Universität Wien

7.5. ABCM (5) Community and Landscape Ecology

300160 VO Landscape Ecology - Introduction to Landscape Ecology - principles, methodes & case studies
300449 PP Ecology and behavior of insects & birds in Costa Rica - Habitat and resource use of insect pollinators (like butterflies and orcid bees) and birds in tropical ecosystems
300480 VO Syntaxonomy - Description, comparison and classification of plant communities
300488 PP Ethology and biodiversity of neotropic amphibians - Ethoecology and biodiversity of neotropical amphibians. PP in French Guiana. In compulsory combination with the seminar "biology and systematics of neoptropical amphibians" 300180 (VO + SE)

Last modified: Fr 13.07.2018 00:35