6.1. Compulsory Modules
- 300053 VO Habitatmapping - Habitatmapping
- 300080 SE+UE Protection of sea turtles in Turkey II - Course
- 300160 VO Landscape Ecology - Introduction to Landscape Ecology - principles, methodes & case studies
- 300161 VO Nature conservation law & implementation in Austria - Austria and EU
- 300176 VO Ecography of selected cultural landscapes - Ecography of selected cultural landscapes - structure, vegetation & land use
- 300290 UE Course in vegetation Ecology: Data interpretation and analysis
- 300291 VO Ecology and management of meadows and pastures
- 300356 VO Biological Invasions - Neobiota and their relevance
- 300450 VO Ecology and Biogeography of the Alpine flora
- 300506 VO Ecological effects of climate change
- 300543 UE Biology of lichens - Biology of lichens
- 300637 SE Seminar for nature conservation - Naturschutz, Vegetations- und Landschaftsökologie, terrestrische Ökologie
- 300668 VO Mountain ecology
- 300669 VO Management of endangered species - practical species protection in marine and terrestrial ecosystems
- 300670 VO NATURA 20000 - nature conservation in the European Union
- 300671 VO The birds of Austria - an ecological overview
Last modified: Sa 02.03.2019 00:32