Universität Wien

STEP 2: Grundzüge bildungswissenschaftlichen Denkens

Wird nur im Wintersemester angeboten!

Verbund-Lehre: Studierende des Bachelorstudiums müssen im selben Semester parallel zum Proseminar auch folgende Lehrveranstaltungen belegen:
VO Ringvorlesung: Einführung in Forschungs- und Studienschwerpunkte (STEP 1b),
VO Einführung in das Studium der Bildungswissenschaft (STEP 1a).

Das Proseminar kann nur dann positiv abgeschlossen werden, wenn auch die anderen beiden Lehrveranstaltungen positiv abgeschlossen werden. - Das Proseminar führt in bildungswissenschaftliches Arbeiten (Verfassen wissenschaftlicher Texte, Literaturrecherche, Referat) und ausgewählte Themen ein. Kontinuierliche Anwesenheit und Mitarbeit im PS sowie mehrere Leistungsnachweise sind gefordert. Persönliche Anwesenheit in der ersten Sitzung ist unverzichtbar.

190466 PS Introduction to scientific Methods in Education - with reference to the concept of paradigm in discussion of education research
190467 PS Introduction to scientific Methods in Education - under special reference to main topics of the subject of educational sciences.
190468 PS Introduction to scientific Methods in Education - with reference to research an development in the field of education
190469 PS Introduction to scientific Methods in Education - with reference to classical theories of education
190470 PS Introduction to scientific Methods in Education - with references to Hans Zellingers writings on psychoanalytic education
190472 PS Introduction to scientific Methods in Education - with reference to philosophy of education
190473 PS Introduction to scientific Methods in Education - with reference to educational theories of learning
190474 PS Introduction to scientific Methods in Education - with reference to psychoanalytic education
190476 PS Introduction to scientific Methods in Education - with reference to services for people with disabilities
190477 PS Introduction to scientific Methods in Education - with references to sceptical pedagogy
190478 PS Introduction to scientific Methods in Education - with reference to early child-parent-relationship
190483 PS Introduction to scientific Methods in Education - with reference to current theories of school
190484 PS Introduction to scientific Methods in Education - with reference for understanding mental handicapped people
190493 PS Introduction to scientific Methods in Education - with reference to education in the first six years of life
190494 PS Introduction to scientific Methods in Education - with reference to educational handling of aggression and violence
190528 PS Introduction to scientific Methods in Education - with reference to obstruct-educational questions
190529 PS Introduction to scientific Methods in Education - with reference to I and the sense of my study
190530 PS Introduction to scientific Methods in Education - with refernce to Gender issues

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34