5.6. Decision Support (KFK DS)
- 040093 VK nBWM: OR Methods in Production and Logistics 1 - OR Methods in Production and Logistics 1
- 040278 PR KFK OR: Software Applications in OR II
- 050046 PR Practical Training in Decision Support - Anwendungsprobleme I (Finance)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34
Nähere Information: http://mailbox.univie.ac.at/%7Egutjahw2/teaching/kfkds.html
Es sind folgende 4 Module zu absolvieren: Grundlagen des Decision Support (2 VO + 2 PS), Computationale Techniken (2 VO + 2 PR), Anwendungsprobleme (2 mal 2 PR), Implementationen von Decision-Support-Verfahren (2 mal 2 UK)