Electives and Free Electives
Gemäß Studienplan benötigen Sie 4 Semesterstunden Wahlfächer und 17 Semesterstunden freie Wahlfächer (bitte beachten Sie den Prüfungspasscode).
- 010034 SE Feminist Ethics
- 010040 VO The Image of God and Iconoclasm in Christianity
- 010043 EX Austrian Monasteries in the Middle Ages
- 010052 SE Basics of Medicine Ethics and Bioethics
- 010053 VO Religious concepts and ideas of (wo)man
- 010056 VO [ en ] Contemporary Approaches to Religion in Sociology and Cultural Analysis - Secularisation Theory Re-Examined
- 010067 UE Introduction to theological terminology
- 010068 SE Introduction to the Basics of Women Studies and Gender Studies
- 010074 SE Austrian monasteries in the Middle Ages
- 010075 SE Hegel's Phänomenology of the Spirit
- 010080 SE Religion and Modernity: Between Fundamentalism and Secular Religion
- 010081 VO [ en ] Religions in Slovakia
- 010096 UE Writing Lab
- 010133 PV Exclusive tutorial - for doctoral students
- 010137 KO Conversatorium to lecture
- 010280 SE The question of god and ethics
- 010330 VO Church history of Austria I - Church history of Austria I: From the beginnings of Christianity to the High Middle Ages.
- 010368 SE Ritual analysis
- 020046 UE Personal Growth and Self-Experience I - for theologians
- 300073 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology
- 010054 VO Introduction to Buddhism
- 010065 VO Theories of Mythology
- 010079 SE [ en ] Mulitcultural and multi-reigious education
- 010114 PV Private Class for Selected Students
- 010322 PV Exclusive tutorial (for graduands, doctoral students) - für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen
- 010326 PV Privatissimum - für Habilitanden, Doktoranden und Diplomanden
- 010308 PV The "perpetrator from conviction" in Canon Law
- 010009 PV Research Seminar - for advanced and postgraduate students
- 010016 PV Privatissimum - for Graduates and Post-graduate Students
- 010010 VO Penal sanctions in the Church
- 010025 PV Exclusive tutorial - for doctoral students and candidates for habilitation
- 010041 PV Exclusive tutorial - for students who are about to take their diploma
- 010059 PV Exclusive tutorial I - for graduands
- 010083 PV Exclusive tutorial II - for postgraduates
- 010212 PV Privatissimum
- 010277 PV Research Seminar
- 010049 PV Privatissimum - Aktuelle Fragen der Fundamentalmoral
- 010050 PV Current Topics of Applied Ethics - Aktuelle Themen der speziellen Moraltheologie
- 010088 PV Privatissimum
- 010082 VO Fundamentals of psychoanalysis for students of theology - Under particular consideration of ethical aspects
- 010084 SE [ en ] Socio-Cultural Profiles of Eastern (Central) Europe - Survey Aufbruch 2007
- 010090 PV Private Class for Selected Students
- 010091 PV Privatissimum - for Diplomands and Doctorands
- 010144 UE Methods of Qualitative Research - in a theological context
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 00:50