C. German - Teacher Training Programme
1. Specialized Study
Introductory Phase
Scientific Research Techniques
Text Analysis
Introduction to Germanistic Linguistics
First Stage of the Degree Programme
Basics of German Philology
Text Production
Theory of Literature
Literature and Media
Grammar of Present-Day Language
Middle High German Grammar
New German Literature
Old German Literature
Tutorials German as a Foreign/Second Language
- 100164 UE Tutorial for Prospective Teachers
- 100169 UE Tutorial for Prospective Teachers
First and Second Stage of the Degree Programme
Old German Literature
New German Literature
German Language
German as a Foreign/Second Language
Conversatorium History of Language
- 100079 VO Lecture History of Language
- 100207 VO Lecture History of Language
Conversatorium History of Literature 750 - 1500
Conversatorium History of Literature 1500-1770/80
Conversatorium History of Literature 1770/80 - 1848
Conversatorium History of Literature 1848 - 1945
Conversatorium History of Literature 1945 until Present Day
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
Seminars (and Conversatoriums) for Diploma Candidates
Old German Literature
- 100120 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100149 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100237 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 130218 KO Workshop discussions on Old Norse and Old German(ic) matters
New German Literature
- 100071 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Modern German Literature
- 100084 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100094 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100127 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100134 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100190 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100232 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100233 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100234 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100235 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100236 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
German Language
- 100224 SE Linguistic Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100237 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 130218 KO Workshop discussions on Old Norse and Old German(ic) matters
German as a Foreign/Second Language
- 100155 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100174 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
Old German Literature
New German Literature
German Language
German as a Foreign /Second Language
- 100153 SE (C) Sprachenpolitische Grundfragen (DaF 6)
- 100165 SE-B Bachelor Seminar: German as Foreign and Second Language (DaF 3,7)
- 100175 SE Identität und Sprache (DaF 6)
Elective Courses
- 130002 VO Crash course Old Germanic languages, literatures, cultures
- 130041 PS Old Norse
- 230153 SE Research-encounters at the interface between science and art
- 230155 SE Imag(in)ing practices in science
- 230156 SE [ en ] Forms of Knowledge Related to the Body - Knowledge about the Body in Medicine and Nutrition
Specialist Tutorials
2. Didactics: German
Introductory Phase
Einführung in das Fachstudium für das Lehramt Deutsch
- 100108 UE Introduction to the teaching of German
- 100194 UE Introduction to the teaching of German
- 100221 UE Introduction to the teaching of German
- 100222 UE Introduction to the teaching of German
First Stage of the Degree Programme
Einführung in die Didaktik und Methodik des Unterrichtsfaches Deutsch
- 100047 PS Introduction to didactics
- 100202 PS Introduction to didactics
- 100217 PS Introduction to didactics
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
Speaking and listening
- 100048 SE Speaking and listening
- 100138 SE Speaking and listening
- 100204 SE Speaking and listening
Writing and editing
- 100107 SE Writing and editing
- 100216 SE Writing and editing
Language Norms
- 100049 SE Language Norms
- 100195 SE Language Norms
Reading comprehension, literature, and media literacy
- 100102 SE Reading comprehension, literature & media literacy
- 100196 SE Reading comprehension, literature & media literacy
- 100203 SE Reading comprehension, literature & media literacy
- 100254 SE Reading comprehension, literature & media literacy
- 100109 SE Multilingualism
- 100139 SE Multilingualism
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35
Die meisten Lehrveranstaltungstypen sind im Programm des Bachelor- und Masterstudiums zu finden - vergleichen Sie dazu auch die Äquivalenzliste
(http://spl.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/spl9/Aequivalenzliste.PDF ).
Folgende Lehrveranstaltungstypen werden noch exklusiv für Lehramtsstudierende angeboten:
I 1222 UE DaF/DaZ für LA-Studierende
I 1251 VO Sprachgeschichte
I 2170 Dipl.SE Ältere Dt. Lit. für Dipl/Diss.
I 2270 Dipl.SE Neuere Dt. Lit. für Dipl/Diss.
I 2370 Dipl.SE Sprachwissenschaft für Dipl/Diss.
I 2470 Dipl.SE DaF/DaZ
Sie finden diese in der entsprechenden Kategorie weiter unten.
Die LVn aus dem Bereich der Fachdidaktik werden weiterhin angeboten.