A.3. Dritter Studienabschnitt
A.3.1. Pflichtlehrveranstaltungen
- 320089 SE Patientenorientierte Pharmazie (4 Parallelkurse)
- 320150 VO Clinical pharmacy and chemical Diagnostics
- 320151 PR Practice of chemical diagnostics and clinical phar - Practice of chemical diagnostics and clinical pharmac y
- 320152 PR Drug analysis and drug development - Drug analysis and drug development
A.3.2. Wahlpflichtfächer aus Pharmakognosie
- 320042 SE+PR Drugs of abuse and their analysis - Drugs of abuse and their analysis
- 320051 SE Conception, optim. of methods in pharmacognosy - Conception and optimization of methods in pharmacognosy
- 320065 SE+EX Proseminar Pharmacognosy - with fieldtrips
- 320097 UE In vitro-cultivation of medicinal plants - (Einführung in die Arbeitstechniken der pflanzlichen Gewebekulturen)
- 320114 SE [ en ] Natural Product Drug Discovery
- 320129 SE Seminar Cell Signalling - Seminar Cell Signalling
- 320140 SE Conception optim. of methods pharm.-biol. invest.2 - Conception and optimization of methods for pharmaceutical-biological investigations 2
- 320160 SE+EX Medicinal Plants: Literature, Determination, Identification
A.3.3. Wahlpflichtfächer für Diplomanden
- 320015 SE Seminar zur biopharmazeutischen Forschung
- 320019 SE+EX Proseminar including field trips
- 320035 PR Advanced course in Pharmaceutical Technology
- 320042 SE+PR Drugs of abuse and their analysis - Drugs of abuse and their analysis
- 320046 SE Seminar zur pharmazeutisch-technologischen Entwicklung
- 320052 SE Pharmacological-toxicological seminar
- 320056 SE Conception of methods for phytochemistry
- 320059 SE Pharmakologisch-toxikologisches Seminar - new Trends
- 320065 SE+EX Proseminar Pharmacognosy - with fieldtrips
- 320067 VO Drug Metabolism: Introduction and clinical applica - Grundlagen und klinische Anwendung
- 320073 VO Analysis of Structure-Activity Relationships - Analysis of Structure-Activity Relationships
- 320081 VO Selected chapters of drug metabolism
- 320083 VO Fundamentals of fragrance chemistry - (Vorlesung für Dissertanten, Diplomanden und Hörer der Studienrichtungen Chemie sowie Teil II der Vorlesung "Zusatz- und Fremdstoffe in Lebensmitteln" für Hörer der Studienrichtung Ernährungswissenschaften)
- 320088 VO Drugs in the childbearing period
- 320098 SE Plant tissue culture in pharmacognosy - in der Pharmakognosie
- 320104 VO Application of modern spectroscopic methods - in pharmaceutical chemistry
- 320109 PR Übungen zu pharmazeutisch biologischen Verfahren - Übungen zu pharmazeutisch biologischen Verfahren
- 320125 VO Introduction to plant tissue culture
- 320127 SE News in Pharmacognosy
- 320129 SE Seminar Cell Signalling - Seminar Cell Signalling
- 320138 PR Advanced course in Pharmacology - für Fortgeschrittene
- 320148 SE Chemical Genetics- practice and methods - Chemical Genetics- practice and methods
- 320155 PR Practical course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry - for advanced students
- 320156 PR Practical course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry - for advanced students
- 320157 SE Current research results in Pharmaceutical Chemist - Current research results in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34