Universität Wien

First and Second Stage of the Degree Programme

080054 VO The Modus "Romanticism" in European Art - Ein Überblick über kontroversielle Deutungsmuster (nst.K.)
080066 VO [en] Aspects of Indian Architecture (au.K.) - Social, Symbolic and Formal Origins of the Indian Temple
080134 VO Art since 1789
080215 VO Technical History of Art II - Sculpture, Wallpainting, Architectural surface
080249 KO [en] Konversatorium zur Vorlesung "Aspects of Indian Architecture" (au.K.) - Social, Symbolic and Formal Origins of the Indian Temple
080022 UE Übung: Aspekte der Indischen Architektur (au.K.) - Übung zur VO "Aspects of Indian Architecture: Social, Symbolic and Formal Origins of the Indian Temple" v. Michael Meister (University of Pennsylvania)
080036 UE The visual Conquest of the Orient. - Photography and the Visualisation of the Orient between Science and Art (including Stereotyps of Race and Gender)
080050 UE Tutorial: Observation of Exhibitions in museums and galleries - Observation von aktuellen Ausstellungen. Im Blick von Kunst und Wissenschaft (nst./ö. K.) (gilt auch als WF)
080028 EX Excursion

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34