Dissertant/inn/en und Diplomand/inn/en
- 130002 VO Runic script and runic insriptions
- 130014 PS Rule and Legitimacy in the Baltic Area 1500-1918
- 130015 UE [ is ] Icelandic Conversation
- 130016 VO Estonian Literature in an European Context
- 130019 PS German Literature in the Baltics
- 130021 SE "Wiener Moderne" and its Reception in the Baltic Sea Area
- 130043 UE Icelandic 3
- 130197 PS Introduction to Baltic Area Studies 1
- 130204 UE [ sv ] Swedish 3
- 130207 UE [ no ] Norwegian 3
- 130217 SE Fight and war, revenge and fame - heroic poetry in the Scand. and German middle ages
- 130219 UE Lithuanian 3
- 130228 UE [ da ] Danish 3
- 130229 UE [ da ] Danish Conversation
- 130230 PS Life, Work and Influence of Austrian Scandinavianist and Translator Josef Calasanz Poestion
- 130235 VO Old Norse Mythology in Snorri Sturluson
- 130267 UE Latvian 1
- 130295 UE [ sv ] Swedish 3
13.03. Slawistik
1. Allgemeine und vergleichende Lehrveranstaltungen
- 130022 KO The photographic document as a source of cultural science
- 130023 VO Introduction to Slavonic Studies: Linguistics A
- 130026 VO Introduction to Slavonic Studies: Literary Studies
- 130027 VO Old Church Slavonic A
- 130028 KO Conversatorium for Literary Theory
- 130036 VO Slavic heretical movements
- 130056 PS Proseminar Unterrichtsbeobachtung - beschränkte Teilnehmerzahl
- 130074 VO+KO The Work of Karel Capek in Comparativ View
- 130078 VO Basic principles of language didactics
- 130086 UE Media in Language Teaching II
- 130152 VO Comparative grammar of West Slavic languages
- 130160 UE Church Slavonic codicology and palaeography
- 130175 VO Texte zur heidnischen Religion der Slawen und Balten - Die heilige Hochzeit
- 130178 VO Literary Theory
- 130242 SE Linguistics Seminar: Genderlinguistics
- 130255 VO Introduction to Slavonic Studies: Linguistics B
- 130261 KO Leistungsmessung
- 130290 PS Proseminar Unterrichtsbeobachtung - beschränkte Teilnehmerzahl
- 130291 PS Interferenzdidaktik
- 130292 KO Hör- und Sehverstehen - als 5. Fertigkeit
- 130298 KO Entstehungs- und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Glagolica
- 130347 KO KO zu VO "Sprachliche Vielfalt und Sprachkontakte im Großfürstentum Litauen" (14.-16. Jh.) - Altweißrussische Sprachdenkmäler
- 130364 SE Linguistic Seminar: Language Contact in Old Austria - Sprachkontakt auf dem Gebiet des alten Österreich
- 130365 SE Seminar for Diploma Students - Theory and Methodology
- 130393 VO Slavisches im Ungarischen, Ungarisch im Slavischen
- 130396 KO Slovenian Scholars in the Viennese Scientific Circle of the 18th and 19th Century
- 130403 VO Sprachliche Vielfalt und Sprachkontakte im Großfürstentum Litauen - (14.-16. Jh.)
- 130406 PV Privatissimum for exam-candidates
- 130407 UE Media in Language Teaching I
- 130482 UE Kreatives Sprachtraining
2. Russisch
- 130011 PS Literary Proseminar for Students of Russian - also for Ukrainists
- 130030 KO The Russian Film - Literary and Historical Models
- 130032 VO Russian: Linguistics I
- 130072 VO Russian Literature I (Newer Literature)
- 130079 UE [ ru ] Literary Translation - The Prose of Andrej Belyi and Walery Brjusow
- 130082 SE Sprachwiss. Seminar: Russische historische Lexikologie und Etymologie
- 130126 PS Literary Proseminar for students of Russian
- 130146 PV Tutorial for Examination Candidates, diploma and doctoral students
- 130147 SE Literary Seminar for Students of Russian - Present-Day Literature and Journalism in Russian Literary Journals
- 130203 VO Russian Area and Cultural Science
- 130206 KO [ ru ] Reading and Interpretation: Dostoevsky - The Karamazow Brothers
- 130249 KO The 20th Century Russian Novel
- 130286 KO [ ru ] Bilder von Mann und Frau in den russischen Medien
- 130289 KO Modern russian literature from a gender perspective
- 130294 UE [ ru ] Lektüre zur VO "Russische Literatur I" - LV Nr. 130072
- 130375 KO Conversatorium: Mazepa in Russian, Ukrainian and Polish Literature
- 130379 SE Mazepa in Russian, Ukrainian and Polish Literature
- 130427 VO Russian Futurism
- 130430 UE Practices of Russian Poetics
2.1. Sprachbeherrschung
- 130033 UE Russian I C, part 2 - together with 130273
- 130057 UE Russian II A, part 2 - together with 130088
- 130060 UE Russische orthoepische Übungen C
- 130063 UE Russisch: Grundkurs B - Pflichtfach 2. slawische Sprache (beschränkte Teilnehmerzahl)
- 130064 UE Russian III A
- 130066 UE Russian I D, part 2 - together with 130105
- 130068 UE Russian II B part 1 (together with 130102)
- 130069 UE Russian orthoepic exercises A
- 130088 UE Russian II A, part 1 - together with 130057
- 130101 UE Russian I A, part 1 - together with 130269
- 130102 UE Russian II B part 2 - together with 130068
- 130105 UE Russian I D, part 1 - together with 130066
- 130107 UE Russische Fachsprache Ia
- 130116 UE Russische Fachsprache Ib
- 130145 UE Russian III B
- 130164 UE Russian I E, part 1 - together with 130165
- 130165 UE Russian I E, part 2 - together with 130164
- 130169 UE Russian V, part 2 A - together with 130270
- 130269 UE Russian I A, part 2 - together with 130101
- 130270 VO Russian V, part 1 - together with 130169
- 130271 UE Russian I B, part 1 - together with 130272
- 130272 UE Russian I B, part 2 - together with 130271
- 130273 UE Russian I C, part 1 - together with 130033
- 130287 UE Russian I F, Part 2 - together with 130355 part 1 (for beginners)
- 130288 UE Russian orthoepic exercises B
- 130296 UE [ ru ] Russisch V, Teil 2 B - gleichzeitig mit LV Nr. 130270 zu absolvieren
- 130354 UE Russian III C
- 130355 UE Russian I F, part 1 - together with 130287 part 2 (for beginners)
- 130426 KO [ ru ] Konversatorium zu Wirtschaft und Politik in Russland - (auf Russisch)
- 130434 KO Conversatorium for Russian students - advanced level
3. Bosnisch/Kroatisch/Serbisch
- 130034 VO Literature and Intellectual History of Early Croatian Middle Ages
- 130104 UE Bosnian/ Croatian/Serbian: Basic Course - (compulsory course 2. Slavic language)
- 130134 PS PS Teaching Methodology: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
- 130135 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian I A
- 130136 UE Exercises in Burgenland Croatian I
- 130154 VO Bosnian, croatian and serbian literature I
- 130186 VO Geschichte der neuen südslawischen Literatur - (19.-21. Jhdt.)
- 130190 UE Language Practice I: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
- 130225 UE Aufsatzpraktikum: Bosnisch/Kroatisch/Serbisch
- 130251 VO Bosnisch/Kroatisch/Serbisch: Historische Grammatik und Etymologie
- 130268 UE Language Practice II: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
- 130276 VO Literarischer und kultureller Balkan
- 130277 VO Das Thema Freundschaft als Hauptthema der Aufklärung
- 130278 SE Kroatische und serbische Verslehre (Form und Sinn) - sprachliche Voraussetzung: gute BKS Kenntnisse
- 130279 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian I B
- 130280 UE Bosnisch/Kroatisch/Serbisch III A - (UniStG-Studienplan)
- 130281 UE Bosnisch/Kroatisch/Serbisch V, Teil 2 - gleichzeitig mit Teil 1, LV Nr. 130282 zu absolvieren
- 130282 VO Bosnisch/Kroatisch/Serbisch V, Teil 1 - together with 130281
- 130283 UE Bosnisch/Kroatisch/Serbisch III B - (UniStG-Studienplan)
- 130284 VO Bosnisch/Kroatisch/Serbisch: Sprachwissenschaft II
- 130293 KO Literatur and Cultural History of Burgenland Croatians
- 130359 KO Selected Questions of South Slavic Philology
- 130385 UE Analysis of Selected Texts - in Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian Literature
- 130415 VO Landes- und Kulturkunde Bosniens und der Herzegowina, Kroatiens, Montenegros und Serbiens
4. Slowenisch
- 130131 KO Reading and Interpretation of Slovenian Literature
- 130140 UE Slowenische Fachsprachen I
- 130183 UE Slovenian Language Practice
- 130184 UE Slovenian III
- 130185 UE Slovenian I - (for beginners)
- 130187 PS Slowenisches arealkundliches Proseminar
- 130205 SE Diplomanden- und Dissertantenseminar
- 130238 VO Slovenian Literature II
- 130359 KO Selected Questions of South Slavic Philology
- 130364 SE Linguistic Seminar: Language Contact in Old Austria - Sprachkontakt auf dem Gebiet des alten Österreich
- 130386 VO Slovenian Literature and the Second World War
- 130396 KO Slovenian Scholars in the Viennese Scientific Circle of the 18th and 19th Century
- 130410 PS Slowenische Korpuslinguistik
- 130418 KO Slovenian autodidactic literature
- 130484 VO Sprachpolitik und Sprachplanung in Slowenien
- 130485 SE Aktuelle normative Fragen des Slowenischen
- 130486 VO Geschichte der slowenischen Schriftsprache
5. Tschechisch
- 130020 UE Lektüre zur VO 130074 - Das Schaffen Karel Capeks in vergleichender Sicht
- 130048 KO History of the Czech and Slovak language and cultural area - Spiegelung in literarischen Werken des 20. Jahrhunderts
- 130074 VO+KO The Work of Karel Capek in Comparativ View
- 130093 UE Czech Language Praktice B
- 130111 UE Czech: Basic Course A - (compulsory course 2. Slavic language)
- 130152 VO Comparative grammar of West Slavic languages
- 130153 VO Czech: Linguistics I
- 130240 VO Area and Cultural Science
- 130241 UE Czech III - (UniStG-Studienplan)
- 130250 UE Czech I (for beginners)
- 130264 UE Czech Orthoepic and Orthographic Exercises
- 130265 UE Czech Language Praktice A
- 130285 UE Textkompetenz: Tschechisch
- 130297 UE [ cs ] Tschechische Lyrik des 20. Jahrhunderts - (Interpretationen)
- 130337 PS Literary Translation for Czech students
- 130364 SE Linguistic Seminar: Language Contact in Old Austria - Sprachkontakt auf dem Gebiet des alten Österreich
- 130365 SE Seminar for Diploma Students - Theory and Methodology
- 130368 KO The Czech and Slovak Verb
- 130371 VO Czech and Slovak lexicology and lexicography
- 130409 SE Literary Seminar for Czech Students
- 130420 KO Morphological practice in Modern Czech
- 340202 UE [ cs ] Reading Competence and Text Production: Czech
6. Polnisch
- 130018 UE Polish Language Practice B
- 130077 VO Landes- und Kulturkunde Polens
- 130092 UE Polnisches Aufsatzpraktikum
- 130108 UE Polish: Basic Course - (compulsory course 2. Slavic language)
- 130138 UE Polish Language Practice A
- 130141 UE Polish I - for beginners
- 130244 VO Polnische Literatur II - ( ältere Literatur)
- 130246 PS Sprachwissenschafliches Proseminar für Polonisten - Die grammatikalischen Hauptkategorien im Polnischen
- 130247 UE Übung zu polnischen Fachsprachen
- 130248 UE Polish III
- 130257 VO Polnisch: Sprachwissenschaft I
- 130364 SE Linguistic Seminar: Language Contact in Old Austria - Sprachkontakt auf dem Gebiet des alten Österreich
- 130375 KO Conversatorium: Mazepa in Russian, Ukrainian and Polish Literature
- 130376 KO Polish Literature of the Renaiisance
- 130377 KO Polnische Gegenwartsdramatik
- 130378 UE Lektüre zur Vorlesung "Polnische Literatur II" - 130244
- 130379 SE Mazepa in Russian, Ukrainian and Polish Literature
- 130380 UE Polish phonetics and orthography
- 130424 PS Literaturwissenschaftl. Proseminar für Polonisten
7. Ukrainisch
- 130011 PS Literary Proseminar for Students of Russian - also for Ukrainists
- 130198 UE Ukrainian Conversation Practice
- 130213 UE Ukrainian III
- 130254 UE Ukrainian I - (for beginners)
- 130262 UE Ukrainian V, part 2 - together with 130274
- 130263 VO Area and Cultural Science
- 130274 VO Ukrainian V, part 1 - together with 130262
- 130364 SE Linguistic Seminar: Language Contact in Old Austria - Sprachkontakt auf dem Gebiet des alten Österreich
- 130375 KO Conversatorium: Mazepa in Russian, Ukrainian and Polish Literature
- 130379 SE Mazepa in Russian, Ukrainian and Polish Literature
8. Slowakisch
- 130020 UE Lektüre zur VO 130074 - Das Schaffen Karel Capeks in vergleichender Sicht
- 130048 KO History of the Czech and Slovak language and cultural area - Spiegelung in literarischen Werken des 20. Jahrhunderts
- 130051 SE Literary Seminar for Slovakists
- 130052 UE Slowakisches Sprachpraktikum
- 130074 VO+KO The Work of Karel Capek in Comparativ View
- 130133 UE Slovak III
- 130152 VO Comparative grammar of West Slavic languages
- 130201 VO Slowakische Literatur I - (neuere Literatur)
- 130245 VO+UE Slovak V
- 130252 UE Slovak I
- 130253 VO Landes- und Kulturkunde der Slowakei
- 130364 SE Linguistic Seminar: Language Contact in Old Austria - Sprachkontakt auf dem Gebiet des alten Österreich
- 130365 SE Seminar for Diploma Students - Theory and Methodology
- 130368 KO The Czech and Slovak Verb
- 130371 VO Czech and Slovak lexicology and lexicography
- 130420 KO Morphological practice in Modern Czech
9. Bulgarisch
- 130062 UE Bulgarian I, part 2 - together with 130259
- 130065 UE Bulgarian III
- 130124 KO Area and Cultural Science of Bulgaria
- 130192 UE Bulgarian V - together with 130275
- 130259 UE Bulgarian I, part 1 - together with 130062
- 130275 VO Bulgarian V, part 1 - together with 130192
- 130381 VO The poetic generation of the 1940's of the 20th century
- 130382 KO Bulgarian Literature I
- 130383 PS Literary Proseminar - Tendencies in contemporary Bulgarian prose
- 130406 PV Privatissimum for exam-candidates
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34