Warning! The directory is not yet complete and will be amended until the beginning of the term.
5. Tschechisch
- 130020 UE [ cs de ] Czech-German in Contrastive View
- 130055 VO [ cs ] Czech V, Part 1 - Czech V, Part 1 (Language Structure, Stylistics, to be taken together with Part 2) 130223
- 130093 UE Reading Competence and Textproduction: Czech
- 130111 UE Czech: Basic Course - (continuation; obligatory course 2. Slavic language)
- 130152 VO Russian by contrast with Northern West Slavic languages
- 130170 KO Poetry of Suffering in Czech Literature
- 130181 PS Proseminar for Bohemists: Literary Translations
- 130182 PS Linguistic Proseminar for Bohemists and Slovakists
- 130222 UE [ cs ] Czech IV
- 130223 UE [ cs ] Czech V, Part 2 - Czech V, Part 2 (to be taken together with Part 1) 130055
- 130237 UE [ cs ] Czech II
- 130248 SE Linguistic Seminar: - Language Analysis of Czech and Slovak Satire in Real Socialism
- 130337 PS Proseminar Area and Cultural Studies: Czech Republic
- 130368 KO Historic Czech and Slovak Grammatography
- 130371 VO Slovak: Linguistics I
- 130395 VO Czech Literature II
- 130449 KO Morphological Practice in Modern Slovak
- 130450 PS Literary Proseminar for Students of Czech
- 130452 UE [ cs ] Current Trends in Modern Czech
- 130453 UE [ cs de ] Czech in Adult Education - including Classroom Practice
- 130487 KO Czech and Slovak Documentary Photography
- 130511 KO Literature and Society in Czechoslovakia - after the Communist Takeover in 1948
- 130517 KO [ cs ] Entwicklung und Veränderung der Genres in der älteren tschechischen Literatur
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34