Universität Wien

A.2. Second Stage of the Degree Programme

320016 VO Pharmacognosy I - Biogene Arzneimittel I
320030 PR Preparation & Analysis - of medicinal products of biogenous origin
320034 PR Identif. & charakt. of pharm. relevant organisms - Methods for identification & characterization of pharmaceutically relevant organisms
320058 PR Practical course on galenics - Course I-VI
320074 VO Pathology
320106 PR Drug Analytik-Laboratory course - (6 Kurse)
320135 PR Proof if identity and purity - Proof if identity and purity of drugs of biological origing
320145 VO Pharmacology II - incl. Pharmacotherapy and Toxicology II
320146 PR Pharmacology II - incl. Pharmacotherapy and Toxicology II
320021 SE [en] Academic training and disscusion in Pharmacognosy - for doctoral students
320023 VO Chemie der Kohlenhydrate - Ausgewählte Anwendungen in der Pharmazie
320037 SE Conception of methods in Phytochemistry - for pharmakognostica research of undergraduated and graduated students
320042 SE+PR Drugs of abuse and their analysis - Drugs of abuse and their analysis
320044 SE+EX [en] Identification and quality controll of TCM drugs - TCM Summershool
320051 SE Conception and optimization of methods in pharmacognosy - pharmakognostische Untersuchungen für Dissertanten und Diplomanden 1
320067 VO Drug Metabolism: Introduction and clinical applica - Grundlagen und klinische Anwendung
320071 SE Pharmacoinformatics - Pharmacoinformatics
320104 VO Application of modern spectroscopic methods - in pharmaceutical chemistry
320105 VO Special Methods in Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2 - Asymmetrische Synthese
320140 SE Conception optim. of methods pharm.-biol. invest.2 - Conception and optimization of methods for pharmaceutical-biological investigations 2
320144 VO Pharmaceutical Technology in nuclear medicine - Pharmaceutical Technology and biopharmacy in nuclear medicine and pet
320148 SE Chemical Genetics- practice and methods - Chemical Genetics- practice and methods

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35