C. Modules
a. Women's and Gender History
- 070153 KU Experience - Remembrance - Narration. Gender Perspective in Auto-Biographies
- 070156 KU Birth/Control
- 070165 SE "First Wave Feminisms"
- 070300 VO Introduction to Women's and Gender History
- 070324 KU Gender and "race" in the History of the Amercian South
- 070529 FPR Research Practice - Historian's Workshop
- 070530 KU History of Historiography - Joan Wallach Scott
- 070617 FS Research Seminar: Army Postal Service (First and Second World War) - within the Research Platform Rethinking "Women's and Gender History in the New European Context"
- 070809 KU [ en ] Women in Islamic History
b. Global History
- 070038 FS [ en ] Research Seminar in Global History, part 2 - Education and Revolution in 1968 and Forty Years Letter in Globalized World
- 070133 KU Chronology
- 070148 GR [ en ] Theories of Global History
- 070162 VO History of Historiography - (combined with a Tutorial)
- 070334 KU Creation, Revolution and Deeptime - Bones and Fossiles - Debates in Knowledge about Earth
- 070463 EX Historical Excursion
- 070526 SE Plants in Culture, Knowledge and Society
- 070527 KU [ en ] Workings Skills in Global History
- 070588 VO Europe at the Beginning of globalization? - European International Relations from 1450 to 1559
- 070602 SE Reformation and Counter-Reformation in Europe
- 070616 KU Europe and China: A History of Cultural Contacts, 1500-2000
- 070623 VO Sexuality in the 20th Century - (gem. mit dem Seminar Nr. 070652 als Projektkurs 1 für das Lehramtsstudium anrechenbar)
- 070624 VO Lecture Series: Mediterranean Expansion
- 070625 VO Lecture Series: From Orient to East
- 070626 VO [ en ] Austrian History from a Global Perspective - (combined with a Tutorial)
- 070627 VO History of Brazil 1500-2000
- 070629 VO Colonisation/Decolonisation and the Austrian Republic
- 070631 VO [ en ] Global Economic History in Early Modern Times
- 070633 KU European Migration (18th to 20th Century) - European migration patterns, 18th to 20th centuries
- 070634 KU 1968 - Rebound of the World - 1968 - a world turned upside down? Global perspectives on a turbulent year.
- 070644 VO [ en ] Why Global History - Which Global History? A Critical Introduction (fspr.)
- 070652 SE Sexuality in the 20th Century - (combined with Lecture Course Nr. 070623)
- 070653 SE Habsburg Monarchy and Colonialism
- 070663 SE The Industrial Revolution in a Global Perspective
- 070703 VO East European History: An Introduction
- 070708 KU The Mongols in Eastern Europe
- 070711 KU Soviet Foreign Policy 1945-1985
- 070714 VO South East Europe in the short 20th Century
- 070724 KU Gregory Clark - A Farewell to Alms: A Brief Economic History of the World - A Brief Economic History of the World
- 070740 GK Basic Course Modern History - considerung especially Statistics and Quantification in Historical Science
- 070741 GK Basic Course Contemporary History - considering especially Text and Discourse Analytical Methods in History
- 070754 VO Travelling in Early Modern Times - (in combination with Nr. 070752)
- 070760 KU New Media in Historical Science and Historical Education
- 070767 SE Interdisciplinary Seminar II - From Mercantilism to Postfordism
- 070773 GK [ en ] The Great Divergence (fspr.)
- 070777 VO Collective Resistance and Globalisation 1500-2000
- 070778 SE Globalisation and Anti-Globalisation
- 070780 KU Dutch Society since 1500
- 070784 VO Agrarian Ratios - (combined with Seminar Nr. 070785)
- 070795 VO Southern Asia in Modern History
- 070811 GR Reading Historiography
- 140476 RV North-South relations in historical perspective
- 330033 VO [ en ] Global Nutrition - Global Nutrition
- 330091 VO Global Agricultural Markets - Global Agricultural Markets
- 340138 VO Global English and International Communication
c. Historical Science Studies
d. Cultural Science and Cultural Studies
e. Medieval History
f. Eastern European History
- 070694 KU Mortuus non mordet: Superstition and Belief in Vampires in Eastern Europe
- 070698 KU Statistics and Quantification in Historical Science
- 070699 EX Historical Excursion to Silesia
- 070703 VO East European History: An Introduction
- 070707 KU History of Historiography - Historiographical Texts Concerning East European History
- 070708 KU The Mongols in Eastern Europe
- 070710 KU Statistics and Quantification in Historical Science
- 070711 KU Soviet Foreign Policy 1945-1985
- 070713 SE Social History of Dalmatia, 15th - 16th Centuries
- 070714 VO South East Europe in the short 20th Century
- 070715 KU Fascist Movements in South East Europe
- 070721 KU The Demolition of the Iron Curtain in Hungary - and the Exodus of East-Germans in September 1989
- 070722 KU Poles, Ukrainians and Jews 1918-1947
- 070744 FS Sources related to the History of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia - in Viennese Archives and Libraries
- 070745 KU Presentation Techniques: Cultural and Social History of Southeastern Europe
- 070749 KU Russia in the Age of Peter the Great: A Realm in Change
- 070751 GR The Reception of Herberstein's Rerum Moscoviticarum Commentarii
- 070752 KU Text and Discourse Analysis in Historical Studies - Travelling in Early Modern Times
- 070754 VO Travelling in Early Modern Times - (in combination with Nr. 070752)
- 070756 VO Family Structure and Local Communities in East Central and South Eastern Europe
- 070758 SE Local Communities
g. Environmental History
h. Economic History
- 070513 KU Banks and Industrialization - in Europe
- 070564 KU Microeconomics
- 070620 VO Society, Economy and Politics - Austria in the 19th and 20th Century
- 070622 VO Economic History of the Industrial Revolution
- 070630 VO Is Historical Economy necessary?
- 070631 VO [ en ] Global Economic History in Early Modern Times
- 070645 KU History of Historiography of the Industrial Revolution
- 070653 SE Habsburg Monarchy and Colonialism
- 070663 SE The Industrial Revolution in a Global Perspective
- 070686 FPR Research Practice - Industrial Culture and Conservation
- 070724 KU Gregory Clark - A Farewell to Alms: A Brief Economic History of the World - A Brief Economic History of the World
- 070763 KU Economic History of the Holy Roman Empire, c. 1500-1800 - considering especially the Austrian Countries
- 070784 VO Agrarian Ratios - (combined with Seminar Nr. 070785)
- 070785 SE Agrarian Ratios - (combined with Lecture Course Nr. 070784)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34