Warning! The directory is not yet complete and will be amended until the beginning of the term.
2. Evolutionary Biology
2.1. Compulsory Modules
- 300085 SE Zoological Colloquium - Zoological Colloquium
- 300098 VO Introduction to Molecular Biological Techniques - Moleculare Techniques
- 300110 VO Macromolecules in phylogeny - DNA and macromolecules in phylogeny
- 300141 SE Trends in Evolutionarybiology
- 300143 VO Fundamentals in zoological systematics - Lecture
- 300200 UE DNA sequenzing and molecular phylogenetics
- 300250 SE Actual phylogenetics - recent results and methods in research on Relationships
- 300323 VO Introduction into evolutionary biology based on current topics in vertebrate systematics
- 300488 VO Paleobiogeography
- 300527 UE Practical cours: molecular phylogeny based on museum specimens
- 300660 VO Biology of Reproduction and Development
- 300722 SE Molecular processes of early evolution: from the "RNA world" to the Metazoa
2.2. Block of Elective Modules: Evolutionary Biology
- 300002 SE Botanical field research and collecting tours
- 300004 SE Seminar for Master, Diploma and PhD-students
- 300006 SE Seminar for Master, Diploma and PhD-students in evolutionary biology and zoology - in morphological and molecular Systematics
- 300022 SE Systematics and floristics of European vascular plants - (Seminar der Arbeitsgruppe "Flora von Österreich")
- 300027 VO Social Systems - Social Systems in vertebratas with special e,,, on mechanismus
- 300033 VO Virtual Anthropology - Introduction into digital 3D-methods
- 300067 VO Flora of Europa - (taxonomy, phylogenetic systematics, ecology, morphology, ethnobotany)
- 300078 VO Hominid Evolution
- 300084 VO Bioactive Natural Compounds - Basics and Applied Aspects of Plant Chemodiversity
- 300097 SE Seminar for Master, Diploma and Doctoral Students in Evolution Research
- 300142 VO Fundamental principles phylogenetic Systematics
- 300143 VO Fundamentals in zoological systematics - Lecture
- 300155 SE Reproduction ecology and life strategies of tropical plants - Reproduction ecology and life strategies of tropical plants
- 300159 VO Evolutionary biology of birds
- 300168 UE Economical plants - Useful plants (morphology, taxonomy, evolution, ecology, phytogeography, social history)
- 300180 SE [ en ] Biology and systematics of neotropical amphibians
- 300192 UE Field trips in ecology, floristics - Field trips in ecology, floristics
- 300208 SE Discussion of novelties in biometrics
- 300222 VO Embryology of the vertebrates
- 300229 VO Flying animals - Morphology and Evolution
- 300233 SE Seminar for Master, Diploma and PhD-students
- 300235 SE Seminar in Plant Systematics and Evolution - Seminar in Plant Systematics and Evolution
- 300241 VO Tropical ecosystems of South and Central America
- 300251 SE Ecophysiology of visual systems
- 300271 SE [ en ] Innovative concepts in biology - Theories of Evolution (integrated with the Altenberg Seminars in Theoretical Biology
- 300302 SE Seminar for Master, Diploma and PhD-students in Morphology in arthropods
- 300310 SE Biogeography Seminary
- 300318 SE Seminar for Master, Diploma and PhD-students in theoretical biology
- 300339 VO Island biology Biogeography - Island biology Biogeography and evolutionary processes on islands
- 300450 VO Ecology and Biogeography of the Alpine flora
- 300466 VO [ en ] Modern Morphometrics in Physical Anthropology
- 300467 SE Morphometric Data Acquisition and Analysis
- 300468 SE Seminar for Master, Diploma and PhD Students in Morphometrics
- 300471 SE Seminar to Bio- and Chemodiversity of Economic and Medicinal Plants - Seminar to Bio- and Chemodiversity of Economic and Medicinal Plants
- 300481 VO+UE Morphology and Palaeodiversity of vertebrates - Morphology and Palaeodiversity of vertebrates
- 300489 VO Growth and Proportion - Basics of biosystemstheory II
- 300500 VO+UE Special courses in insect functional morphology
- 300525 SE+UE Scientific research at the Museum of Natural History - - significance of scientific collections for evolutionary studies
- 300529 VO+SE Biology of social Insects - (Introduction to Ecology, Evolution and Behavior of Social Insects, with Emphasis on Hymenopterans)
- 300530 VO [ en ] Imaging and visualization in developmental biology - Principles and applications, including 3 D Methods
- 300535 VO Speciation in plants and fungi
- 300537 VO Plant Biogeography
- 300539 VO+UE Systematics and ecology of macromycetes
- 300540 SE Co-evolutionary processes as driving forces in plant evolution - Co-evolutionary processes as driving forces in plant evolution
- 300543 UE Biology of lichens - Biology of lichens
- 300548 SE Ants and their interactions
- 300685 VO Plant Population Biology
- 300699 SE Seminar for Master, Diploma and PhD-students in evolutionary biology and molecular systematics
- 300720 SE [ de en ] Seminar for Master, Diploma and PhD-Students in Development Biology
- 300721 VO Molecular principles of developmental biology of animals
- 300217 SE Seminar for Master, Diploma and Doctoral Students in Phylogenetic Systematics
- 300433 VO Pliozäne Hominina: Australopithecus and Paranthropus
- 300490 VO EIntroduction of excevation technique of burials in the Prehistory and Early - Introduction of excevation technique of burials in the Prehistory and Early History
- 300702 SE Introduction to Submicroscopical Anatomy and Practical Electron Microscopy
- 300726 SE [ en ] A Theoretical Biology of EvoDevo - unter Mitwirkung von Univ.Prof. DDr. Manfred Laubichler (Arizona State University)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34