Universität Wien

24.01. Social and Cultural Anthropology

Allgemeine Hinweise:

Aktuelle Infos zu Lehrveranstaltungen (z.B. Absagen, Änderungen, Prüfungstermine etc.) und Öffnungszeiten finden Sie auf unserer Homepage http://www.univie.ac.at/ksa/ oder als Aushang am Institut.

Detaillierte Informationen zu den einzelnen Lehrveranstaltungen:
- Termine und Ort aller Lehrveranstaltungen
- Lehrziel, Lehrinhalte sowie angewandte Methoden
- Beurteilungskriterien, Leistungsnachweis und Prüfungsmodalitäten entnehmen Sie bitte dem kommentierten Vorlesungsverzeichnis (KOVO):
Bachelorstudium: http://www.univie.ac.at/IKSA/KOVOBachelorWS2008.php
Diplomstudium/Doktoratsstudium: http://www.univie.ac.at/IKSA/KOVODiplomWS2008.php

Anmeldepflichtige Lehrveranstaltungen:
Die Anmeldung erfolgt ausnahmslos online. Anmeldefrist 25. Juni, 13 Uhr bis 24. September, 13 Uhr unter https://www.univie.ac.at/IKSA/Anmeldung_Startseite.php.
Informationen zur Anmeldung und eine LV-Übersicht finden Sie auf http://www.univie.ac.at/ksa/html/inh/stud/studterm.htm.

Das Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie nimmt an den EU-weiten ERASMUS / SOKRATES Programmen teil.
Die Studienprogrammleitung empfiehlt besonders den Studierenden des II. Studienabschnittes den Besuch der Lehrveranstaltungen aus dem SOKRATES-Programm.
Genauere Informationen entnehmen Sie den Ankündigungen am Institut - v.a. vor dem Zimmer von Prof. Fillitz (Raum B420) - und der Homepage.

240029 VS Human ressource management in global organizations - theory and practice in context with intercultural challenges
240031 VS Going business - practising anthropology in organization development and human resource development
240034 VS VS Museum and Educational Work - Scientific research on ehtnografical collections using cases found in the archive of the Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology in Vienna
240042 VO Artificial reproduction techniques - timely discussions concerning the artificial creation of life
240096 VS [en] Ritualization of lifecourse - illness identity and the sick role
240037 VS VS Visual Anthropology - history, theory, analysis
240043 VS Human rights and rights of indigenous peoples - in the context of political and economic power relations
240033 VS Shamanic cosmologies and ritual healing - etic and emic research-approaches in anthropology of religion
240047 VO Anthropology of new media - communication and representation in the context of new information and communication technologies
240048 VS Media analysis
240057 SE CREOLE: Methods-P1 MSE - the exotic in Vienna 19th century
240059 SE Jump to the field - a practical introduction to fieldwork
240062 PR Fieldwork in the archives - the exotic in Vienna in 19th century
240064 VO P2 Theories - from cognition to performance
240067 SE Everyday life and counter reality - Sklavengemeinschaften in Afrika und Amerika
240070 VO Ethnography of contemporary european agriculture - gendered perspectives
240074 SE Women in the economy - beyond the social impact of women's economic activities in latin america and the caribbean
240113 SE [en] The Anthropology of Refugee Law - & practical hinduism in contemporary south asia
240075 SE Object biographies - Contexts of collecting in africa in the 19th century
240081 SE Power of spaces - spaces of power - about the relations between space, power and gender
240082 SE Femininity, monstrosity and human race - Anthropology and the construction of gender and race
240084 SE Media and social anthropology's perspectives on comic, bande dessinée and manga - Comic, Bande Dessinée und Bildgeschichten aus Sozialanthropologischer Perspektive
240113 SE [en] The Anthropology of Refugee Law - & practical hinduism in contemporary south asia
240114 SE Visual Culture
240116 SE [en] Texts in Anthropology - ethnography of and trough texts
240090 SE+UE Visual anthropology
240088 AL Anthro lab
240089 AL Anthro lab
240091 AL Anthro lab
240092 AL Anthro lab
240093 AL Anthro lab
240057 SE CREOLE: Methods-P1 MSE - the exotic in Vienna 19th century
240059 SE Jump to the field - a practical introduction to fieldwork
240062 PR Fieldwork in the archives - the exotic in Vienna in 19th century
240033 VS Shamanic cosmologies and ritual healing - etic and emic research-approaches in anthropology of religion
240043 VS Human rights and rights of indigenous peoples - in the context of political and economic power relations
240047 VO Anthropology of new media - communication and representation in the context of new information and communication technologies
240048 VS Media analysis
240064 VO P2 Theories - from cognition to performance
240067 SE Everyday life and counter reality - Sklavengemeinschaften in Afrika und Amerika
240070 VO Ethnography of contemporary european agriculture - gendered perspectives
240074 SE Women in the economy - beyond the social impact of women's economic activities in latin america and the caribbean
240075 SE Object biographies - Contexts of collecting in africa in the 19th century
240081 SE Power of spaces - spaces of power - about the relations between space, power and gender
240082 SE Femininity, monstrosity and human race - Anthropology and the construction of gender and race
240084 SE Media and social anthropology's perspectives on comic, bande dessinée and manga - Comic, Bande Dessinée und Bildgeschichten aus Sozialanthropologischer Perspektive
240088 AL Anthro lab
240089 AL Anthro lab
240090 SE+UE Visual anthropology
240091 AL Anthro lab
240092 AL Anthro lab
240093 AL Anthro lab
240113 SE [en] The Anthropology of Refugee Law - & practical hinduism in contemporary south asia
240114 SE Visual Culture
240116 SE [en] Texts in Anthropology - ethnography of and trough texts
240029 VS Human ressource management in global organizations - theory and practice in context with intercultural challenges
240031 VS Going business - practising anthropology in organization development and human resource development
240034 VS VS Museum and Educational Work - Scientific research on ehtnografical collections using cases found in the archive of the Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology in Vienna
240037 VS VS Visual Anthropology - history, theory, analysis
240042 VO Artificial reproduction techniques - timely discussions concerning the artificial creation of life
240096 VS [en] Ritualization of lifecourse - illness identity and the sick role

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35