SPL 21 - Political Science
21.01. Political Science
A. Bachelor
1. STEP - Studieneingangsphase
STEP I - Grundzüge der Sozialwissenschaften (a)
- 220514 VO SOWI-STEP 1 - Social Sciences and Social Change
- 220515 VO SOWI-STEP 1 -Basics of Methodology ind Social Sciences
- 230641 VO Basics of Social Theory
STEP II - Einführung in das sozialwissenschaftliche Arbeiten mit Schwerpunkt Politikwissenschaft (b)
- 210246 VO b1: Information Course
- 210247 VO b2: Methods and Elements of Thoughts and Works in Political Science
- 210249 PS b3: Methods and Elements of Thoughts and Works in Political Science
- 210250 PS b3: Methods and Elements of Thoughts and Works in Political Science
- 210251 PS b3: Methods and Elements of Thoughts and Works in Political Science
- 210254 PS b3: Methods and Elements of Thoughts and Works in Political Science
2. Pflichtmodule
2.1. Historische Grundlagen: Historische Grundlagen der Politikwissenschaft (c)
2.2. Methoden: Einführung in die quantitativen und qualitativen Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung (d)
- 210257 VO BA 4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210258 UE d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Methoden in der Analyse sozialer Ungleichheit
- 210259 UE d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Methoden, Parteien und Parteiensysteme
- 210260 UE [ en ] d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Methods and Implementation Research
- 210261 UE [ en ] d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Methods and Political Behaviour
- 210262 UE [ en ] d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Methods in Party Research
- 210263 UE d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Methoden und politische Partizipation Be Part of it. Der Einsatz quantitativer Methoden zur Erforschung politischer Partizipation
- 210264 UE d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Forschungsmethoden und mediale Wahlkampagnen
- 210265 UE d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Armut und soziale Exklusion
- 210266 UE d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Methoden und vertikale soziale Ungleichheit, Bildung, Einkommen und Beruf
- 210267 UE [ en ] d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Political Inquiry: Concepts and measurement Tool for Data Description and Research Design - Strategies in Party Research
2.3. Kern der Politikwisschaft: Theoriegeschichte und Theoriedebatten (e1)
- 210268 VO e1: Political Theory and History of Ideas
- 210269 PS e1: Reading Course Politics in the Knowledge Society
- 210270 PS e1: Theories of State Formation and State Failure
- 210271 PS e1: Reading Course Internationalisation and Privatisation of Voilence - The Regime of Security in the Era of Globalisation
- 210276 PS e1: Reading Course The Field of Notion of the Forms of States
- 210277 PS e1: Reading Course The Representation of Politics in the Media
- 210279 PS e1: Reading Course Gender and Society - Relating Gender, Class, and Ethnicity - The Categorial Connection of Class, Ethnicity and Gender
2.4. Kern der Politikwisschaft: Das politische System Österreichs und die EU (e2)
- 210326 VO C2, e2: Political System of Austria and the EU
- 210050 LK e2: Reading Course The Political System of Austria and the EU
- 210280 LK e2: Reading Course The Political System of Austria and the EU
- 210282 LK e2: Reading Course The Political System of Austria and the EU
- 210283 LK e2: Reading Course The Political System of Austria and the EU
- 210287 LK e2: Reading Course The Political System of Austria and the EU
- 210116 LK e2: Reading Course The Political System of Austria and the EU
2.5. Kern der Politikwisschaft: Vergleichende Analyse von Politik (e3)
2.6. Kern der Politikwisschaft: Internationale Politik (e4)
3. Alternative Pflichtmodule: Spezialisierungsmodule
3.1. Politische Theorien und Theorieforschung (f1)
3.2. Internationale Politik und Entwicklung (f2)
3.3. Europäische Union und Europäisierung (f3)
3.4. Österreichische Politik (f4)
3.5. Staatstätigkeit, Policy- und Governanceanalysen (f5)
3.6. Geschlecht und Politik (f6)
3.7. Osteuropastudien (f7)
3.8. Kultur und Politik (f8)
4. Alternative Pflichtmodule: Praxismodule
4.1. Medien und politische Bildung (f9)
4.2. Politische Institutionen (f10)
4.3. Politikberatung und Umfrageforschung (f11)
B. Diplomstudium
- 210363 PS G5: Geschichtsaufarbeitung und Wiedergutmachung am Beispiel ehem. sozialistischer Länder Ost- und Sü
1. Introductory Phase (A)
2. Interdisciplinary Basic Courses (B)
- 210123 VO B: Politics and Economy
- 210248 VO B, D4, c: Historical foundations of Political Science
3. Core Subjects (C)
3.1. Political Theories (C1)
- 210231 VO C1: Political Theory and History of Ideas
- 210124 GK C1: Basic Course Space and Money
- 210126 GK C1: Basic Course Social In/equality
- 210127 GK C1: Basic Course Migration
3.2. Austrian Politics and EU (C2)
- 210326 VO C2, e2: Political System of Austria and the EU
- 210128 GK C2: Austrian Politics and EU
- 210129 GK C2: Basic Course Austrian Politics and EU - The Political Systems on a Local Level
- 210130 GK C2: Basic Course Austrian Politics and EU
3.3. Comparison of Political Systems (C3)
- 210132 GK C3: Basic Course Comparation of Political Systems
- 210133 GK C3: Basic Course Political Systems in Comparison
- 210134 GK C3: Basic Course Comparison of Political Systems
3.4. International Politics (C4)
- 210135 VO C4: Introduction to International Politics
- 210136 GK C4: Basic Course International Politics
- 210137 GK C4: Basic Course International Politics - Die EU im internationalen System
- 210139 GK C4: Basic Course International Politics
4. Elective Courses (D)
4.1. Women's and Gender Research in Political Science (D1)
- 140467 VO Interdisc. Lectures: Forced Freedom - Cultural Diversity, Gender Equality and Feminist Agency
- 210205 PS D1, G8, G10: Gender and Class - Categories of Critical Political and Social Science
- 210242 PS D1, G8: Feminist Theories of the Seventies and early Eighties
- 210359 VO D1, G8: Von der Frauenforschung zur Intersektionalitätsforschung?
4.2. Modern Political Theories (D2)
- 210217 VO D2, F, G9, G10: Politics and Aesthetics after Adorno
- 210141 PS D2, G10: Antonio Gramsci and his Influence on Contemporary Political Theory
4.3. Political Sociology (D3)
- 210173 VO D3, G10: Soccer - A Contribution to a Spectacle's Phenomenology
- 210216 VO D3, G9, G10: Theory and Practice of Political Education
4.4. Scientific Research and Philosophy of Science (D4)
4.5. Political Systems of the EU (D5)
4.6. Political Field Analysis (D6)
- 210142 PS [ en ] D6, G10: Current Trends in Antisemitism Research
5. Methods and Statistics (E)
5.1. Quantitaive Social Research (E1)
- 210143 PS E1: Short-Term Course Introduction to Quantitative Social Research
- 210144 PS E1: Short-Term Course Introduction to Quantitative Social Research
- 210147 PS E1: Long Term Course The Application of Quantitative Methods in Social and Political Sciences - Using SPSS
- 210145 PS E1: Long-Term Course Quantitative Social Research (Continuation of the Winter Term) - Introduction to Empirical Social Research: Design and Practice of Surveys
5.2. Qualitative Social Research (E2)
- 210150 PS E2: Short Term Course Qualitative Social Research - Fundamentals of Qualitative Social Research
- 210151 PS E2: Short Term Course Qualitative Social Research
- 210153 PS E2: Long-Term Course Qualitative Social Research - Methodological Fundamentals of Social Research
- 210154 PS E2: Long-Term Course Qualitative Social Research - Movies and Political Science
- 210149 PS E2: Long-Term Course Qualitative Social Research (Continuation of the Winter Term) - Qualitative Interviews and Discussions in Groups
- 210148 PS E2: Long-Term Course Qualitative Social Research (Continuation of the Winter Term) - The Politics of Meanings
6. Basics Module (F)
- 210156 VO F, G10: Theory of State
- 230570 VO How social is scientific knowledge? Introduction to social studies of science II
- 210217 VO D2, F, G9, G10: Politics and Aesthetics after Adorno
- 210117 VO F, G1: Political Mediation Structures I - Association, Association Systems and Social Movements in Europe
- 210169 PS F, G1: Political Mediation Structures II - Parties and Party Systems in Europe
- 210208 PS F, G9, G10: Dimensions of Informatization in public sector. On socio-economic Views of E-Government - Socio-economic Aspects of E-Government
- 210206 SE F, G9, G10: The Conditions of Political (Self-)Enlightenment
- 210157 SE F: The Institutions of the Modern State
- 210118 SE F, G6, G7: Postindustrial Welfare States - New Social Risks and Reform(in)ability of Welfare State Politics
- 210155 SE F: The roots of Modern Democracy
- 210245 SE F, G10: Current Theories about Power, Dominance and Hegemony
- 230573 SE [ en ] Universities as enterprises - knowledge as commodity. Analysis of a transformation
- 210253 SE F, G10: Hans Kelsen - Lecture Course
- 210186 SE F, G3, G9, Diss: Research Seminar The Historical Development of Global Capitalism - Lektüreseminar
- 210158 SE F, Diss: Research Seminar The Habsburg¿s Monarchy and the Ottoman Empire
- 210239 SE F, G8, G10, Diss: Research Seminar The Political Thought of Simone de Beauvior
- 210295 SE F, G10, Diss: Research Seminar Soccer as a Spectacle
- 210011 SE F, G10, Diss: Research Seminar Political Theories between Modernity and Postmodernity
- 210358 SE " Titel folgt ! "
7. Specialization Modules (G)
7.1. Europe and European Union (G1)
- 210170 VO G1, G4: The European Policy of Austria
- 210117 VO F, G1: Political Mediation Structures I - Association, Association Systems and Social Movements in Europe
- 210169 PS F, G1: Political Mediation Structures II - Parties and Party Systems in Europe
- 210312 PS G1: Negotiating instead of Governing? - On the Problem of Including Private Stakeholders in the Process of Setting Up Norms
- 210199 PS [ en ] G1, G5: Politics of Memory and National Identity in Eastern Europe: Ukraine, Russia, Poland
- 210171 SE G1, G4: European Educational Policy and Educational Systems - Humboldt in the Conflict between the Lisboa Strategy and the Bologna Process
- 210062 SE G1, G5: Poland - Political System and EU Membership
- 210105 SE G1, Diss: Research Seminar Practical Aspects of EU Politics - (with Dr. Wolfgang Streitenberger, Europäische Kommission; Jean Monnet Projekt)
- 210119 SE G1, G5, G10, Diss: Research Seminar Aspects of Europeanisation - Europe as an Empire?
- 210131 VO G1, G5: The New EU-Member¿s Political Systems and Cultures in Comparison
- 210358 SE " Titel folgt ! "
7.2. International Development, Peace and Conflict Research (G2)
- 210184 VO G2, G3: From Crisis and "New" Wars to Recent State- and Nationbuilding Experiments - Theoretical and Empirical Insights
- 210180 SE G2, G3: A Simulation of the Compains for Presidential Elections in the USA
- 210354 PS G2, G3: Elite- und Nationbuilding in Central Asia
7.3. International Politics (G3)
- 210184 VO G2, G3: From Crisis and "New" Wars to Recent State- and Nationbuilding Experiments - Theoretical and Empirical Insights
- 210292 VO G3, G6, G8: Critical Approaches to Politics and Economy in Globalised Capitalism
- 210187 PS G3: Internationalisation of the State
- 210188 PS [ en ] G3: Justice, Equality and Political Transformation in Conflict Societiey
- 210202 PS [ fr ] G3, G7: The Foundations of Africa's Political Systems
- 210189 PS G3: Trade Unions in the Globalisation
- 210180 SE G2, G3: A Simulation of the Compains for Presidential Elections in the USA
- 210252 SE G3, G4: The European Union's Security Policy
- 210186 SE F, G3, G9, Diss: Research Seminar The Historical Development of Global Capitalism - Lektüreseminar
- 210354 PS G2, G3: Elite- und Nationbuilding in Central Asia
7.4. Austrian Politics (G4)
- 210170 VO G1, G4: The European Policy of Austria
- 210190 SE G4: The Black-Blue/Orange Government 2000-2006 - Its Program, its Practice and its Goals
- 210192 SE G4: Austria¿s Policy on Higher Education - The Implementation of the UG 2002 in the University of Vienna
- 210193 SE G4: Austria¿s Foreign Policy
- 210296 SE G4: The Empirical Analysis of Elections
- 210023 SE G4: Political Parties
- 210012 SE G4: Austria and the EU - The Change of the Political System
- 210171 SE G1, G4: European Educational Policy and Educational Systems - Humboldt in the Conflict between the Lisboa Strategy and the Bologna Process
- 210120 SE G4: The Political System of the Nazi Regime
- 210252 SE G3, G4: The European Union's Security Policy
- 210027 SE G4, G10, Diss: Research Seminar State and Law between Theory and Practice
- 210358 SE " Titel folgt ! "
7.5. East and Middle Europe (G5)
- 290142 RV Cultures of Difference - Transformation Processes in Central Europe IV
- 210194 PS G5: Ethnic Minorities in Eastern Europe - Integration in and Exclsion of the Political Systems
- 210232 PS G5: Defects and Malfunctions in the East- and Western Europe's Political Systems
- 210195 PS G5: The Changes of Media and Democratic Transformation in Eastern Europe
- 210199 PS [ en ] G1, G5: Politics of Memory and National Identity in Eastern Europe: Ukraine, Russia, Poland
- 210057 SE G5, G10: Rise and Fall of Communism - From Socialism in a Country to the End of History
- 210297 SE G5, G10: The Dimensions of Identity and Memory in the Policy of the Amplification of the EU
- 210062 SE G1, G5: Poland - Political System and EU Membership
- 210119 SE G1, G5, G10, Diss: Research Seminar Aspects of Europeanisation - Europe as an Empire?
- 210196 SE G5, Diss: The Ways of Russian Postcommunism
- 210131 VO G1, G5: The New EU-Member¿s Political Systems and Cultures in Comparison
- 210363 PS G5: Geschichtsaufarbeitung und Wiedergutmachung am Beispiel ehem. sozialistischer Länder Ost- und Sü
- 010361 SE [ en ] Orthodox Christianity in Post-Soviet Europe: Sociological Perspectives
7.6. Policy Analysis and Political Economy (G6)
- 210255 VO G6: Policy-Analysis
- 210292 VO G3, G6, G8: Critical Approaches to Politics and Economy in Globalised Capitalism
- 210301 PS G6: Genetics and Agriculture
- 210299 PS G6, G9: Policy-Analysis and Learning
- 210298 SE G6: Political Economy of the Corporate University - Research, Evaluation of Research and Innovation
- 210300 SE G6: Research Policy in Austria and Europe
- 210320 SE G6: Comparing Welfare States - Poverty in the Welfare State
- 210118 SE F, G6, G7: Postindustrial Welfare States - New Social Risks and Reform(in)ability of Welfare State Politics
- 210162 SE [ en ] Diss, G6, FOSE: Research Practice Governance Theory Applied
- 210366 SE [ en ] G6: Interpretative Policy Analysis - Theory and Practice
- 210367 PS [ en ] G6: Policy Research Today
7.7. Extra-European Comparison of Politics (G7)
- 210203 VO G7: Pacifc Insular States in Comparative Analysis
- 210201 PS [ en ] G7: Chinese Foreign Policy in Transition
- 210202 PS [ fr ] G3, G7: The Foundations of Africa's Political Systems
- 210118 SE F, G6, G7: Postindustrial Welfare States - New Social Risks and Reform(in)ability of Welfare State Politics
7.8. Women's and Gender Research in Political Science (G8)
- 140467 VO Interdisc. Lectures: Forced Freedom - Cultural Diversity, Gender Equality and Feminist Agency
- 210292 VO G3, G6, G8: Critical Approaches to Politics and Economy in Globalised Capitalism
- 210205 PS D1, G8, G10: Gender and Class - Categories of Critical Political and Social Science
- 210242 PS D1, G8: Feminist Theories of the Seventies and early Eighties
- 210302 PS G8: Austrian Legislation against Domestic Violence
- 210239 SE F, G8, G10, Diss: Research Seminar The Political Thought of Simone de Beauvior
- 210359 VO D1, G8: Von der Frauenforschung zur Intersektionalitätsforschung?
- 210360 SE G8: Does gender matter?
7.9. Political Education (G9)
- 210216 VO D3, G9, G10: Theory and Practice of Political Education
- 210217 VO D2, F, G9, G10: Politics and Aesthetics after Adorno
- 210208 PS F, G9, G10: Dimensions of Informatization in public sector. On socio-economic Views of E-Government - Socio-economic Aspects of E-Government
- 210299 PS G6, G9: Policy-Analysis and Learning
- 210303 PS G9, G10: The Critique of Racism and Antisemitism in Politcal Education
- 210206 SE F, G9, G10: The Conditions of Political (Self-)Enlightenment
- 210186 SE F, G3, G9, Diss: Research Seminar The Historical Development of Global Capitalism - Lektüreseminar
- 210172 SE G9, G10, Diss: Research Seminar Triumph and Trauma - The "Anschluß" 1938 in a Politological and Psychoanalitical Perspective
7.10. Political Theories and Cultural Sciences (G10)
- 210173 VO D3, G10: Soccer - A Contribution to a Spectacle's Phenomenology
- 210216 VO D3, G9, G10: Theory and Practice of Political Education
- 210217 VO D2, F, G9, G10: Politics and Aesthetics after Adorno
- 210156 VO F, G10: Theory of State
- 210294 VO G10: Political Anthropology
- 210141 PS D2, G10: Antonio Gramsci and his Influence on Contemporary Political Theory
- 210205 PS D1, G8, G10: Gender and Class - Categories of Critical Political and Social Science
- 210142 PS [ en ] D6, G10: Current Trends in Antisemitism Research
- 210208 PS F, G9, G10: Dimensions of Informatization in public sector. On socio-economic Views of E-Government - Socio-economic Aspects of E-Government
- 210303 PS G9, G10: The Critique of Racism and Antisemitism in Politcal Education
- 210073 SE G10: Art between Event, Aesthetics, Science and - Nothing - (with Prof. M. Wagner, Hochschule f. Angewandte Kunst u. Prof. Chr. Ehalt, Inst. f. Anthropologie)
- 210245 SE F, G10: Current Theories about Power, Dominance and Hegemony
- 210206 SE F, G9, G10: The Conditions of Political (Self-)Enlightenment
- 210178 SE G10: Human Rights in Modern Political Thought
- 210057 SE G5, G10: Rise and Fall of Communism - From Socialism in a Country to the End of History
- 210297 SE G5, G10: The Dimensions of Identity and Memory in the Policy of the Amplification of the EU
- 210253 SE F, G10: Hans Kelsen - Lecture Course
- 210172 SE G9, G10, Diss: Research Seminar Triumph and Trauma - The "Anschluß" 1938 in a Politological and Psychoanalitical Perspective
- 210176 SE G10, Diss: Research Seminar Emotions in Neoliberalism
- 210119 SE G1, G5, G10, Diss: Research Seminar Aspects of Europeanisation - Europe as an Empire?
- 210027 SE G4, G10, Diss: Research Seminar State and Law between Theory and Practice
- 210295 SE F, G10, Diss: Research Seminar Soccer as a Spectacle
- 210239 SE F, G8, G10, Diss: Research Seminar The Political Thought of Simone de Beauvior
- 210011 SE F, G10, Diss: Research Seminar Political Theories between Modernity and Postmodernity
7.11. Research Practice (FoP)
- 210160 SE FOP: Research Practice Structure and Structural Change in the Public Administration - The Example of the Federal Ministries
- 210161 SE FOP: Research Practice Religion and Politics in Europe
- 210162 SE [ en ] Diss, G6, FOSE: Research Practice Governance Theory Applied
- 210164 SE FOP: Research Practice Public Administration on European and National Level
- 210165 SE FOP: Research Practice National Impacts of Transformation Processes on the Russian Federation
- 210293 SE FOP: Research Practice Processes of Transformation, Changes of Culture and Lifestyle
- 210163 SE FOP: Research Practice Parlamentary Control (To be continued in the Winter Term)
- 210121 SE FOP: Research Practice (Continuation of the Winter Term) - How Do International Enviromental Politics work?
- 210017 SE FOP: Research Practice The Jewish Massacre in Rechnitz 1945 (Continuation of the Winter Term 2007) - The Massacre seen under Aspects of Policy of History
- 210159 SE FOP: Research Practice The Phenomenon of Dropping out (Continuation of the Winter Term) - Reasons for Changing or Quitting Studies
- 210166 SE FOP: Research Practice Violence and Authority (Continuation of the Winter Term 2007)
8. Seminar for Diploma Candidates (H)
- 210024 SE H, Diss: Exclusive Tutorial for Graduands and Doctoral Students
- 210025 SE H, Diss: Exclusive Tutorial for Graduands and Doctoral Students
- 210099 SE H, Diss: Exclusive Tutorial for Graduands and Doctoral Students
- 210219 SE H: Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 210221 SE H, Diss: Seminar for Diploma and Doctorate Candidates
- 210223 SE H, Diss: Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 210224 SE H: Seminar fopr Diploma Candidates
- 210225 SE H, Diss: Semiar for Diploma and Doctorate Candidates
- 210226 SE H: Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 210230 SE H: Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 210234 SE H: Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 210235 SE [ en ] H: Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 210304 SE H, Diss: Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 210305 SE H: Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 210307 SE H, Diss: Semiar for Diploma and Doctorate Candidates
- 210321 SE H, Diss: Exclusive Tutorial for Graduands and Doctoral Students
- 210097 SE H: Diploma Course
- 210233 SE H, Diss: Seminar for Diploma and Doctorate Candidates
- 210356 SE H: Diploma Course - H: Diploma Course
- 210357 SE H: Diploma Course - H: Diploma Course
- 210368 SE H: DiplomandInnenseminar
21.02. Doctoral Programme Philosophy (Dr. phil.) / Dissertation Subject Area: Political Science
- 210011 SE F, G10, Diss: Research Seminar Political Theories between Modernity and Postmodernity
- 210027 SE G4, G10, Diss: Research Seminar State and Law between Theory and Practice
- 210105 SE G1, Diss: Research Seminar Practical Aspects of EU Politics - (with Dr. Wolfgang Streitenberger, Europäische Kommission; Jean Monnet Projekt)
- 210295 SE F, G10, Diss: Research Seminar Soccer as a Spectacle
- 210119 SE G1, G5, G10, Diss: Research Seminar Aspects of Europeanisation - Europe as an Empire?
- 210239 SE F, G8, G10, Diss: Research Seminar The Political Thought of Simone de Beauvior
- 210172 SE G9, G10, Diss: Research Seminar Triumph and Trauma - The "Anschluß" 1938 in a Politological and Psychoanalitical Perspective
- 210158 SE F, Diss: Research Seminar The Habsburg¿s Monarchy and the Ottoman Empire
- 210186 SE F, G3, G9, Diss: Research Seminar The Historical Development of Global Capitalism - Lektüreseminar
- 210176 SE G10, Diss: Research Seminar Emotions in Neoliberalism
- 210196 SE G5, Diss: The Ways of Russian Postcommunism
- 210024 SE H, Diss: Exclusive Tutorial for Graduands and Doctoral Students
- 210025 SE H, Diss: Exclusive Tutorial for Graduands and Doctoral Students
- 210099 SE H, Diss: Exclusive Tutorial for Graduands and Doctoral Students
- 210321 SE H, Diss: Exclusive Tutorial for Graduands and Doctoral Students
- 210223 SE H, Diss: Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 210225 SE H, Diss: Semiar for Diploma and Doctorate Candidates
- 210304 SE H, Diss: Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 210307 SE H, Diss: Semiar for Diploma and Doctorate Candidates
- 210310 SE [ en ] Diss: Cooperative Reserarch Workshop
- 210236 SE Diss: Semiar for Doctorate Candidates
- 210238 SE Diss: Seminar for Doctorate Candidates
- 210240 SE Diss: Seminar for Doctorate Candidates
- 210311 SE Diss: Seminar for Doctorate Candidates
- 210162 SE [ en ] Diss, G6, FOSE: Research Practice Governance Theory Applied
- 210221 SE H, Diss: Seminar for Diploma and Doctorate Candidates
- 210233 SE H, Diss: Seminar for Diploma and Doctorate Candidates
- 210313 SE Diss: Research Seminar: Regression Models in Social Sciences
- 210314 SE Diss: Research Seminar: Research Design in Empirical Social Research
- 210355 SE Diss: Seminar for Doctorate Candidates
- 210361 SE FOSE: Forschungskolloquium
- 210362 SE DissertantInnenseminar Methodolog.-method. Persp. d. Diskurs- u. Dispositivanalyse
- 210364 SE [ en ] Diss: Discussing the research proposal
- 210365 SE [ en ] Diss: Interpretative Policy Analysis - Theory and Practice
- 210369 SE Diss: DissertandInnenseminar
- 210371 SE [ en ] Diss, FOSE: Interpretative methodologies and methods
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34