Elective Courses
- 100029 PS Die Darstellungstradition schwarzer Frauen auf der Bühne des 18. Jhdts.
- 100118 PS [ de en ] AAC Text and files - Using Corpora and Digital Archives/Editions for Linguistic and Literary Research
- 100150 PS Sprachreflexive Texte von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart
- 100159 PS Stimmbildung und Sprecherziehung - Atem- und Sprechtechnik
- 100218 PS Paleography
- 130144 SE Thidreks Saga
- 130217 SE Runic inscriptions as sources for the history of language, literature and culture
- 130343 VO Popular literature in old Scandinavia: fornaldarsögur und riddarasögur
- 230562 SE [ en ] Technoscientific Utopias and Dystopias in Feminist Science Fiction
- 230568 SE Science in literature - Discussion of boundarywork and imaginations at the intersection of science and literature
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34
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