2. Bachelor Programme Sport Managemtn / Health Sport / Competitive Sport
2.1. Core Courses Bachelor Programme (Sport Management, Health Sport, Competitive Sport)
2.1.1. Interdisciplinary Subject Group
- 350034 UE BP4I - Practical Course Supervision
- 350042 UE BP4I - Practical Course Supervision
- 350180 UE BP4I - Practical Course Supervision
- 350181 VO BA2II - Basic Course Project Management
- 350525 VU BA1II - Practical Course Study Orientation
- 350527 VU BA1I - Basic Course Sport Science
- 350528 VU BA1II - Practical Course Study Orientation
- 350558 VU BA1II - Practical Course Study Orientation
2.1.2. Anatomy, Sport and Exercise Physiology
- 350505 VO Specific Aspects of Exercise Physiology
2.1.3. Biomechanics and Movement Science
- 350178 VO BD1I - Basic Course Biomechanics
- 350499 VO BD1II - Basic Course Movement Science
- 350500 VU BD2II - Deepening Course Applied Computer Science in Sport / Biomechanics
- 350501 VU BD2II - Deepening Course Applied Computer Science in Sport / Biomechnics
- 350502 VU BD2II - Deepening Course Applied Computer Science in Sport / Biomechanics
- 350512 VU BD2II - Deepening Course Applied Computer Science in Sport / Biomechanics
- 350621 VU BD2II - Deepening Course Applied Computer Science in Sport / Biomechanics
2.1.4. Statistics, Computer Science and Methodology
- 350022 VO BD1III - Basic Course Computer Science in Sport
- 350177 PS BA2I - Basic Course Scientific Working
- 350238 GLV BD1III - Basic Course Computer Science in Sport
- 350239 PS BA2I - Basic Course Scientific Working
- 350449 PS BA2I - Basic course Scientific Working
- 350470 PS BA2I - Basic Course Scientific Working
- 350596 VU BA3III - Deepening Course Quantitative Research Methods
- 350615 VU BA3III - Deepening Course Quantitative Research Methods
2.1.5. Pedagogy for Physical Activity and Sport
- 350173 RV Advanced Topics in Pedagogy of Physical Activity and Sport
- 350235 VO BE1I - Basic Course Pedagogy for Physical Activity and Sport
- 350516 VO BP2I - Basic Course Sport Didactics
2.1.6. Sport Psychology
2.1.7. Sport Sociology
- 350172 VO BC2I - Deepening Course Sport Sociology
2.1.8. Sport Medicine
2.1.9. Science of Training
- 350170 UE BP1V - Practical Course Speed Training
- 350171 UE BP1II - Practical Course Endurance Training
- 350495 VO BG1II - Deepening Course Science of Training
- 350532 VO BP1I - Basic Course Science of Training
- 350533 UE BP1II - Practical Course Endurance Training
- 350534 UE BP1II - Practical Course Endurance Training
- 350535 UE BP1III - Practical Course Strength Training
- 350536 UE BP1III - Practical Course Strength Training
- 350537 UE BP1IV - Practical Course Coordination Training
- 350538 UE BP1IV - Practical Course Coordination Training
- 350539 UE BP1IV - Practical Course Coordination Training
- 350540 UE BP1IV - Practical Course Coordination Training
- 350541 UE BP1V - Practical Course Speed Training
- 350542 UE BP1V - Practical Course Speed Training
- 350573 UE BP1II - Practical Course Endurance Training
- 350580 UE BP1III - Practical Course Strength Training
- 350581 UE BP1III - Practical Course Strength Training
- 350583 UE BP1V - Practical Course Speed Training
2.1.10. History of Sport
2.1.11. Practical Courses Skills- and Performance-Oriented Acts of Movement
- 350028 UE BP3II - Practical Course Individual Sport
- 350046 UE BP3II - Practical Course Individual Sport
- 350232 UE BP3II - Practical Course Individual Sport
- 350514 VO Theory of Athletic Sports
- 350551 UE BP3II - Practical Course Individual Sport
- 350552 UE BP3II - Practical Course Individual Sport
- 350592 VO Theory of Swimming-Oriented Acts of Movement
- 350600 UE BP3II - Practical course Individual/ Outdoor Sport
- 350607 UE BP3II - Practical course Individual Sport Game-Oriented Acts of Movement
- 350029 UE BP3III - Practical Course Game Sport
- 350168 UE BP3III - Practical Course Game Sport
- 350169 UE BP3III - Practical Course Game Sport
- 350230 UE BP3III - Practical Course Game Sport
- 350555 UE BP3III - Practical Course Game Sport
- 350557 VO Theory of Game-Oriented Acts of Movement Experience-Oriented Acts of Movement
- 350036 UE BP3II - Practical Course Outdoor Sport
- 350553 UE BP3II - Practical Course Individual Sport
- 350572 VO Theory of Experience-Oriented Acts of Movement
- 350594 UE BP3II - Practical Course Individual Sport
- 350625 UE BP3II - Practical Course Outdoor Sport Creation- and Presentation-Oriented Acts of Movement
- 350163 UE BP3I - Practical Course Health Sport
- 350526 VO Theory of Rhythmic Gymnastics Health- and Compensation-Oriented Acts of Movement
- 350161 UE BP3I - Practical Course Health Sport
- 350189 UE BP3I - Practical Course Health Sport
2.2. Specialization Bachelor Programme Sport Management
2.2.1. Interdisciplinary Subject Group
- 350520 VO BW2V - Basic Course Marketing
2.2.2. Economic Basics
- 350122 VO BW2IV - Basic Course Law
- 350158 VU Applied Business Economics
2.2.3. Management
- 350156 SE BW2III - Practical course Project Management
- 350157 VO Management 1: Management Tasks in Organisations
2.2.4. Pedagogy for Physical Activity and Sport
2.2.5. Sport Psychology
- 350155 VU Concepts of Personality Development
- 350609 VU Concepts of Team and Organisation Development - Dept. F
- 350620 VU Concepts of Team and Organisation Development
2.2.6. Science of Training
2.2.7. Fields of Practice
- 350048 UE Selected Critical Situations of Leadership and Management
- 350448 UE Selected Critical Situations of Leadership and Management
- 350459 VU BW2VI - Basic Course Management
- 350606 VU BE3II - Deepening course aspects of Gender
- 350619 VU BE3II - Deepening course aspects of Gender
2.3. Specialization Bachelor Programme Health Sport
2.3.1. Interdisciplinary Subject Group
2.3.2. Anatomy, Sport and Exercise Physiology
2.3.3. Biomechanics and Movement Science
2.3.4. Pedagogy for Physical Activity and Sport
2.3.5. Sport Psychology
2.3.6. Sport Medicine
- 350146 VO MIII - Specialization Course Cardiac Rehabilitation
- 350147 VO MIV - Specialization Course Muscular Rehabilitation
- 350148 VO MIIII - Specialization Course Sport Orthopaedics
- 350564 VO BG1I - Deepening Course Prevention
2.3.7. Science of Training
- 350569 UE BF1I - Practical Course Training Processes
- 350570 UE BF1I - Practical Course Training Processes
2.3.8. Fields of Practice
- 350017 UE BW1VII - Practical Course with Preventative Orientation
- 350142 VU MDIII - Specialization Course Performance Diagnostics
- 350144 VU MDIII - Specialization Course Performance Diagnostics
- 350450 VU BD2III - Deepening Course Computer Science in Sport / Sport Technology
- 350475 VU BD2III - Deepening Course Computer Science in Sport / Sport Technology
- 350579 UE BW1II - Deepening Course with Orientation on a Target Group - Disability
- 350589 UE BW1VII -Pract.Course with Preventative Orientation
- 350606 VU BE3II - Deepening course aspects of Gender
- 350619 VU BE3II - Deepening course aspects of Gender
2.4. Specialization Bachelor Programme Competitive Sport
2.4.1. Biomechanics, Movement Science
- 350450 VU BD2III - Deepening Course Computer Science in Sport / Sport Technology
- 350475 VU BD2III - Deepening Course Computer Science in Sport / Sport Technology
2.4.2. Pedagogy for Physical Activity and Sport
2.4.3. Sport Psychology
2.4.4. Special Subjects Training Processes
- 350133 VU Game-Oriented Types of Sport
- 350494 VU Freely chosen Type of Sport
2.4.5. Statistics, Computer Science and Methodology
2.4.6. Science of Training
- 350124 UE BF1I - Practical Course Training Processes
- 350125 VU MHIV - Specialization Course Competition / Coaching
- 350454 VU MHIV - Specialization Course Competition /Coaching
- 350568 VU Training in Fitness Centers
- 350606 VU BE3II - Deepening course aspects of Gender
- 350608 VO Science of Training from the Perspective of Prevention and Rehabilitation
- 350616 VU Training in Fitness Centers
- 350619 VU BE3II - Deepening course aspects of Gender
2.5. Freie Wahlfächer
- 350303 VO Specific Aspects of the Sociology of Leisure
- 350487 VU Socialisation in Sport from the Perspective of the Commune I
- 350492 VU BD2III - Deepening Course Computer Science in Sport / Sport Technology
- 350509 VLV BD2III - Deepening course Computer Science in Sport/ Sport Technology
- 350559 VO Introduction to Sport Ethics 1
- 350574 VO Selected Topics in Sport Politics
- 350588 VU Municipal Development in Sport II
- 350599 VO Exercise at High Altitude
- 350613 VO Formal Principles of Physical Activity in Sport
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34