A. Bachelor Programme (Branch of Study: Human and Cultural Sciences)
Im folgenden sind zunächst die Lehrveranstaltungen gegliedert nach den Fächern des Bakkalaureats- und Magister/Magistrastudiums angeführt. Die Einteilung in Studienjahre dient zur Orientierung und hat Empfehlungscharakter. Die genaue Abfolge der einzelnen Fächer ist im Studienplan geregelt. Im Anschluss finden Sie die Prüfungsfächer des auslaufenden Diplomstudiums des geisteswissenschaftlichen Studienzweiges aufgelistet mit allgemeinen Verweisen darauf, welche Lehrveranstaltungen des Bakkalaureats- und Magister-/Magistrastudiums ohne formales Anrechnungsverfahren für den geisteswissenschaftlichen Studienzweig anerkannt werden. Hinweise dazu finden Sie auch auf unserer Website: www.univie.ac.at/soziologie . Dort finden Sie auch den Studienplan des Bakkalaureats- und Magister-/Magistrastudium. Dieser ist auch im Servicecenter des Instituts erhältlich.
First Year
1.1. Introduction to Sociology
- 230011 VO Basics of Social Theory
- 230013 VO Introduction to Sociology
- 230014 VO Structure and Development of Modern Societies - Social Change of the Austrian Society
- 230017 VO Empirical Social Research: Research Process - Research Questions and Research Design: The Logic of Creating Research questions
- 230039 PS Proseminar Introduction
1.2. Basics of Sociology
- 230015 VO Theoretical Foundations ("Classics of Sociology")
- 230016 VO Modern Sociological Theory
- 230018 VO Empirical Social Research: Methods
- 230019 VO Statistics 1 - Vorlesung
- 230041 UE Methods of Empirical Social Research
1.3. Statistics for Sociologists I
- 230042 UE Statistics 1 - Übung
1.4. Training of Key Competences I
- 230069 TR Basics and Academic Working
- 190246 SE Communication culture in university practise and working practise II
Second Year
2.1. Sociological Theories
- 230021 SE Key Texts of Critical Theory
- 230022 SE Seminar on Systems Theory
- 230023 SE Sociological theory: Sennett
- 230024 SE Agency and social order - Grenzen und Potentiale handlungstheoretischer Soziologie
- 230026 SE Social Differenciation
- 230027 SE Pierre Bourdieu
2.2. Sociological Methods
- 230020 VO Multivariate Methods
- 230028 UE Qualitative Methods: Grounded Theory II
- 230030 SE Qualitative Methods: Hermeneutics
- 230031 UE Qualitative Methods: Praxeology II - Concepts and Approaches of Social Practices in Theory and Empirical Research
- 230032 UE Qualitative Methods: Ethnography II
- 230033 UE Qualitative Methods: Ethnography II
- 230034 UE Qualitative Methods: Hermeneutics II
- 230035 UE Data Analysis
- 230036 UE Data Evaluation
- 230037 UE Data Evaluation
- 230038 UE Data Evaluation
- 230154 UE Research Practice: Data Collection
- 230155 UE Research Practice: Data Collection
- 230179 UE Research Practice: Data Collection
- 230180 UE Research Practice: Data Collection
2.3. Sociological Fields of Practice - Special Sociologies
- 230055 VO+SE Class, Stratum, Milieu
- 230056 VO+SE Sociology of Health and Illness
- 230057 VO+SE Sociological Technology Studies - Theories, Methods, Applications
- 230058 VO+SE Sociology of Media and Communication
- 230059 VO+SE Deviance and Social Control
- 230061 VO+SE Development Sociology - Einführung in die Entwicklungssoziologie: Theorien, Diskurse, Akteure, Prozesse
- 230062 VO+SE Sociology of Family
2.4. Practice Guidance, Part I
2.5. Statistics for Sociologists II
Third Year
3.1. Applied Research
- 230127 SE The 'customer' in non-economic organizations
- 230128 SE Restructuring Complex Organizations
- 230130 PR Research Practice II
- 230131 PR Research Practice II - Politische Soziologie
- 230132 FPR Research Practice II
3.2. Training of Key Compentences II
- 230067 TR Projectmanagement
- 230068 TR Projectmanagement
- 230069 TR Basics and Academic Working
- 230070 TR Body Language
- 190218 VK Interdisciplinary Research : from Project Planning to Evaluation
3.3. Practice Guidance, Part II
Recommended Free Elective Courses
Sociological Theories
- 230040 UE Theoretical Foundations ("Reading Classics of Sociology")
- 230043 VO Diagnoses of Society
- 230044 WA Diagnoses of Society
- 230045 WA Diagnoses of Society
- 230046 WA Diagnoses of Society: Michel Foucaults analysis of biopower and gouvernementality
- 230047 WA Diagnoses of Society: Globalization
- 230048 WA Diagnoses of Society: Feel well! A Genealogy of Emotions
- 230049 WA Diagnoses of Society
Sociological Methods
- 230029 UE Qualitative Methods: Participant Observation
- 230075 UE Introduction to SPSS
- 190250 KU Basics of Social Network Analysis II
Sociological Practice Fields - Special Sociologies
- 230176 SE [ en ] Race, class and gender in biomedical discourse
- 040313 VK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM II
- 040314 EK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM I
- 040408 VK KFK IndM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
- 110036 VO [ de it ] Cycle of Lectures - Italienische Beiträge zur sozialen und kulturellen Diversifizierung Wiens
Theories of Science and Scientific Research
- 230165 VO Technology and Society: Introduction to Social Studies of Science
- 230166 KO Technology and Society
- 230167 SE Institutions, Disciplines, Careers: Changing Knowledge Cultures
- 230170 UK The construction of scientific facts - A social science excursion into the natural sciences
- 230172 UK Risk and Society: How society deals with techno-scientific uncertainties
- 230173 SE [ en ] Cyberscience: The internet in the scientific field
- 230174 SE Networks and cooperations: on working together in science
- 230175 SE [ en ] Biomedicine and society: a perspective from the social sciences
Additional Free Elective Courses
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35