7.7. Block of Elective Modules: Ecology
- 300053 VO Habitatmapping - Habitatmapping
- 300117 UE Ex: Application of Geographical Informat. Systems, Geo-statistics & Spatial Analysis in Bio-Sciences
- 300131 SE [ de en ] Seminar in hydrobotany - New publications and topics on aquatic macrophytes
- 300133 VO Comparative anatomy of aquat. and terrestr. plants
- 300162 UE Field course Hydrology and Running Water Ecology
- 300193 SE+UE Preparation and evaluation of multifactorial experiments in Ecology
- 300205 VO Introduction to the chemistry of natural waters
- 300216 VO Identification course for aquatic invertebrates - Course
- 300219 SE Multivariate statistics in aquatic ecology
- 300247 SE [ en ] Bioinformatics for metagenomics and metatranscriptomics
- 300259 VO+UE Selected GIS-problems and solutions for biologists - Course
- 300262 VO+SE Sustainable Development and political ecology
- 300264 VO Soil Ecology (interdisciplinary lecture)
- 300280 SE [ en ] Recent literature in Marine Ecology and Oceanography
- 300290 UE Course in vegetation Ecology: Data interpretation and analysis
- 300291 VO Ecology and management of meadows and pastures
- 300315 SE [ en ] Selected chapters of microbial ecology - für Diplomanden und Dissertanten
- 300359 SE+UE [ de en ] Stable Isotopes in Ecology - Stable Isotope Tracing
- 300369 SE Proteomics: Theory and Applications in Microbial Ecology
- 300390 SE Methods in photobiology
- 300434 VO+SE Seminar fish ecology - Lecture Ecology of Fishes (species diversity; fish assemblages; food and feeding; bionergetics; growth; reproduction, biotic interactions; populationsdynamics; habitat selection).
- 300445 UE Analysis of ecological data
- 300446 SE [ en ] Advances in Marine Biology, Part 1 - Seminars for MS and PhD students in Dept. Marine Biology
- 300463 VO Introduction to Applied Limnology - Eutrophierung, Versauerung, Verunreinigung
- 300505 UE Species determination and biology of nativ fishes
- 300506 VO Ecological effects of climate change
- 300519 SE Dietary pathways in aquatic foodwebs
- 300521 UE Introduction to groundwater ecology
- 300552 VO Physiology and Ecology of Cyanobacteria
- 300607 UE [ de en ] Molecular and chemical methods in ecology
- 300625 VO Landscape history
- 300657 UE Exercise to the lecture Identification course for aquatic invertebrates - Course
- 300668 VO Mountain ecology
Last modified: Th 27.01.2022 01:39