2.1. Wissmeth
- 240031 SE Power of Space - Space of Power - Relations of Space, Power and Gender
- 240032 SE Projectseminar: EthnoSoundScapes - The conception, production and publication of ethnographic soundrecordings on digital media (cds).
- 240033 SE Life History and Migration - Theoretical Foundation and Explorative
- 240034 PR Health shopping - postmodern hybrid therapy supply in the context of esoterics, business and spirituality
- 240035 PR Switch of Generations in Small Family Firms
- 240036 PR Immigration past and present
- 240037 SE Bollywood in Vienna
- 240038 SE Doing Ethnographic Research with Children
- 240039 SE Field work - methodology
- 240101 SE Buryats in Europe
- 240116 SE Mythos Feldforschung
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34