Universität Wien

C. Diploma Degree Programme in Comparative Literature

160063 PS Time and Narrative in the 19th and 20th Century Novel - German, French, Italian and English examples and interrelations
160053 PS The Brentano and the Wordworth Circle - Gender relations and literary Creativity in the Romantic period
160189 PS About good, brave and bad Children. - A History of Literature for Children and Young Readers: Topics and Motifs
160150 SE Indigenous and regional Novel in Latin America - Literary and philosophical sources, social context
160061 PV Privatissimum
160147 PV Privatissimum
160149 PV Privatissimum
110025 VO [de it] Extension module literary lecture - Italian - La letteratura italiana del Trecento
110038 VO [de fr] Extension module literary lecture - French - Littérature française 1760 - 1850
110039 VO [it] Literaturwissenschaftliche Vorlesung (MA) - Italienisch - La narrativa italiana moderna
110034 VO [fr] Literaturwissenschaftliche Vorlesung (MA) - Französisch - Romans populaires français du 19e siècle

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34