4. Molecular Biology
4.1. ABCM (1) Biochemistry
- 270071 SE Working techniques in protein biochemistry
- 270109 UE Laboratory Course C + Advanced Laboratory Course in Biochemistry - Proteinbiochemistry
- 270267 VO Proteintransport and organelle biogenesis - Proteintransport and organelle biogenesis
- 300051 PS Dynamic Biochemistry - for Students of the Masterprogramm Molecular Biology
- 300380 SE Reading and Discussing Publications in Biochemistry
- 300382 VO Molecular biology of Plant IV - Plant-Pathogen Interaction
- 300421 VO Molecular biology of Plant IV - biochemistry of plant
- 300481 UE Advanced Laboratory Course in Biochemisrty
- 300507 VO [ en ] Structure and Function of Proteins
- 300579 UE Practical Course in functional genomic of plants - formerly practical course in gen- and biotechnology
- 300592 SE Research-proposal Submission and Assessment
- 300640 SE Seminar practical Course in functional genomic of plants - formerly SE in gen- and biotechnology
- 300851 UE Advanced Biochemical Techniques
- 300852 UE Electiv Laboratory Course Advanced Biochemistry
- 300853 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Structural Biology A - Basics
- 300854 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Structural Biology B - Advanced Practical Course
- 300855 UE [ en ] Electiv Laboratory Course Structural Biology
- 300861 UE [ en ] Advanced Topics in Plant Biology and Physiology
4.2. ABCM (2) Molecular Structural Biology
- 270109 UE Laboratory Course C + Advanced Laboratory Course in Biochemistry - Proteinbiochemistry
- 300051 PS Dynamic Biochemistry - for Students of the Masterprogramm Molecular Biology
- 300326 UE Spectroscopic methods in Biology - Practical Aplication
- 300445 SE [ en ] Modern Concepts in Structural Biology
- 300449 VO [ en ] Advanced Macromolecular Crystallography
- 300461 VO Biomolecular NMR-Spectroskopy
- 300507 VO [ en ] Structure and Function of Proteins
- 300595 VO+UE Mathematics for Experimental Structural Biology
- 300851 UE Advanced Biochemical Techniques
- 300852 UE Electiv Laboratory Course Advanced Biochemistry
- 300853 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Structural Biology A - Basics
- 300854 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Structural Biology B - Advanced Practical Course
- 300855 UE [ en ] Electiv Laboratory Course Structural Biology
4.3. ABCM (3) Molecular Cell Biology
- 300051 PS Dynamic Biochemistry - for Students of the Masterprogramm Molecular Biology
- 300270 SE Cell Biology Today - Current Topics, Methodology, and Project Design
- 300342 SE Cellbiological Approaches using Model Cell Culture Systems
- 300417 VO Methods in Cell Biology
- 300591 VO+SE [ en ] Advanced Cell Biology - Lecture Series
- 300856 UE Advanced Cell Biology Techniques
- 300857 UE Elective Laboratory Course Cell Biology
4.4. ABCM (4) Molecular Medicine
- 300341 VO Quality control of Protein Folding - Quality control Mechanisms and Pathologies of Protein Folding (Elective Course in Molecular Medicine)
- 300417 VO Methods in Cell Biology
- 300442 VO Molecular Medicine 1 - Monogenetic Diseases
- 300452 VO Epigenetics - Phenomena and mechanisms
- 300480 VO Therapy of HIV Infection / AIDS
- 300575 VO Specific Aspects of Hormones in Women - Lipoproteins and Fertilization
- 300589 SE Literature seminar in Molecular Medicine
- 300858 UE Elective Laboratory Course (Molecular Medicine) - Part 1
- 300859 UE Elective Laboratory Course (Molecular Medicine) - Part 2
4.5. ABCM (5) Neurosciences
- 300252 VO [ en ] Cell type-specific features of the CNS
- 300267 VO [ en ] Biochemical basis of psychiatric and neurologic diseases
- 300282 VO [ en ] Immunology of diseases of the nervous system - Basic immunology of inflammatory diseases
- 300368 VO [ en ] Basics of Neuroscience
- 300587 SE [ en ] Literature Seminar in the field of Neurosciences
- 300860 UE Elective Laboratory Course Advanced Neurosciences - 2
4.6. Block of Elective Modules: Molecular Biology
- 300558 UE Exercises for Biomolecular Simulation
- 300577 VO Biomolecular Simulation Techniques
- 300588 VO Special Topics in Bioinformatics
- 300689 UE Bioinformatics-Practicum II
- 300850 UE Advanced Course in Compulsory Subject Molecular Biology
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35