Universität Wien

2.2. Packages

240040 SE Geschlecht - Körper - Krankheit und Kultur - Aktuelle Fragestellungen im Kontext mit Migrantinnen in Österreich und reproduktiver Frauengesundheit
240041 VS VS Law - Peace - Conflict - recent case studies from South Eastern Europe and the Caucasus
240042 VS Anthropology of Flight - Theoretical, Practical and Genderspecific Aspects
240046 VS VS Economy - Tourism - Research on Hunter-Gatherer Societies
240050 SE+UE Film and Photography about Oceania. - Visual Representation of a Region and its Peoples in Science and Popular Culture.
240054 VO The 'Aryan's Myth' - from the spiritual origins up to the cremating furnaces of the German 'Third Empire' Empire'
240058 VO Careful dealing with environment - traditional utilization of water and mud buildings in arid zones
240062 VO Escape into the 'Southern Seas'? - Historical oriented research about migration from Austria to New Zealand and beyond
240063 VO Femininity, Monstrosity and Human Race - Anthropology and the Construction of Gender and Race
240064 VO [de en] Diaspora, Identität und Ideologie - Zur komparativen Ethnographie von Diasporagesellschaften
240065 VO Funeral Art - Entrance ticket to the land of the Deads
240067 AL Anthro Lab
240068 AL Anthro Lab
240069 AL Anthro Lab
240099 SE [en] Anthropology of Food and Consumption - Approaches to the social phenomenon under globalised conditions

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34