Classical Philology, Middle and Neo-Latin
- 090052 UE Latin Reading course - Latin Reading course
- 090054 EX Excursion: Ionia - Excursion: Ionia
- 090056 VO Lecture: Ovid, Amatoria - Lecture: Ovid, Amatoria
- 090057 UE Latin style - Latin style
- 090066 UE Reading course: Latin Historiography and Epistolography of the Middle Ages
- 090071 KO Aristotle, Ethica Nicomachica, X
- 090076 KO Conversatorium
- 090131 VO Greek Literature, II
- 090134 VO Roman literature, II
- 090211 VO+UE Introduction to Latin II
- 090231 UE Reading course: Homer, Odyssey X
- 090272 UE Paleography of the oldest Greek books
- 090282 UE Introduction to Greek metre
- 090283 VO Lecture: Caesar
- 090284 VO Masterpieces of Classical Art
- 090285 VO Lecture: Greek and Roman literature in dialogue
- 090287 UE Reading course: Horace, Epodes
- 090293 UE Altgriechische und neugriechische Musik
- 090296 VO+UE Introduction to Latin I
- 090297 VO+UE Introduction to Latin II
- 090298 VO+UE Introduction to Ancient Greek II - Introduction to Ancient Greek II
- 090299 UE Teaching of Reading comprehension
- 090300 VO Lecture: Roman historiography from the beginnings to Sallustius
- 160223 VO Introduction to Indo-European Linguistics
Middle and Neo- Latin Courses
- 090061 UE Places and media in Latin literature of the early modern times in Vienna - including excursions
- 090132 KO Early Latin biographies of Saints from the Irish tradition
- 090291 UE Ovid in the Middle Ages and Modern Times
- 090292 KO [ la ] latine loquamur
- 090308 UE Travel literature of the early Modern times in Latin language
2. Proseminars
- 090043 UE Latin grammar I - Latin grammar I
- 090049 UE Greek grammar II - Greek grammar II
- 090051 PS Proseminar: Introduction to philological methods - Proseminar: Introduction to philological methods
- 090070 UE Latin grammar II
- 090137 PS Proseminar: Literary Interpretation of Greek texts
- 090156 SE [ gr ] Greek seminar: Herodotus, Bacchylides
- 090234 UE Greek style
- 090286 UE Latin grammar III
3. Seminars
- 090050 SE Latin Seminar: Roman Elegy
- 090301 VO Seminar: Teaching Latin
- 090315 SE LAtin seminar: Carmina Priapea
Last modified: Th 17.03.2022 01:32