2. Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
Die Vorbesprechung findet am Montag, 3.3.2008, 11.00 Uhr im SR 1 (Bereich Tibet- und Buddhismuskunde) statt. Die LVA beginnen - sofern nicht anders angegeben - ab Mittwoch, 5.3.2008.
- 140500 VO+UE Introduction to Classical Tibetan II
- 140338 UE Modern Tibetan for Advanced Students II
- 140339 VO Modern Tibetan II
- 140064 UE Modern Tibetan II
- 140546 VO [ en ] Chinese Religions with Special Emphasis on Buddhism
- 140560 VO Aspects of Tibetan Religious History
- 140561 UE The Exploration of Tibetan Religion: Eminent Researchers and their Contributions
- 140547 VO On the Religious Background and Thought of the Buddhist Epistemologists
- 140551 VO [ en ] Dharani Literature in Comparative Philology - The Tibetan and Uygur Versions of the Usnisavijaya Dharani
- 140343 UE Buddhist Texts I: Cognizing beyond the Perceptible
- 140033 UE Buddhist Texts III: Santideva's Bodhicaryavatara, Chapter 9
- 140158 UE Tibetan Texts II: Selected Readings on the History of Western Tibet
- 140116 UE Tibetan Texts IV: Selected Readings from the bKa' gdams pa gsun 'bum
- 140548 UE Sanskrit Readings
- 140549 UE Selected Readings from the Mahakarmavibhanga
- 140550 UE Mongolian Texts
- 140046 SE Buddhist Theory of Language II: Dharmakirti in Ratnakirti's Apohasiddhi
- 140344 SE Explanation of the "Real Connection" (niyama) in the Pramanaviniscayatika
- 140454 SE Graduate Colloquium
- 140455 SE Working Group: Pramanasamuccayatika
- 140562 SE Methods of the Interpretation of a Tantric Text: The Hevajratantra and its Tradition
- 140350 SE Selected Passages from Mipham's Norbu keta ka II
- 140553 SE Graduate Colloquium
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34