SPL 2 - Protestant Theology
Bei Lehrveranstaltungen, für die eine persönliche Anmeldung - "(p. A.)" - vorgeschrieben ist, haben sich die Studierenden am jeweiligen Institut anzumelden. Die für die Lehrveranstaltung geltenden Anmeldebedingungen sind auf den jeweiligen Institutstafeln der Fakultät angeschlagenen Kundmachungen zu entnehmen (die Institutstafeln befinden sich im Vorraum der Fakultätsbibliothek). Vor allem Erstsemestrige werden eingeladen, die Studienberatung in Anspruch zu nehmen.
2.01. Protestant Theology
1. Philosophy
2. Old Testament Studies and Biblical Archaeology
- 020061 VO Old Testament Theology - Theology of the Prophetical Books
- 020062 UE Old Testament exegetical Exercises
- 020063 SE Old Testament Seminar - Liberation Theology
- 020064 SE Old Testament Privatissimum
- 020065 VO History of Israel - Topics from the History of the Israelite Monarchy
- 020066 UE Biblical Hebrew
- 020067 VO Compulsory Optional Subject: Basics in Biblical Geography, History and Archaeology
- 020068 EX Excursion - The World of the Bible in Europe's Museums 1: Berlin
- 020069 VO Compulsory Optional Subject: Biblical Archaeology - Ancient Near Eastern Gods in Pictures and Texts
- 020075 VU Old Testament Exegesis - Exegesis of selected Psalms
- 020076 VO Old Testament Exegesis - Exegesis of selected Psalms
3. New Testament Studies
- 010140 VU New Testament Greek I
- 020071 SE New Testament Seminar: Women in Early Christianity
- 020073 VO New Testament Exegesis - Exegesis of the Acts of the Apostles
- 020074 PS+SA New Testament Proseminar (Biblical Proseminar II)
- 020077 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Bibliodrama
- 020116 VO Compulsory Optional Subject: Time and the World of the New Testament
- 020117 SE Privatissimum: Colloquium for graduands and doctoral students
4. Ecclesiastical History, Christian Archaeology and Ecclesiastical Art
- 020078 VO Theologians of the Middle Ages
- 020079 SE Constantinopel - Byzantium - Istanbul
- 020080 VO Reformation and Counter-Reformation in Austria
- 020101 SE Privatissimum for graduands and doctoral students
- 020102 VO Free Compulsory Optional Subjekt - Historiography: History and Problems of (ecclesiastical) Historiography
- 020103 VO Free Compulsory Optional Subjekt - Between the Ancient Church and the Middle Ages (History of Doctrines and Events)
- 020104 VO Free Compulsory Optional Subjekt: Daily Life from the Middle Ages to the Age of Confessionalism 1
- 020118 SE Advances Seminar on Texts and Monuments of late Antiquity
- 020119 SE Icon and Cult Image in Christianity
5. Systematic Theology
- 020081 VO Ethics II: Introduction to Social Ethics
- 020082 VO Dogmatics I
- 020083 SE Questions of contemporary Sexual Ethics
- 020084 PV Exclusive tutorial: Current discussion and issues in Systematic Theology
- 020085 VO The Theology of Martin Luther
- 020086 SE Luthers main reformation writings
- 020088 PS Systematic-theological Proseminar: Methods and approaches of systematic theology
- 020115 SE Dharma, Dhamma, Din und Dat = "Religion"? - Dharma, Dhamma, Din und Dat = "Religion"? - The of equivalence problem of the Western term "religion" in Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and Islam
- 020120 UE Introduction to scientific working
6. Practical Theology and Religious Psychology
- 010099 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Personal Growth and Self-Experience
- 010100 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Personal growth and self-experience IV- for theologians
- 020089 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Church Music - The Hymn Book as a treasury - on musical rhetorics in old and contemporary hymns
- 020090 VO Ways to the Inner World: Introduction to Pastoral Care / Pastoral Psychology
- 020091 VO Religion as Experience: Introduction to the Psychology of Religion
- 020092 SE Seminar on Pastoral Care / Pastoral Psychology - Mystagogue, Rabbi, Therapist? On Role Models and Modes of Pratice of Pastoral Workers
- 020093 VU Reasoning and Acting: Intoduction to Practical Theology
- 020094 SE+SA Seminar in Homiletics II: Preparing a Sermon
- 020097 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Rhetorical Communication I
- 020123 PV Research Seminar - for MA and PhD Students and Students enrolled in the Socrates-Programme - in Psychology of Religion
7. Religious Education
- 020099 UE Methods and Media in the Classroom
- 020100 SP+SA Practical Course in Religious Instruction II
- 020105 PV Privatissimum: Research Religious Education
- 020106 UE Religious Education (Didactics): Reading the Bible in School (Paul and the early churches)
- 020109 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Bible stories in Religious Education - Methods and options
- 020110 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Bibliodrama course - Advanced training to work with Bibliodrama
8. Church Law
9. Religious Science
- 020112 VO Introduction to Scientific Study of Religions - (Schwerpunkt systematisch-vergleichende Religionswissenschaft)
- 020113 VO Compulsory Optional Subject: Introduction to Islam (Part 2)
- 020114 SE Salam and Jihad - Historical and Contemporary Concepts of Peace and Violence in Islam
10. Women's Research/Gender Studies
- 020071 SE New Testament Seminar: Women in Early Christianity
- 020083 SE Questions of contemporary Sexual Ethics
11. Ethics and Law in Medicine
- 020126 VO Clinical Rounds - from medical, ethical and legal view
- 020127 KU Relationship between physician and patient
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34