Universität Wien

Second Year

(anrechenbar geisteswissenschaftlicher Studienzweig, zweiter Abschnitt)

230506 SE Friendship as a Way of Living - A Sociology of an Affective Union between Singularity and Universality
230512 SE Qualitative Methods: Sociological Ethnography - Interaction, Social Organization and Symbolic Order from the Perspective of Participant Observation
230516 SE Synthesis of Qualitative Research. A New Methodological Paradigm - How to we develop systematic knowledge from diverse qualitative primary studies? What methodological approaches are available? What methodological problems are recently discussed?
230524 VO+SE Sociology of Religion: Max Weber's Paradigm - Introduction and examples - Confucianism / Taoism
230529 VO+SE Sociology of Family

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34